German wedding traditions you'll want to adopt | DW English
: When it comes to weddings in Germany, broken porcelain is a good thing - and brides should beware of kidnappers. On Meet the Germans, Kate Müser shares the German wedding traditions that surprised her the most.
Every other week, DW's Kate Müser explores the quirks of everyday life and language in Germany. Originally from the United States, Müser has lived in Germany for over 13 years. Follow Meet the Germans on YouTube or at
“The Future in Our Hands” - Clip #7: Visit of Mayor Willi Kredel
“The Future in Our Hands” was the main theme of AYUDH's 4th EU Youth Initiative, taking place from 22. - 27. July 2008 at M.A. Center Germany in Brombachtal.
The six-day long exchange aimed at bridging the gap of culture, social background, language and creed and at highlighting and practicing universal values which are necessary to create a peaceful and just future, not only for the individual, but also for society as a whole.
The daily talks and interactive reflections focused on topics like Creating a Peaceful Future, Leadership Qualities in Youth, Ecology and Spirituality and Globalization and Fair Trade.
Workshops in Ecology, Social Care, Personal Development, Artwork, Filmmaking, Dance, Hip Hop, Singing and Acrobatics were offered. Simple spiritual practices like Yoga, Tai Chi and Meditation helped the young people to reflect and integrate the impressions of the exchange.
A great sense of togethernes as one European Family was created amongst the participants, who wholeheartedly participated in all of the activities and enjoyed every minute of their stay.
The project was supported by the 'Youth in Action' Programme of the European Commission.
Copyright 2008, AYUDH Europe
“The Future in Our Hands” - Clip #5: Workshops & Performances (2008)
'The Future in Our Hands' was the main theme of AYUDH's 4th EU Youth Initiative, taking place from 22. - 27. July 2008 at M.A. Center Germany in Brombachtal.
The six-day long exchange aimed at bridging the gap of culture, social background, language and creed and at highlighting and practicing universal values which are necessary to create a peaceful and just future, not only for the individual, but also for society as a whole.
The daily talks and interactive reflections focused on topics like Creating a Peaceful Future, Leadership Qualities in Youth, Ecology and Spirituality and Globalization and Fair Trade.
Workshops in Ecology, Social Care, Personal Development, Artwork, Filmmaking, Dance, Hip Hop, Singing and Acrobatics were offered. Simple spiritual practices like Yoga, Tai Chi and Meditation helped the young people to reflect and integrate the impressions of the exchange.
A great sense of togethernes as one European Family was created amongst the participants, who wholeheartedly participated in all of the activities and enjoyed every minute of their stay.
The project was supported by the 'Youth in Action' Programme of the European Commission.
Copyright 2008, AYUDH Europe
“The Future in Our Hands” - Clip #6: Nature Excursion (2008)
“The Future in Our Hands” was the main theme of AYUDH's 4th EU Youth Initiative, taking place from 22. - 27. July 2008 at M.A. Center Germany in Brombachtal.
The six-day long exchange aimed at bridging the gap of culture, social background, language and creed and at highlighting and practicing universal values which are necessary to create a peaceful and just future, not only for the individual, but also for society as a whole.
The daily talks and interactive reflections focused on topics like Creating a Peaceful Future, Leadership Qualities in Youth, Ecology and Spirituality and Globalization and Fair Trade.
Workshops in Ecology, Social Care, Personal Development, Artwork, Filmmaking, Dance, Hip Hop, Singing and Acrobatics were offered. Simple spiritual practices like Yoga, Tai Chi and Meditation helped the young people to reflect and integrate the impressions of the exchange.
A great sense of togethernes as one European Family was created amongst the participants, who wholeheartedly participated in all of the activities and enjoyed every minute of their stay.
The project was supported by the 'Youth in Action' Programme of the European Commission.
Copyright 2008, AYUDH Europe
Hallstatt, Österreich
Dieses Dorf liegt zwischen schönem See und üppiger Berglandschaft. Hallstatt ist ein märchenhafter Ort mit romantischer Atmosphäre und UNESCO Weltkulturerbe noch daz
Bled, Slowenien
Bled ist ein Kurort in herrlicher Lage am Fuße der Julischen Alpen. Der See und das Schloss geben ihm einen idyllischen Rahmen.
Reine, Norwegen
Nördlich des Polarkreises gelegen, ist dieses schöne Fischerdorf der Lofoten ein herrlicher Ort zwischen Fjorden und Bergen. Die roten Fischerhütten (Rorbuer genannt) wurden in komfortable Unterkünfte für Besucher umgebaut und bietet direkten Zugang zum Nordmeer. Ein idealer Ort, um die Mitternachtssonne im Sommer und die Nordlichter im Winter zu genießen.
Manarola, Italien
Das kleinste Dorf der Region Cinque Terre in Italien, ist ein buntes Paradies mit einem atemberaubenden Blick! Manarola ist berühmt für seinen Wein, den Sciacchetrà, und jahrhundertealte Handwerkskunst.
Folegandros, Griechenland
Folegandros, eine Nachbarinsel Santorinis in den Kykladen, hat eine ähnliche Architektur mit gepflasterten Schiefer und weiß getünchten Gebäuden mit bunten Blumen. Aber alles ohne die Touristenmassen von Santorini! Hier kann man sich an ruhigen und abgelegenen Stränden erholen und Lagunen entdecken.
Popeye Village, Malta
Wenn wir an Popeye denken, ist das erste, was uns einfällt, der Spinat essende Matrose. Für alle Nostalgiker und Freunde des berühmten Cartoons ist dieses Dorf genau das richtige. Von den Walt Disney Studios und Paramount Pictures 1980 auf der Insel Malta erbaut, bietet dieses Hafendorf mit 19 bunten Holzhäuser die Möglichkeit auf Popeyes Spuren zu wandeln.
Rothenburg Ob Der Tauber, Deutschland
Rothenburg ob der Tauber ist kein völlig unbekannter Ort: Eine Stadt inspirierte die Walt Disney Studios für die Kulisse von Pinocchio. Rothenburg ob der Tauber hat viele historische Bauten und Plätze wie die Burg, den Marktplatz und die Stadtmauer.
Bibury, England
Grüne Wiesen, alte Häuser und Täler von außergewöhnlicher Schönheit… Das Dorf Bibury ist ein verborgener Schatz der Cotswolds. Der Fluss Coln, der durch das Dorf fliest, hat mit seinen Forellen Akzente in der lokale Küche gesetzt.
Telc, Tschechische Republik
Schon früher waren die Bewohner von Telc, der kleinen Stadt in Südmähren, sehr stolz auf die Schönheit ihrer Häuser, wie man bis heute auf dem Hauptplatz des Ortes sehen kann. Die barocken Fassaden sind in hellen Pastelltönen gestrichen. Eine große Burg im Stil der Renaissance trägt außerdem zum charmanten Bild des Dorfes bei.
Colmar, Frankreich
Von Zerstörungen im Zweiten Weltkrieg verschont, ist Colmar eine schönes kleines Dorf, das für seine französisch-deutsche Architektur von Gotik bis Neo-Barock berühmt ist.
Toto video jsem vytvořil(a) pomocí Nástroje na vytváření prezentací YouTube (
AYUDH - One World.One Home (ft. The Ultras, Vidya Vox, Rohan Kymal, Spinache, Sashvat, Temba, Felix)
AYUDH’s 12th annual European Youth Summit “One World. One Home” took place from 16th-24th of July at the M.A. Center in Brombachtal near Frankfurt, Germany. Playing host to 300 young people from over 30 countries, the summit provided a unique platform for personal development, intercultural dialogue and creative expression. Each day was dedicated to a different aspect of home: diversity, inclusion, connection, equality, self-transformation, sustainability, peace and a shared vision.
Thanks to all of these artists from around the world for this soulful collaboration.
Production: The Ultras
Music: The Ultras
Melody: Andreas Hirsch and David Cervera
Lyrics: Rohan Kymal and Tara Fox
Vocals :
Vidya Vox
Rohan Kymal
English: Temba Spirits
German: Felix Elmendorff
English: Sashvat Stiefel
Polish: Spinache
Hebrew: The Ultras
AYUDH’s 12th European Youth Summit was carried out by M.A. Center Germany - Seminarzentrum Hof Herrenberg e.V., which was supported by the Council of Europe's European Youth Foundation, SAP and Kloster Eberbach Foundation. The summit was carried out in partnership with the United Nations Inter-Agency-Network on Youth Development, the No Hate Speech Movement, the Lebenshilfe e.V. Offenburg and the German municipalities of Brombachtal and Michelstadt.
Huge thanks to our video production team ♥
© 2016 AYUDH Europe
“The Future in Our Hands” - Clip #1: Introduction (2008)
The clip shows the opening ceremony with performances of traditional songs from the participating countries.
'The Future in Our Hands' was the main theme of AYUDH's 4th EU Youth Initiative, taking place from 22. - 27. July 2008 at M.A. Center Germany in Brombachtal.
The six-day long exchange aimed at bridging the gap of culture, social background, language and creed and at highlighting and practicing universal values which are necessary to create a peaceful and just future, not only for the individual, but also for society as a whole.
The daily talks and interactive reflections focused on topics like Creating a Peaceful Future, Leadership Qualities in Youth, Ecology and Spirituality and Globalization and Fair Trade.
Workshops in Ecology, Social Care, Personal Development, Artwork, Filmmaking, Dance, Hip Hop, Singing and Acrobatics were offered. Simple spiritual practices like Yoga, Tai Chi and Meditation helped the young people to reflect and integrate the impressions of the exchange.
A great sense of togethernes as one European Family was created amongst the participants, who wholeheartedly participated in all of the activities and enjoyed every minute of their stay.
The project was supported by the 'Youth in Action' Programme of the European Commission.
Copyright 2008, AYUDH Europe
“Values - the Foundation of a Happy and Balanced Life” - AYUDH's 3rd EU Youth Summit (2007)
Values - the foundation of a happy and balanced life was the theme AYUDH's 3rd EU Youth Initiative at M.A. Center Germany in Brombachtal.
The seven-day long exchange aimed at bridging the gap of culture, social background, language and creed and at highlighting and practicing the universal values which are the foundation not only of a mature personality, but also of a harmonious society.
The daily talks and interactive reflections focused on the topics Values, Managing the mind, The importance of service to society The relationship between man and nature and Discovering our inner potential.
Workshops in Ecology, Artwork, Filmmaking, Textile Design, Dance, Songwriting, Music, Drumming and Acrobatics were offered. Simple spiritual practices like Yoga, Tai Chi and Meditation helped the young people to reflect and integrate the impressions of the exchange.
A great sense of togethernes as one European Family was created amongst the participants, who wholeheartedly participated in all of the activities and enjoyed every minute of their stay.
The initiative was supported by the “Youth in Action” Programme of the European Commission.
Copyright 2007, AYUDH Europe
The Sesion starts [Highlights der ersten Odenwald Tour des Jahres]/ The Moto Vloggers
Musik by :
Wenn euch das Video gefallen hat, lasst eine positive Bewertung da.
“The Future in Our Hands” - Clip #2: Talk on Youth Leadership by Br. Shubamrita Chaitanya (2008)
In his witty and lively manner Br. Shubamrita inspires the youth to develop the qualities needed to create a peaceful and happy future, for themselves and the world.
'The Future in Our Hands' was the main theme of AYUDH's 4th EU Youth Initiative at M.A. Center Germany in Brombachtal.
The six-day long exchange aimed at bridging the gap of culture, social background, language and creed and at highlighting and practicing universal values which are necessary to create a peaceful and just future, not only for the individual, but also for society as a whole.
The daily talks and interactive reflections focused on topics like Creating a Peaceful Future, Leadership Qualities in Youth, Ecology and Spirituality and Globalization and Fair Trade.
Workshops in Ecology, Social Care, Personal Development, Artwork, Filmmaking, Dance, Hip Hop, Singing and Acrobatics were offered. Simple spiritual practices like Yoga, Tai Chi and Meditation helped the young people to reflect and integrate the impressions of the exchange.
A great sense of togethernes as one European Family was created amongst the participants, who wholeheartedly participated in all of the activities and enjoyed every minute of their stay.
The project was supported by the 'Youth in Action' Programme of the European Commission.
Copyright 2008, AYUDH Europe