Best places to visit
Best places to visit - Teublitz (Germany) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.
Best places to visit
Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.
Places to see in ( Regensburg - Germany )
Places to see in ( Regensburg - Germany )
Regensburg is a city in south-east Germany, situated at the confluence of the Danube, Naab and Regen rivers. Regensburg is the fourth-largest city in the State of Bavaria after Munich, Nuremberg and Augsburg. The city of Regensburg is the political, economic and cultural centre of Eastern Bavaria and the capital of the Bavarian administrative region Upper Palatinate.
The medieval centre of the city of Regensburg is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a testimony of the city's status as cultural centre of southern Germany in the Middle Ages. In 2014, Regensburg was among the top sights and travel attractions in Germany. Generally known in English as Ratisbon until well into the twentieth century, the city is known as Ratisbonne in French and as Ratisbona in Italian, Portuguese and Albanian.
Regensburg is situated on the northernmost part of the Danube river at the geological crossroads of four distinct landscapes:
To the north and northeast lies the Bavarian Forest (Bayerischer Wald) with granite and gneiss mountains, wide forests and its national park. To the east and south-east is the fertile Danube plain (Gäuboden) which are highly cultivated loess plains. The south is dominated by the tertiary hill country (Tertiär-Hügelland), a continuation of Alpine foothills. To the West is Franconian Jura (Fränkische Jura).
Regensburg Hauptbahnhof (central station) is connected to lines to Munich, Nuremberg, Passau, Hof and Ingolstadt and Ulm. The city lies also on two motorways, the A3 from Cologne and Frankfurt to Vienna, and the A93 from Holledau to Hof. The local transport is provided by a bus network run by the RVV (Regensburger Verkehrsverbund).
Alot to see in ( Regensburg - Germany ) such as :
The Stone Bridge also known as Dettlinger Bridge in Regensburg
Regensburg Museum of Danube Shipping
The Walhalla
Regensburg Museum of History
Regensburg Cathedral
Scots Monastery, Regensburg
Cathedral of St Peter's
Alte Kapelle
Altes Rathaus
St. Emmeram Church
Haidplatz Square
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
Besucherzentrum Regensburg
Besucherzentrum Regensburg
Porta Praetoria
( Regensburg - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Regensburg . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Regensburg - Germany
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Best places to visit
Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.
D: Große Kreisstadt Schwandorf. Landkreis Schwandorf. Kurze Fahrt durch den Ort. Mai 2018
Große Kreisstadt Schwandorf. Landkreis Schwandorf. Oberpfalz. Bayern. Bavaria. Kurze Fahrt durch den Ort. Mai 2018
Regensburger Burgensteige
Mehr als 80 Burgen unterschiedlicher Größe und Bedeutung prägten einst das Landschaftsbild rund um Regensburg. Sie sind heute oftmals als Ruine, Burgstall oder Wall Zeitzeugen der Vergangenheit. Mit Burg Wolfsegg am Rande des idyllischen Naabtales blieb zum Beispiel noch eine mittelalterliche Burg komplett erhalten. Um die Geschichte der Burgen wieder erlebbar zu machen, wurden im Regensburger Land, im Herzen Bayerns, auf 5 markierten Wanderrouten, den sogenannten Burgensteigen,
44 Burgen auf insgesamt mehr als 200 km miteinander vernetzt.
Kallmunz Germany
Biking through Kallmunz, Germany and stopping at a roof top cafe
Kallmünz is a municipality in the district of Regensburg in Bavaria, Germany. Situated at the river Naab about 25 km north of Regensburg Kallmünz has conserved a beautiful medieval center. The main attractions are the ruins of the Kallmünz Castle above the town on a cliff and the old stone bridge over the Naab River. It was in Kallmünz that the Russian painter Wassily Kandinsky and the German expressionist painter Gabriele Münter met during the summer of 1903. Since then Kallmünz has been the constant home to a small Art colony.
Amberg (Oberpfalz) am 24.08.15
Die historische Stadt Amberg, die zu den besterhaltenen mittelalterlichen Stadtanlagen Europas zählt, liegt rund 60 Kilometer östlich von Nürnberg an der Vils.
Batzhausen Ride
Last Sunday's ride in central Bavaria.