Aarau Switzerland - Birthplace of Frey Chocolate & The Habsburg Empire | 90+ Countries With 3 Kids
Aarau, the capital of the Canton of Aargau, is located on the River Aare to which the town and canton owe their name.
Aarau is located by the southern foot of the Jura foothills in the centre of the big city triangle of Zurich, Basel and Lucerne. The central location was recognised early on which is why Aarau for a brief few months in 1798 was Switzerland's first capital and home to Switzerland's first Houses of Parliament.
The charming old town boasts the most beautiful eaves, the so-called «Dachhimmel» which predominantly date from the 16th century when the town underwent considerable extension, are a special feature of the old town of Aarau. It's for this reason that Aarau is regarded as the town of beautiful gables.
Aarau continues to display an appreciation of art: the Aargau Art Museum featuring an extension designed by the famous architects Herzog & de Meuron offers architecture and art exhibitions setting high standards. The «Naturama», Aargau nature museum, is not your run-of-the-mill museum: animals, plants, exciting video films highlight the interaction and areas of conflict between nature and man in Aargau.
The Roggenhausen Wildlife Park has wild animals in their natural habitat as well as a Nature Trail. Cycling and walking trails alongside the River Aare and the Jura slopes provide the perfect opportunity for some pleasant physical exercise. But to see the people of Aargau really enjoying themselves you need to come to one of the local and historic traditional events, such as the «Maienzug» in July, the «Bachfischet» or «Rüeblimärt».
The Canton of Aargau boasts a great many castles, including some of Switzerland's most impressive such as the Lenzburg, the Hallwyl Water Castle and the Habsburg Castle - main residence of the famous dynasty from the the 10th century onwards. And Brugg, Baden and Zurich are a very short journey away. The Vindonissa Museum offers an opportunity to discover traces of the Romans and Windish is home to the biggest and best-preserved amphitheatre in Switzerland. And there are also a lot of historic towns, such as Bremgarten, Zofingen and others, to visit in the Canton of Aargau.
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Aargau Tourist Attractions: 15 Top Places to Visit
Planning to visit Aargau? Check out our Aargau Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Aargau.
Top Places to visit in Aargau:
Schloss Lenzburg, Museum Aargau - Wildegg Castle, Hallwyl Castle, Stein Castle, Swiss Children's Museum, Museum Langmatt, Stapferhaus Lenzburg, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Wildpark Roggenhausen, Inseli, Bruno Weber Skulpturenpark, Brauerei Feldschlosschen, Naturama Aargau, Schloss Habsburg, Muri Abbey
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New World attraction in Switzerland - First Cliff Walk by Grindelwald
New World attraction in Switzerland - First Cliff Walk by Grindelwald. - Eiger, Mönch, Jungfrau - Berner Oberland.
Sind Sie schwindelfrei? Überzeugen Sie sich jetzt selbst. Die neue Gipfel-Attraktion «First Cliff Walks by Tissot» auf Grindelwald-First ist ab sofort begehbar.
Der Gipfelrundweg besteht aus einer rund 40 Meter langen Ein-Seil-Hängebrücke, einer Aufstiegsschnecke und einem 45 Meter langen Aussichtssteg. Der Rundweg führt auf der Westseite des First-Gipfels und des Berghauses in schwindelerregender Höhe der steilabfallenden Felswand entlang zurück auf die Sonnenterrasse des Berggasthauses First.
Geniessen Sie gefahrenlos den Ausblick auf die Alpweiden, die Gewässer, den Wasserfall und erleben Sie die imposante Bergwelt mit ihren bis zu über 4'000 Meter hohen Gipfeln.
Grindelwald First Fun & Action
Grindelwald-First makes the hearts of many adventurers beat faster. First Flyer, Mountain Cart and Trottibike scooter provide the adrenaline rush and the need for speed. If that's not enough, then there's the First Cliff Walk by Tissot. The summit trail consists of an approximately 40-metre long one-rope suspension bridge, climbing stairs and a 45-metre long observation platform.
Grindelwald-First is also the starting point for many hiking trails. On a tour to Bachalpsee , for example, you can enjoy the idyllic Swiss Alps. The snow-covered peaks of the Alps are reflected in the crystal clear blue water.
Discover Grindelwald-First offers and adventures now.
格林德瓦 - 菲斯特为热爱探险的游客缔造精彩刺激的探险之旅。 菲斯特飞渡椅, 山地卡丁车 以及 滑板自行车 提供无与伦比的惊险体验,让您感受风驰电掣一般的极限速度。 如果您还觉得意犹未尽,欢迎体验 天梭菲斯特悬崖步道 (First Cliff Walk by Tissot)。 山顶步道包括一条约 40 米长的绳索吊桥、爬梯和 45 米长的观景台。
格林德瓦 - 菲斯特也是许多 远足步道的起点。 例如,您可以从此出发前往巴克普,尽情欣赏瑞士阿尔卑斯山村地区唯美的田园风光。 白雪皑皑的阿尔卑斯山峰倒映在晶莹的湖水之中,更衬得湖水清澈而又湛蓝。
立即探索体验格林德瓦 - 菲斯特的缤纷活动与精彩探险之旅。
Grindelwald First - Divertissement & Action
Grindelwald-First fait battre plus fort le cœur des aventuriers. Le First Flyer,, le Mountain Cart et le scooter Trottibike offrent un véritable rush d'adrénaline et satisfont les mordus de vitesse. Et si ce n'est pas suffisant, vous pouvez tester le Parcours le long des falaises du First, réalisé par Tissot. Ce parcours est composé d'un pont suspendu à corde d'environ 40 mètres de long, des escaliers et une plateforme d'observation mesurant 45 mètres de long.
Grindelwald-First représente également le point de départ de nombreux sentiers de randonnée.. Vous pouvez par exemple profiter des merveilleuses Alpes suisses lorsque vous vous promenez dans le coin du lac de Bachalp . Les sommets enneigés des Alpes se reflètent dans l'eau d'un bleu cristallin.
Découvrez les offres et les aventures qui vous attendent à Grindelwald-First dès maintenant.
Grindelwald First - Acción y diversión
Grindelwald-First hace latir con fuerza el corazón de muchos aventureros. First Flyer, Carrito de montaña y Moto Trottibike para quienes buscan el subidón de adrenalina y la velocidad. Pero si eso no bastara, también está el First Cliff Walk by Tissot. La ruta en la cumbre consiste en atravesar un puente colgante de una sola cuerda y aproximadamente 40 metros de longitud, escalar unas escaleras y disfrutar de una plataforma de observación de 45 metros de largo.
Grindelwald-First es también el punto de partida de muchas rutas de senderismo. En un viaje a Bachalpsee , por ejemplo, podrá disfrutar de los idílicos Alpes Suizos. Los picos nevados de los Alpes se reflejan en el agua cristalina.
Descubra ya ofertas y aventuras en Grindelwald-First.
New summit attraction offers pure thrills.
Musik: Verschiedene Künstler/Diverse Interpreten.
Film/Foto: © Tino Hug 2016.
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Verwendung des Inhalt/Content nur nach schriftlicher Genehmigung durch Tino Hug!
Kategorie: Unterhaltung/Action
YouTube: Partner
Thanks for watching.
More movie on YouTube @ Tino Hug
© Copyright: Film, Fotos
Tino Hug, CH-5620 Bremgarten, Switzerland
Hi guys! This is a little travel video about town Aarau in Swiss so i hope you will like it! My apologies for wind noise it was windy today:(
Sightseeing in Brugg in SWITZERLAND
Mit freier Musik von frametraxx.de machen wir einen Rundgang durch Brugg in der Schweiz. We do sightseeing in the city of Brugg in Switzerland.
A virtual trip through Zurich from the main railway station to the Kunsthaus (Art Museum).
Along the charming lanes in the Niederdorf old town quarter and through the new Zurich West area. Down the famous Bahnhofstrasse with its chic shopping, passing Paradeplatz -- synonymous for Swiss banking -- and on to well-known places of interest such as the Fraumünster Abbey and the photogenic Grossmünster Protestant church. Then along the River Limmat promenade with its many quays, jetties and bridges.
Lake Geneva (Lac Léman) Switzerland
☘ Женевско или Леманско језеро (франц. Lac Léman или Lac de Genève; нем. Genfersee) је највеће језеро у Швајцарској. Оно је после Балатонског језера које се налази у Мађарској, највеће језеро у средњој Европи. Његова површина износи 582 km² (од чега 348 km² припадају Швајцарској, а 234 km² Француској).
☘ Његова максимална дубина износи 310 m. На крају језера код Женеве, почиње река Рона која се улива у Средоземно море.
☘ Кантони Швајцарске које се граниче са језером су кантон Женева, Во и кантон Вале. Два велика града Швајцарске леже на обали Женевског језера, Женева и Лозана.
Kaltenherberge Roggwil Wynau Murgenthal Rothrist Aarburg Schweiz Switzerland 6.4.2015
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.
4K Wildegg Castle, Aargau SWITZERLAND 城
Schloss Wildegg is a castle in the municipality of Möriken-Wildegg in the Swiss canton of Aargau. The plant is located about eighty meters above the village Wildegg at the end of a rocky foothills of the Chestenberg, above the river Aare.
The large residential castle with farmyard, aviary, park, gardens and forest has essentially been preserved and is today a cultural landscape of national importance. The living and working areas of the castle are originally furnished. They show the upscale culture and the exquisite taste of the Effinger family, owners from 1483 to 1912. Visitors will find furniture and paintings, stoves and painted wallpaper, clocks and lamps, porcelain dishes and weapons from different eras, always the finest of the finest.
The baroque garden is located on a terrace in the middle of the vineyard and accommodates up to 300 old crops.
In the rose garden bloom historical as well as numerous sorts of most different Edelrosen. It is an oasis of calm.
All pictures, sounds, music by: © shiso2012 思想会社 Shiso Productions
Grüsse aus Baden (Schweiz) - Greetings from Baden (Switzerland)-Saluti da Baden (Svizzera)-Photos
Grüsse aus Baden
Greetings from Baden
Saluti da Baden