Besano is a town and comune located in the province of Varese, in the Lombardy region of northern Italy. Continue reading... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
7. Lake OrtaOrta San Giulio Lake Orta is a lake in northern Italy, west of Lake Maggiore. It has been so named since the 16th century, but was previously called the Lago di San Giulio, after Saint Julius , the patron saint of the region. Its southern end is about 35 kilometres by rail, to the northwest of Novara on the main Turin-Milan line, while its north end is about 6 kilometres by rail south of the Gravellona-Toce railway station, halfway between Ornavasso and Omegna. Its scenery is characteristically Italian, while the San Giulio island has some very picturesque buildings, and takes its name from the local saint, who lived in the 4th century. Located around the lake are Orta San Giulio, built on a peninsula projecting from the east shore of the lake, Omegna at its northern extremity, Pettenasco to the east, and... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Fulcro della regione storico-geografica della Venezia Giulia, Trieste, fa da ponte oggi come in passato tra Europa continentale e mediterranea.Un grande fascino che scaturisce da una storia antica. In queste terre abitate sin dal II millennio a.C si insediarono Veneti e Romani e l'antica Tergeste consolidò la propria fama sino a divenire uno dei più importanti porti dell'Adriatico come certificato dai resti archeologici rinvenuti sul Colle di San Giusto.
Prato - Piccola Grande Italia
Attraversata dal fiume Bisènzio, splendido habitat naturale di affascinanti specie faunistiche, Prato, da sempre conosciuta per la produzione dei suoi variopinti e ricamati tessuti, è anche una città ricca di tesori storici, artistici e architettonici.
Italy 2017 - Perugia (Umbria)
Monte San Giorgio - UNESCO World Heritage Site
Our visit to the UNESCO World Heritage archaeological museum at Monte San Giorgio in northern Italy. This is a famous fossil-rich environment, where many different species have been found, such as plants, lizards, fish, and invertebrates. Unfortunately we weren't able to get to the actual mountain due to remoteness and rain, but the museum was excellent and well worth the visit!
For more UNESCO World Heritage sites in Italy:
Other UNESCO World Heritage archaeology sites: Archaeological Site of Atapuerca: Paleolithic Rock Art of the Coâ Valley:
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Pennadomo - Piccola Grande Italia
Nella media Valle del Sangro, tra rocce che da secoli si stagliano fiere nel cielo azzurro, uno splendido presepe fa capolino. È il borgo di Pennadòmo, inerpicato in un paesaggio naturale dalla singolare e selvaggia bellezza.