Places to visit in Bosnia and Herzegovina| Where to travel in Bosnia | Travnik
Travnik is a town and municipality and the administrative center of Central Bosnia Canton of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, an entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is situated in central Bosnia and Herzegovina, 90 kilometres west of Sarajevo. Historically, it was the capital city of the governors of Bosnia from 1699 to 1850, and has a cultural heritage dating from that period #travnik #placestovisitinbosnia #amazingbosnia #travelgoals
Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina | The Perfect One Day Itinerary & Things To Do
We spent an entire day exploring Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina with the perfect one day itinerary! There are some truly great things to do, and most of them have to do with Bosnia's complicated history.
We started our day in Mostar at the most iconic place: the Stari Most bridge. This Ottoman-style bridge was originally built back in the 16th century, but was destroyed in the 1990's during the Bosnian war. It was rebuilt and reopened in 2004! We even found the staircase that leads down to the Neretva River banks and viewed the bridge from down below.
Next up, we checked out a beautiful mosque and the old bazaar. After that, it was time for an authentic Bosnian breakfast! We ate at Restoran Lagero overlooking the bridge. The food and views were both spectacular!
After that, we visited the old sniping tower, the Spanish square, Park Zrinjevac, the Croatian Lodge, and so much more! At the end of the video, we get drinks at an awesome local cafe/bar recommended by our Airbnb host. It's called Coco Loco and we highly recommend it!
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Music by Epidemic Sound.
Why you should travel to Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina has a lot to offer. Still under the radar of most tourists it is still a hidden gem in the heart of Europe. Take your time to enjoy and learn more about this Balkan country. It is definitely a country worth exploring. Best cities to go to are Mostar and Sarajevo. Tuzla is also a nice stop-over.
Check out my blogpost for more stuff on Bosnia:
What to buy in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
What to buy in Mostar? Unique and handcrafted copper jewelry with colorful stones. This is the perfect gift for your loved ones and a great souvenirs to take back home from Mostar.
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Visit Sarajevo Bosnia! (2015)
A short HD video on why YOU should come and visit Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina in 2015! A small but beautiful country in the heart of Europe;
Sarajevo Bosnia i Herzegovina
Sarajevo is the capital and largest city of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with 310,605 people in the four municipalities that make up the city proper, and a metro-area population of 436,572 people in the Sarajevo Canton as of June 2010[update]. It is also the capital of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina entity, as well as the center of the Sarajevo Canton. Sarajevo is located in the Sarajevo valley of Bosnia, surrounded by the Dinaric Alps and situated along the Miljacka River.
The city is famous for its traditional religious diversity, with adherents of Islam, Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Judaism coexisting there for centuries.[4] Due to this long and rich history of religious diversity, Sarajevo is often being called the Jerusalem of Europe[5] or Jerusalem of the Balkans.[6]
Although settlement in the area stretches back to prehistoric times, the modern city arose as an Ottoman stronghold in the 15th century.[7] Sarajevo has attracted international attention several times throughout its history. In 1885 Sarajevo was the first city in Europe and the second city in the world to have a full-time electric tram network running through the city, the first being San Francisco, California.[8] In 1914 it was the site of the assassination that sparked World War I. Seventy years later, it hosted the 1984 Winter Olympics. For nearly four years, from 1992--1996, the city suffered under the Siege of Sarajevo during the Bosnian War for independence.
Today the city is undergoing post-war reconstruction, as a major center of culture and economic development in Bosnia and Herzegovina.[9] The travel guide series, Lonely Planet, has named Sarajevo as the 43rd best city in the world,[10] and in December 2009 listed Sarajevo as one of the top ten cities to visit in 2010.[11
Szarajevó (bosnyákul, horvátul és szerbül Sarajevo, cirill írással Сарајево, törökül Saraybosna, mely névből a saray tag palotát jelent) Bosznia-Hercegovina fővárosa. A Dinári-hegységben, a Miljacka-folyó két partján fekszik. Lakosságát elővárosaival együtt 400 ezer főre becsülik. Túlnyomóan bosnyákok, ezenkívül szerbek és horvátok lakják.
Szarajevó a fővárosa az ország két ún. entitásának, a Bosznia-Hercegovinai Föderációnak és (legalábbis hivatalosan) a Szerb Köztársaságnak is.
Az oszmán hódítók alapította város az újkor hajnalán Európa legfejlettebb városai közé számított. Az osztrák-magyar korszak kapcsolta be az európai kulturális vérkeringésbe. A jugoszláv állam időszakában már téli olimpia házigazdája is volt.
Szarajevó nevével több fontos történelmi esemény is összeforrt. 1914-ben itt lett merénylet áldozata Ferenc Ferdinánd osztrák trónörökös, ami ürügyül szolgált az első világháború kirobbantásához. De a szarajevóiak élték át a boszniai háború (1992-1995) alatt a modern kori történelem egyik leghosszabb, több mint három éven át tartó ostromát is.
A város egyedülálló légkörét a történetét alakító négy vallási csoport (római katolikus, muszlim, ortodox és zsidó) által hátrahagyott épített és más kulturális javak adják. Az útikönyvek szerint Szarajevó a világ egyetlen városa, ahol néhány száz méteren belül katolikus és ortodox templom, mecset és zsinagóga is található
Beautiful Bosnia and Herzegovina
Beautiful Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mostar without people | DJi mavic pro cinematic
Welcome to the first video from the Best places to visit series.
Mostar is one of the most beautiful and affordable city. Accomodation for 10 euro/night just few hundred meters from old bridge, very cheap and amazing restaurants make this city one of the best we have ever visited.
Mostar is a city and the administrative center of Herzegovina-Neretva Canton of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, an entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Inhabited by 105,797 people, it is the most important city in the Herzegovina region, serving as its cultural and economic capital.
Mostar is situated on the Neretva River and is the fifth-largest city in the country. Mostar was named after the bridge keepers (mostari) who in the medieval times guarded the Stari Most (Old Bridge) over the Neretva. The Old Bridge, built by the Ottomans in the 16th century, is one of Bosnia and Herzegovina's most recognizable landmarks, and is considered one of the most exemplary pieces of Islamic architecture in the Balkans.
Stari Most (literally, Old Bridge) is a rebuilt 16th-century Ottoman that crosses the river Neretva and connects the two parts of the city. The Old Bridge stood for 427 years, until it was destroyed on 9 November 1993 by Croat military forces during the Croat–Bosniak War. Subsequently, a project was set in motion to reconstruct it; the rebuilt bridge opened on 23 July 2004.
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Mostar je jedno z najkrajších a cenovo veľmi dostupných miest. Ubytovanie za 10 eur/noc len niekoľko stovák metrov od starého mosta, veľmi lacné a úžasné reštaurácie robia toto mesto jedným z najlepších ktoré sme kedy navštívili.
Mostar je hlavným mestom kantónu Herzegovina-Neretva Federácie Bosny a Hercegoviny. So svojími 105tisíc obyvateľmi je najvýznamnejším mestom a zastupuje pozíciu hlavného kultúrneho a ekonomického mesta.
Mostar sa nachádza na rieke Neretva a je piatym najväčším mestom v krajine. Mostar bol pomenovaný po mostoch (mostari), ktorí v stredoveku strážili Stari Most (starý most) nad Neretvou. Starý most, ktorý postavili v 16. storočí Osmania, je jedným z najznámejších pamiatok Bosny a Hercegoviny a je považovaný za jeden z najtypickejších kúskov islamskej architektúry na Balkáne.
Stari Most (doslova starý most) je prestavaný osmanský mostík zo 16. storočia, ktorý prechádza cez rieku Neretvu a spája dve časti mesta. Starý most stál 427 rokov, kým bol 9. novembra 1993 zničený chorvátskymi ozbrojenými silami počas chorvátsko-bosnianskej vojny. Následne bol zahájený projekt rekonštrukcie; prestavaný most bol otvorený 23. júla 2004.
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What to eat in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
The countries favorite meal are ćevapi (chevaps) which are small grilled meat sausages made of lamb and beef. Ćevapi has its origins in the Balkans during the Ottoman period, and represents a regional specialty similar to the kofte kebab.
How are ćevapi served? There are popular restaurants called ćevabdžinice which are specialized in serving and preparing ćevapi. These delicious meat rolls are usually served of 5–10 pieces on a plate or in a flatbread (lepinje or somun), often with chopped onions, sour cream, kajmak, ajvar, feta cheese, minced red pepper and salt. In case you have missed it, read our previous story - Let's eat ćevapi!
The next thing you should eat in Mostar is burek, a meat filled pastry which is traditionally rolled in spiral and cut into sections for serving. The taste of burke will satisfy the taste buds of the biggest food lovers.
And let`s not forget sarma which is made of meat and rice rolled into cabbage leaves. This meal is traditionally made during the winter season as well as for the holidays such as Bajram and Christmas.
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Bosnia and Herzegovina -the most beautiful captures
Turquoise rivers, medieval castles and tumbling waterfalls. It sounds like something out of a fairytale, but the craggily beautiful lands of Bosnia and Herzegovina are real - and they’re one of Europe’s best-kept secrets.
Video by @hamzamuj