Randonnées au Pays de Bitche (Moselle Attractivité)
Membre du réseau européen de destination touristique de randonnée, « Best of
Wandern », le Parc naturel régional des Vosges du Nord est un territoire aux possibilités infinies de randonner. « Empruntez, randonnez au Pays de Bitche » vous propose des randonnées libres ou accompagnées et des sorties nature pour découvrir les richesses naturelles, historiques, architecturales et culturelles de ce territoire singulier classé réserve mondiale de la biosphère par l'UNESCO. Et pour profiter pleinement de vos aventures, nul besoin d'être équipé « Empruntez, randonnez au Pays de Bitche » vous propose durant l'année 2013, un service unique en France de mise à disposition gratuite de matériel haut de gamme : chaussures de marche, vestes, sacs à dos, jumelles, gps, bâtons de marche... Ici tout est fait pour faciliter votre visite.
Horaires d'ouverture et tarifs sur le site
Bourdelle's Atelier (Montparnasse)
Videos and photos are permitted in all areas of this museum, except for the temporary shows, sometimes. This clip was authorized by staff.
This is a large free museum run by the Ville de Paris in the Montparnasse area of the city. There was a temporary show running which charged a modest fee, and visitors were asked not to photograph it -- but everyplace else, you could photograph or video. This is at 18, rue Antoine-Bourdelle 75 015 Paris, métros MONTPARNASSE-BIENVENUE or FALGUIERE. Many city buses stop here or right nearby: 28, 48, 58, 88, 89, 91, 92, 94, 95 and 96. This is fairly near the Montparnasse Tower.
The permanent collections include many halls and galleries, this atelier, the artist's apartment, a front garden with monumental sculptures, an inner courtyard with sculptures (many of them huge), and more. Emile-Antoine Bourdelle was a 19th-20th c. sculptor, poet, painter, he had a studio with students, and he wrote, also. He collected artwork and other things, and you can see some great objects, furnishings and fixtures in a workspace and in his apartment on the premises here.
A contemporary of Rodin, he studied with Falguière. His works, many in the form of monuments, can be found around the world. Any lover of sculpture will not want to miss this place, especially because it's in such a charming area with so many different attractions, and also, it's open every Tuesday through Sunday from 10 am until 6 pm, with only some holiday closings.
This old stone workshop smelled good, and was very cold. Apparently, he collected the old stoves you see here because they were very useful as well as of clever design. The wooden furnishings and fragments show us some of what he admired and valued. This was a melancholy man, I perceived, very aware of the loss caused by death. Perhaps sculptures held a special sense of something more permanent for him.
copyright 2013 Lisa B. Falour, B.S., M.B.A.
Dailymotion: LisaFalour