Solothurn Switzerland - 11 Reasons Why To Visit & Chocolate Factory Tour | 90+ Countries With 3 Kids
Join us for a tour of Solothurn Switzerland!
Solothurn is a vibrant town of over 16,000 inhabitants. It’s located on the German side of Switzerland and is regarded as the finest Baroque town. You can see how the graceful Italian influences blend with French charm and German practicality. Solothurn is 30 kilometres east of Biel-Bienne, alongside the river Aare and at the southern point of the Jura mountain range.
From the 16th to the 18th centuries, the Catholic town of Solothurn was the residence of the French king’s ambassador and that’s why most of the buildings in the historic part of Solothurn date back to that period. For this reason Solothurn is also known as the Ambassador's town.
The number eleven has special significance in Solothurn: it was the eleventh canton to join the Swiss Confederation, the Old Town has eleven churches and chapels and the same number of fountains and towers. Additionally, the St Ursus Cathedral took eleven years to build, has eleven altars and bells, and its Italian-style staircase in front have levels between every eleven steps. Unsurprisingly, Solothurn's local beer is also called Öufi –Bier (DE) or Eleven Ale. There is also a boat called the Öufi-Boat (DE) and a popular bar called Eleven (DE).
Join us as we also visit the Camille Bloch Chocolate Factory and enjoy some truly delicious Swiss Chocolate!
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Solothurn, Switzerland, 24 May 2015.
My impressions of the Swiss town of Solothurn (French: Soleure Italian: Soletta). 24 May 2015. Shot in HD!
Швейцария. Золотурн | Solothurn. Switzerland
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Neuchâtel Tourist Attractions: 15 Top Places to Visit
Planning to visit Neuchâtel? Check out our Neuchâtel Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Neuchâtel.
Top Places to visit in Neuchâtel (Switzerland):
Creux du Van, International Museum of Horology, Lac de Neuchatel, Zoo du Bois du Petit-Chateau, Gorges de l'Areuse, Maison de l'Absinthe, The Collegiale Church, Chaumont Panoramic Funicular Railway, Moulins souterrains du Col-des-Roches, Latenium, Asphalt Mines, The Chateau Neuchatel, Neuchatel Botanical Garden, Musee des Beaux-Arts, Musee d'Art et d'Histoire
Visit our website:
Cantons of Switzerland - Kantone der Schweiz - Cantoni della Svizzera - Cantons de la Suisse
The 26 cantons of Switzerland are the member states of the federal state of Switzerland. Each canton was a fully sovereign state with its own border controls, army and currency from the Treaty of Westphalia (1648) until the establishment of the Swiss federal state in 1848. The most recently created canton is the Canton of Jura, which separated from the Canton of Bern in 1979.
Ils 26 chantuns (tud. Kantone, frz. cantons, tal. cantoni, en la Svizra tudestga tradiziunalmain numnads Stände) èn ils stadis commembers da la Confederaziun svizra. La noziun è vegnida duvrada l'emprima giada l'onn 1475 en in'acta friburgaisa.
Die 26 Kantone (französisch cantons, italienisch cantoni, rätoromanisch chantuns, in der Deutschschweiz traditionell Stand, in der Mehrzahl Stände genannt) sind die Gliedstaaten der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft. Der Ausdruck Kanton wurde 1475 zum ersten Mal in einer Freiburger Akte verwendet.
I cantoni della Svizzera, in numero di 26, sono gli Stati che compongono la Confederazione Elvetica, cioè lo Stato federale svizzero.
Les 26 cantons suisses sont les États fédérés de la Confédération suisse. Il s'agit des cantons d'Appenzell Rhodes-Extérieures, d'Appenzell Rhodes-Intérieures, d'Argovie, de Bâle-Campagne, de Bâle-Ville, de Berne, de Fribourg, de Genève, de Glaris, des Grisons, du Jura, de Lucerne, de Neuchâtel, de Nidwald, d'Obwald, de Saint-Gall, de Schaffhouse, de Schwytz, de Soleure, du Tessin, de Thurgovie, d'Uri, du Valais, de Vaud, de Zoug et de Zurich.
Music used: Ecstatic Wave by Jens Kiilstofte
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Rivière Aare Soleure - River Aare Solothurn - Switzerland 4k
Embarque no Siesta, um semi-catamarã de Solothurn, cidade barroca mais bonita da Suíça. No pitoresco passeio até Biel, passa-se pela singular Colônia das Cegonhas em Altreu, a encantadora cidade campestre de Büren e pelas montanhas do Jura (passeios disponíveis de meados de maio a meados de outubro).
Conseil le «Siesta», un catamaran semi-Soleure, la plus belle ville baroque de Suisse. Dans la balade pittoresque à Bienne, va par la seule colonie de cigognes dans Altreu, la charmante ville de Büren pays et les montagnes du Jura (circuits disponibles à partir de mi-mai à la mi-Octobre).
Bord der Siesta, ein Halbkatamaran Solothurn, der schönsten Barockstadt der Schweiz. In der malerischen Fahrt nach Biel, geht durch die einzige Kolonie der Störche in Altreu, die charmante Stadt Büren Land und die Berge von Jura (Touren von Mitte Mai bis Mitte Oktober).
Embark on the Siesta, a semi-catamaran from Solothurn, the most beautiful baroque town in Switzerland. On the picturesque walk to Biel, you will pass by the unique Colony of the Storks in Altreu, the charming country town of Büren and the Jura mountains (walks available from mid-May to mid-October).
Trip To Europe: Thurgau (Switzerland)
भारतीय फिल्मों में ही नहीं पर्यटकों के बीच भी स्विट्जरलैंड देखने का खूब चाव रहा है. तो आज डॉयचे वेले के इस वीडियो के जरिए हम आपको रूबरू करा रहे हैं स्विट्जरलैंड के उस प्रांत से जहां झील के किनारे खड़े होकर पड़ोसी देश जर्मनी को देखा जा सकता है.
2010.06.14 Schwyz Switzerland-Auto Tour
Baar, Switzerland
Baar is a Swiss town of around 23,000 people, situated between Lake Zug and Lake Zurich. Come with me and my short film on this fine spring day and I’ll show you round the town. If you’re coming by car, take the Baar motorway exit, but as this is green Switzerland, you will probably arrive by train at Baar’s modern railway station. Let’s have a look round town, with its large church with the impressive tower. Notice how Baar combines traditional older buildings with modern steel-and-glass architecture. That very rectangular all glass building is the hospital, the largest one in the canton of Zug. And the pink one with the square grey tower behind is Baar’s very own brewery – Baar people are rightly proud of their local beer. This town is reckoned by many to be a good place to live, and 25% of the inhabitants have moved here from abroad. I hope you enjoyed our visit? (By the way, if you come back in the summer, they lend bikes free of charge from near the Rathaus (Town Hall) so you can see more of the town.)
Biel - Schweiz - Switzerland - Szwajcaria - 2009 - [HD]
Short slideshow from Biel - Schweiz . Ap.fot.Canon EOS 1000 D. Program for prints prepare: PhotoFiltre. Film tool in (