Finisterre. The end of my Journey. Ultreia! Top rated documented journey El Camino De Santiago
From the beginning, the end of my pilgrimage was always to walk on the beach at Finesterre and see a sunset at the lighthouse. It was moving to me to see so many Camino shells washing up and laying on the beach. This is where it all began. My heart was full to overflowing for the blessings I felt, arriving safe and healthy and for the experiences, lessons and people I met along The Way. A glorious end to an amazing journey. Thanks for the love, Alaskan Pilgrim- Jeanee
Sailing Destination A Coruña, Galicia, Spain
A Coruna is a busy town in the autonomous community Galicia in Northwest Spain. Sailors love A Coruna as it is the logic start or end point for ships crossing the Bay of Biscay.
Well sheltered in Ria Coruna, the two major marinas, Real Club Nautico and Marina Coruna, can be entered at any tide or weather. The approach is straight-forward and easy, also at night. In fall fog may make an approach difficult, though.
We stayed at Marina Coruna, the first marina coming in from the sea. It has plenty of visitor berths (floating pontoon fingers) for all size of boats and provides great amenities. We paid around 170 EUR for one week in September with our 12 m boat. That included water, electricity and showers. The marina is protected by wavebreakers but occasionally you will feel some swell from big ships entering or leaving the huge industrial port.
The town has two visible landmarks: The modern port control tower and the ancient Tower of Hercules.
The 55m high Tower of Hercules overlooking the Northern Atlantic coast of Spain was built in the 2nd century and has been in use as a lighthouse ever since. This makes it the oldest Roman light house in use today. The second highest lighthouse of Spain is a National Monument of Spain and UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Another distinct building is the San Anton Castle. Its construction began in 1587 and - not even finished - it played a major role defending the city’s walls in Sir Francis Drake’s assault in 1589. This was also the time when Maria Pita took her killed husband’s spear and successfully lead the defense of Coruna with the famous battle cry “Those with honor, follow me!”
We are Maik and Michelle, two sailors from different worlds and different cultures with very different perspectives about sailing around the world together on our 43-foot, steel ketch, Seefalke. We also have different levels of sailing experience. Maik (a German) has sailed for more than 20 years, while Michelle (an American) has only been sailing five years. Our crew includes two Beagles, Cap’n Jack and Scout! Come along for the ride to follow our journey! We also love to cover cool travel destinations and the amazing sea creatures we discover along the way!
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1. Flying over Isles by Hanjo Gäbler
2. Inselurlaub by Hanjo Gäbler
3. Marktplatz in Espanien by Hanjo Gäbler
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30 PLACES to visit in SPAIN before DIE
Siurana ( Tarragona), San Pedro del Pinamar Saltworks ( Murcia), Chulilla (Valencia), Laguardia ( Álava), Almagro ( Ciudad Real), Cabárceno Natural Park (Obregón de Villaescusa, Cantabria), Mallos de Riglos ( Huesca, Aragón), Besalú ( Girona), Grazalema Natural park ( Andalucia), Orchilla Lighthouse ( Canary Islands), Fuencaliente Saltworks (Tenerife), Roques de García ( Tenerife), Anaga ( Tenerife), Caldera de Bandama ( Great Canary), Timanfaya (Lanzarote), Formentor Cape ( Mallorca), Dalt Vila (Ibiza), Barbaria Cape ( Formentera), La Mola (Menorca), Duratón (Segovia), Sil Canyon ( Ourense, Galicia), Finisterre Cape ( Coruña), Lugo Cathedral and wall ( LUGO, Galicia), Redondela viewpoint ( Pontevedra), Mendoza Castle (Madrid) Montserrat Monastery ( Barcelona), Mutriku, Deba and Zumaia cliffts ( Guipúzcoa), Peñas Cape ( Asturias), Cabañeros National Park ( Ciudad Real), Trujillo ( Extremadura).
Healing by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
FINISTERRE. Galicia. Fredy Viajero
Vídeo de la Ciudad de Finisterre y del Cabo y Faro del mismo nombre donde termina o empieza para muchos el Camino de Santiago. Lugar bello de Galicia con playas tranquilas y otras de gran peligro sobre la famosa Costa da Morte donde naufragaron muchos barcos.
Lugares del fin del mundo: Finisterre y Ciudad del Cabo. Parte I / End of the world places [IGEO.TV]
Colabora con nosotros:
Finisterre: Del latín finis terrae fin de la tierra. Su población es de 4.995. Los romanos creían que era el punto más occidental del mundo conocido. Ha sido escenario de naufragios registrados desde 1800. Se concebía como el final del mundo conocido antiguo concepto geográfico de que el planeta era plano y que navegar hacia el occidente acarrearía llegar al fin de la Tierra, cayendo al vacío infinito, teoría objetada y erradicada por Cristóbal Colón en 1492.
Hay quien situa las legendarias Columnas de Hércules aquí señalando el límite del mundo conocido. Bajo el lema Non terrae plus ultra
Ciudad del Cabo, el cabo más austral de África. La vibrante y cosmopolita Ciudad del cabo motor de Sudáfrica. Es la segunda más poblada del continente .Desde el Monte Mesa se aprecia su ubicación. Su superficie de 2.499 km la convierte en una de las ciudades más extensas del país. La Montaña de la Mesa está rodeada de acantilados casi verticales: el Pico del Diablo y la cabeza del león . Además posee una meseta de un km de altura.
La Isla Stewart (Rakiura en maorí): A 30 km de la isla sur de Nueva Zelanda. Separada de esta por el estrecho de Foveaux. Recibe su nombre por su descubridor William Stewart aunque los maorís ya la denominaban rakiura Es el fin de las antípodas. La única población es Oban, situada en la bahía de la Media Luna y posee unos 400 habitantes.
Vladivostok : En ruso significa Poseer oriente. Es el extremo más oriental de Rusia. Fue fundado en 1860. A 128 km de la frontera con Corea del Norte. La meta del mítico transiberiano. Casi a 10.000km de la capital del país.
Ushuaia, Capital de la provincia de Tierra de fuego, Antártida e islas del Atlántico Sur. Es la ciudad más Austral del mundo. Su nombre, de idioma yagán, significa bahía profunda o bahía al fondo. su lema es Ushuaia, fin del mundo, principio de todo
Rodeada al oeste, norte y este por los Andes Fueguinos.
Igeo TV in english: watch this video, agency news and footage:
Camino dos Faros - The Lighthouse Way |
The Lighthouse Way or Camino dos Faros is a superb coastal walking trail, taking in the wild and rugged beauty of the Costa da Morte, in the Atlantic coast of Galicia.
Spectacular ocean views, pristine sandy beaches, impressive cliffs and a rich cultural and archaeological heritage await walkers on this trail that takes its name from the many lighthouses scattered in capes and headlands across the region.
For more information on the Camino dos Faros visit:
A glimpse of the dramatic Lighthouse Way (Camino dos Faros)
Here's a short preview of On Foot Holidays' walk along the dramatic coast of Galicia in northwest Spain. More coming soon!
Driving down to the Wild Atlantic Coast in Finisterre, Brittany, France part 2
Heading for a surf beach from the tiny village of Lababan on a hot summer's day in early June.
Exploring Finisterre (Galicia) and its surroundings, here at the end of world
Finisterre, the so-called The End of the World, is a magical place in Costa da Morte (Galicia) and it's famous for being the Km 0 of the Camino de Santiago as well as the Spain most western point.
Camino Finisterre Way from Santiago de Compostela to Finisterre |
If you want to keep walking once you reach Santiago, you should continue your Camino walk to the Atlantic Coast, along the Finisterre Way (Sp: Camino Fisterra) to the 'End of the World'!
This Camino de Santiago route is unique, as it is the only one starting in Santiago de Compostela. This may seem strange but there is a good reason for it! This route pre-dates Christianity and pagans would head to Fisterra in the Costa da Morte (Coast of Death) where they believed the sun died and the worlds of the dead and the living became closer. Prayers would be said and offers would be made in order to please the gods and hope for a new life.
See our website for the full description of the Camino Finisterre and itinerary on our blog, Camino de Santiago info or the travel guide.