Places to see in ( Grosseto - Italy )
Places to see in ( Grosseto - Italy )
Grosseto is the out-of-the-way provincial capital of the Maremma, situated 14 km from the sea coast. It’s overlooked by the majority of tourists as there are no major sights here. But it’s a pleasant place with a nice central square and a well organised archeological museum filled with Etruscan artefacts.
Grossed played an important part in the history of Maremma in Tuscany. From an historical point of view, its most interesting attractions are the city walls. They were rebuilt by the Medici in the 16th century and are still in good shape today. The Archeological Museum is worth a visit too. Recently renovated, it has a small but nicely organised collection that focuses on the finds made at the nearby Etruscan city of Rosselle.
At the heart of the city is Dante Alighieri square, a mock medieval space where you’ll find the Cathedral of San Lorenzo, remodelled in the 19th century in neo Romanesque-Gothic style. The Palazzo Aldobrandeschi is here too, built in 1903 in a style that evokes Sienese Medieval architecture. The statue of Leopoldo II Lorena (1846) has an interesting story. It shows the struggle against malaria (the snake) and celebrates the”enlightened” ruler that helped Maremma to fight against it.
The square is a pleasant place for a stroll or an aperitivo. There are many shops under the loggia and along one of the most lively streets – Corso Carducci – that leads up to the square dominated by the cathedral. The Cathedral of San Lorenzo might look Medieval but it’s not. The only surviving decorative elements that are original are the four symbols of the evangelists that stand on the cornice in front of the buttresses. Inside, some of the glass windows are the originals from 1400. Look out for the splendidly carved baptismal font and the painting “Madonna delle Grazie” (1470) by Matteo di Giovanni.
Church of San Francesco – the altar cross (1280-83) is attributed to the young Duccio di Buoninsegna. It shows impressive realism in the depiction of the body of Christ. City walls – The 2900 meter long city walls have been turned into a tree lined walk way. There are six bastions (the fortress incorporates the medieval tower still visible today), and of the gates, the southern one is the eldest, dating from the 14th century. Until 1757 the walls were surrounded by a moat connected to a series of canals so that goods could be transported by boat.
Museo Archeologico e dell’Arte della Maremma – The museum spans the entire spectrum of Etruscan culture. There are exhibits of artefacts from the Villanova period (10th-8th c.) excavated in Vetulonia, and objects unearthed in Talamone, Sovana and Pitigliano, On the third floor there’s a museum of sacred art, mainly Medieval. The last rooms have a brief history of the city.
The area around Grosseto offers unspoiled beaches bordered by pine forests and peaceful countryside where agriturismi have flourished in the past few decades. The Uccellina Natural Park is just a few kilometers away. Castiglione della Pescaia is one of the most attractive coastal towns in Tuscany.
( Grosseto - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Grosseto . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Grosseto - Italy
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I Borghi Toscani-Caldana (GR)
Il Borgo di Caldana,a circa 10 Km. da Grosseto,sorse prima dell'XI secolo come possedimento dei vescovi di Roselle,per poi,nei secoli successivi,divenire proprietà della Famiglia Pannocchieschi e poi entrare a far parte del Granducato di Toscana,sotto Siena. In seguito divenne un feudo degli Austini,famiglia senese della Contrada della Selva.Dopo i Chigi tornò definitivamente sotto i Lorena nel Granducato di Toscana.
La Chiesa di San Biagio è stata costruita nel XVI secolo su probabile impianto duecentesco ed è stata notevolmente restaurata nel 1970.
Di interesse sono anche la Canonica di San Biagio e l'Oratorio di Sant'Antonio da Padova.
In passato era conosciuta anche per le cave di marmo,attualmente non più attive.
STREET VIEW: Grosseto in der Toskana in ITALY
Wir machen einen kurzen Rundgang durch Grosseto in der Toskana in Italien zunächst am Strand des Mittelmeers und dann noch in der Innenstadt.
We walk through the city of Grosseto in Tuscany at the Mediterranean Sea in Italy.
Ravi in Maremma Tuscany
Ravi in Maremma, Tuscany: a hill town with a mining history and a living medieval castle. Special places for those who like to travel slow and away from the crowds.
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MENORCA - Teil 2 Die Traumstrände Menorcas an der Südküste Balearen SPANIEN
Menorca - Urlaub an der Südküste - Traumstrände und Badebuchten
Der wichtigste Schatz von Menorca, der jährlich hunderttausende Touristen anzieht sind die Strände an der Südküste.
Pauschalreisen Menorca und Hotels MENORCA finden und günstig buchen unter:
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Am Südkap bietet die Punta Prima einen breiten Strand aus weißem Sand.
Bei günstigen Windverhältnissen finden sich zahlreiche Surfer und Windsurfer ein, die hier ideale Bedingungen für ihren Wassersport finden.
Entlang der Südostküste säumen unzählige moderne Ferienhäuser die Küstenstraße.
Es lohnt sich nach kleinen romantischen Badebuchten Ausschau zu halten und unterwegs einen Badestopp einzulegen.
Die Touristenattraktion Nummer 1 an der Südostküste befindet sich in Binnibeca Vell.
Nach dem Vorbild eines typischen Fischerdorfes entstand nach den Plänen des Stararchitekten Antonio Sintes Mercadal 1972 eine mehrfach preisgekrönte Ferienanlage im maurischen Stil, die sich harmonisch in die Landschaft fügt und täglich viele Tagestouristen in ihren Bann zieht.
Weiter südwestlich befindet sich der malerische Küstenort Cala en Porter, der seine Feriengäste mit einem 400 m langen Sandstrand verwöhnt und die außergewöhnlichste Höhlendiskothek Europas beherbergt.
Die Cova d en Xoroi befindet sich in halber Höhe zwischen Meer und Himmel in einem Steilfelsen.
Nach kurzem Abstieg über die Treppenanlage bietet sich ein atemberaubender Ausblick auf den Horizont und die scheinbar heranschwebenden Wellen.
In der Naturgrotte mit unverbautem Meerblick genießt das internationale Publikum ein Diskoflair, dass einfach nur als spektakulär bezeichnet werden kann.
Wer das erste mal auf Menorca zu Gast ist wird erstaunt feststellen, dass hier nur sehr wenige größere Hotels errichtet wurden.
Menorca setzt seit Jahrzehnten konsequent auf den begrenzten Appartment- und Ferienhaustourismus auch an der Südküste.
Die landschaftlichen Kronjuwelen der Südküste befinden sich im Südwesten der Insel.
Es sind traumhafte Badebuchten mit türkisblauem und kristallklarem Wasser wie die Cala Macarella.
Landschaftsmotive die an das menschliche Wunschbild vom Paradies erinnern und hier Wirklichkeit sind und zum Staunen und vor allem baden einladen.
Über einen Steilküstenweg zur rechten Seite erreichen Sie die Cala Macarelleta -- eine der schönsten Badeoasen der Balearen und eine beliebte Location für Werbefilme und Fotoshootings sowie Freunde des textilfreien bräunens.
Alle diese Traumbuchten an der Südwestküste sind übrigens nur über Wege zu Fuß erreichbar.
Ein weiteres Abbild einer paradisischen Badebucht ist die weiter westlich gelegene Cala en Turqueta.
Eingebettet in ein Pinienwäldchen ist der Strand ideal für Sonnenanbeter und Hobbytaucher und natürlich auch für Familien mit Kindern.
Bitte informieren Sie sich vorher ausführlich über die Anfahrtsstraßen zu allen Naturbuchten auf Menorca, die nur über einfache Landstraßen führen.
Traumstrände gibt es nicht nur in abgelegenen Naturbuchten, sondern auch direkt in beliebten Ferienorten wie an der Cala Caldana.
In dieser Bucht verbringen vorwiegend englische, deutsche und spanische Gäste ihren Inselurlaub am 500 m langen goldgelben Sandstrand.
Die touristische Infrastruktur bietet hier zahlreiche Hotels, Restaurants und Wassersportmöglichkeiten wie zum Beispiel geführte Kajaktouren in der Gruppe.
Bootsausflüge starten von hier zu ihren Touren entlang der Südwestküste und steuern dabei auch die Traumbuchten der Cala Macarella von der Seeseite für ein Fotostopp an.
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Health Insurance Italy
Selecting the right worldwide medical insurance is extremely essential. Most individuals take out the same international health policy for many years to ensure constant insurance, (changing your world-wide health insurance plan frequently is not a very good notion). But even if the cover is only for a few months, be sure it is the correct insurance is very essential.
Personal health insurance
Plans are frequently available with either comprehensive coverage or emergency-only. For further information on this kinds of coverage, consult our individual Italy health cover plans page.
Family medical insurance coverage
Family medical insurance coverage policies are a very attractive choice in Italy indeed. They offer the covered the option to insure their entire family with purchase of a single policy, and along with this policy comes the assurance of knowing that they are all guaranteed the best available medical care when they require it. Once again, policy options are extremely adjustable and based on the insurer you choose, protection can be wide-ranging. To know further details about your benefits, read the extensive review on our family Italy medical insurance policies page.
Why a health cover?
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Call us for a Italy health coverage
You can contact one of our advisers by submitting an information request form along with a brief explanation about what you want to know about and one of our advisers will call you back at your convenience. Additionally, medical charges are rising due to continual advancement in health care, and the availability of high-priced new equipment and medication. Typically, health swelling goes up at around 10percent every single year. With this in head, it is important to have a Italy medical plan in place to protect yourself from bearing the cost of these increasing payments. This is specifically true if you find yourself with a condition requiring far-reaching medical treatments at a specialist in a clinic.
Choosing a health cover in Italy, that is the right fit can be a challenge given the profusion of insurers nowadays. We offer Italy health insurance plans from greater than 60 different insurers , so should you decide to purchase a Italy health coverage tactics from us, you can expect to be presented with numerous good alternatives. The majority of our plans are guaranteed renewable forever and ensure insurance globally. This allows you to keep your Italy cover with you and have constant health protection anywhere worldwide.
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What is maternity protection?
The fees involved in having children overseas can be an massive financial load if insurance policy has not been applied. Hospital costs together with post-natal, pre-natal, labour and delivery costs and unexpected issues can usually exceed usd 15,000. In the regrettable event of a kid getting born with inborn defects the costs can considerably exceed this.
Pinpointing the essential healthcare facilities for delivery, post-natal and pre-natal care is a critical part in planning a family whilst living overseas.
Chronic condition coverage in Italy
Chronic condition are usually defined as health conditions which you do not recover from but only handle and keep, for instance diabetes and bronchial asthma. At present about 50 percent of the international medical insurance policies in the market offer you coverage for chronic conditions. It is crucial to realize that the on-heading therapy and management of chronic conditions in Italy can be very high-priced as these kinds of plans supplying this coverage are typically far more pricey.
Medical insurance policy and vaccination in Italy
To obtain sufficient protection towards conditions it is critical to check out what vaccinations are essential or recommended in the meant spot of travel. Some worldwide insurance organizations do contain cover for vaccinations as part of the global health care solutions in their policies, but there will be restrictions depending on the policy and the insurance policies provider.