Visit Brazil - Safety Advice for Traveling Brazil
Brazilian tourism safety tips for travelers and tourists heading to Brazil, specifically Rio de Janeiro & Sao Paulo for Carneval, the Olympics in Rio de Janierio. Brazil is an amazing country & Wolters World's favorite country to visit, from the amazing natural beauty, fun people and incredible history. But you need to be safe and we give you some basic safety and security tips for visiting Brazil.
Copyright Mark Wolters 2014
This was not filmed in Brazil.
Go Solo: Six places to travel alone
These destinations are perfect for those traveling solo.
Costa Rica: White sands, amazing wildlife and outdoor attractions make Costa Rica one of the best destinations for solo travelers.
Japan: Japan is a very friendly country, and outsiders – especially those traveling alone – are made welcome as a matter of course.
Indonesia: Yoga, spirituality, spas, massages, beaches, organic eateries and markets— are you sold, yet?
New Zealand: With jaw-dropping scenery around every corner, this small country is one big outdoor playground.
Iceland: Outdoor activities are king in Iceland. Base yourself in the capital for easy day trips to virtually any corner of the country.
Thailand: With beautiful leafy jungles, famous sandy beaches, mouth-watering cuisine and affordable prices, Thailand is a fantastic destination for the solo traveler.
Everyone should experience the freedom that going out alone gives without the creep factor. Here are 10 tips to going out alone.
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La ciudad más bonita de Europa | Bélgica y Luxemburgo #10
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Go to 12:25 for the beginning of our chats about living the dream and becoming a liveaboard cruiser. This is part of our full vlog, so there is also quite a lot about Jamie solo sailing and the places he's visiting right now: sailing Thailand.
Jamie continues his solo sail while LIz is in the UK.
What makes people live the dream by becoming a liveaboard sailing around the world? In this episode we try to answer the question we are asked most, how to become a fulltime liveaboard cruiser.
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The musicians in this vlog put out their stuff for free (like we do!) so please consider supporting them in any way you can!
00:08 Followtheboat theme tune - Suddenly by Otis McDonald
01:25 “Free music, free beer” by Alex Beroza
05:09 “Daily Beetle” by Kevin Macleod
07:08 “Zen Valley” by Josh Kirsch
(YouTube Audio Library)
08: 47 “Pachabelly” by Huma Huma
(YouTube Audio Library)
28:29 “Dragon Flying” by Admiral Bob
Dogon country : funeral at Temde 2014 by Serou Dolo
Mask traditions in Dogon country extend well beyond the area studied by Marcel Griaule. His research has been limited mainly to the central part of the escarpment and plateau. Likewise, subsequent collegues did not choose to further his field work in other parts of the country (i.e. N'Duleri and northeast plateau). Today, the disappearance of mask traditions in those areas is not going to facilitate further research. However, several villages of the northeast plateau are the last witnesses of a mask tradition that is slowly fading away with time. Kono, Wakara and Soroli have (or had) masks that are very different from those that made the Dogon so popular. A number of pieces have been published in books on African art. The most one can say is that these masks are or were used in funerals. But it is unclear if these masked rites were governed by an association equivalent to the Society of the Masks, a supreme authority that, in the Toro zone, gathers all men of the same village. The eventual absence of such a structure may explain the progressive disappearance of mask traditions in this part of the country.Thus the growing importance of Islam is not the only cause for decline in old values. Beautiful mosques are part of the village landscape but, at the same time, ancestral traditions and practices live in harmony with the new faith. As shown in the video presented here, Islam and animism complement one another in Temde. The village lies on a rocky outcrop separated from the escarpment at a distance of some 20 kilometres to the southwest of Douentza. The video is about the funeral of an old man. The front of his house is partly covered in mortuary blankets. A man plays a horn instrument on the roof terrace and one can catch sight of a wooden sculpture placed at its edge. Three masked dancers cross the village, go past the house of the deceased and go on till they reach the village square where they dance in front of the mosque. Their masks share stylistic similarities with those of the rest of Dogon country. The facial part of the three masks resemble those of the Toro zone. The upper part of two masks are of Kono/Wakara style and the third one definitely looks like a Kanaga mask of the south of the country. The dot painting on all three masks is typical for the northeast plateau.
La tradition des masques en pays dogon s'étend bien au-delà de la zone décrite par Marcel Griaule. Ses travaux concernent principalement la partie centrale de la falaise et du plateau. D'autres régions, tels le N'Duleri et le plateau nord-est, n'ont pas eu droit aux mêmes faveurs de la part des chercheurs. Aujourd'hui, il se fait tard pour y entreprendre des recherches car les danses masquées s'y font rares. Plusieurs villages du plateau nord-est sont les derniers témoins d'une tradition de masques qui est en voie de disparition. Les masques de Kono, Wakara et Soroli, ou ce qui en subsiste, sont stylistiquement différents de ceux qui ont fait la notoriété des Dogon. Quelques pièces ont été publiées dans des ouvrages consacrés à l'art africain. Tout au plus peut-on affirmer que ces masques ont servi lors de rites funéraires. Faudrait-il encore savoir si ces rites étaient régis par une association équivalente à la Société des Masques, l' autorité suprême qui , en zone Toro, regroupe tous les hommes d'un même village. L'absence d'une telle autorité pourrait expliquer la disparition progressive des rites masqués dans cette partie du territoire dogon. L'avancée de l'islam n'est pas seule en cause. De belles mosquées trônent certes sur les places des villages. Mais rites et croyances ancestrales n'ont pas été abandonnés pour autant. Comme le démontre la vidéo présentée ici, islam et animisme se côtoient en harmonie à Temde. Le village est perché sur une surélévation rocheuse séparée de la falaise à 20 kilomètres au sud-ouest de Douentza. L'on y assiste aux funérailles d'un vieil homme. La façade de sa demeure est drapée d'une couverture mortuaire. Un homme joue d'un instrument à corne sur le toit en terrasse. On distingue à ses pieds une statue en bois. Trois danseurs masqués traversent le village, passent devant la maison du défunt et continuent leur chemin jusqu'à la place publique où ils dansent devant la mosquée. Leurs masques partagent des correspondances stylistiques avec ceux des autres régions du pays dogon. La partie faciale des trois masques ressemble au style de la zone Toro. Deux masques ont des cimiers de style Kono/Wakara tandis que le troisième ressemble au masque Kanaga du sud. Par contre, la peinture en pointillé est typique du plateau nord-est.
MGallery Hotel Papadopoli Venezia
Situated in the heart of a historic district, the Hotel Papadopoli is the perfect starting point for a visit to the unique city of Venice. The decorations, in pastel tones and warm colors, evoke the 18th-century Italian style. Venetian chandeliers and luxurious finishings show off the elegance of the 96 rooms and suites, with marvelous views over the canals and gardens. The winter garden, designed by Pietro Porcinai, is an original setting for the restaurant, which offers a seductive taste of Venice. Away from prying eyes, this hotel is an idyllic place for romantic weekends or a chance to discover its myriad canals...
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Viaje a Limoges (Francia) en mayo de 2015. Mira el reportaje escrito:
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Porto et la vallée du Douro - Documentaire
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Il coule entre les vignobles qui semblent tomber à pic dans ses eaux scintillantes comme pour épater les croisiéristes. Il est le témoin privilégié de tous les secrets de fabrication du vin de Porto connu et exporté depuis des siècles. Il distille un art de vivre romantique et nostalgique au coeur d'une nature sauvage balayée par des parfums d'oranges et de mimosas en fleurs. Tout au sud de l'Europe, le Douro, fleuve d'Or du Portugal, raconte la très belle histoire d'amour de l'homme et de la vigne sur un air de fado.
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Croisières et Découvertes, c'est des croisières mythiques à bord de paquebots de légende, de voiliers ou de magnifiques embarcations traditionnelles... Des voyages de rêve sur tous les océans et les fleuves du monde.
Découvrez les plaisirs de la vie à bord et suivez l'équipage dans les coulisses des paquebots.
Produit par Night And Day.
One small step for man - The Beagle
In September 2009 the clipper ‘Stad Amsterdam’ set sail to circumnavigate the earth, repeating the most important journey ever made. Far more important than man’s voyage to the moon. It is a voyage that took the young naturalist Charles Darwin five years 179 years ago, and the passengers of the clipper eight months. Darwin’s travels changed our ideas of time, space, chance, sex and nature. What a privilege to be able to do them all over again! All the beauty and profusion in a world full of wondrous forms.
Darwin’s granddaughter, Sarah Darwin, and British author Redmond O’Hanlon will be repeating this journey. To them, it is a chance of several lifetimes.
And now? Now we will look at the state the world is in - and what possible consequences this could have for our future. With this in mind different scientists and artists have been invited aboard at different stages of the journey.
Original title: Beagle: On the future of species
This voyage was the most important journey ever made. Hundreds of thousands of birds, dolphins all coming racing to the ship. Plancton coming in from the plankton recorder, enormous tracks of the megatherium. The Galapagos was a paradise. It’s just the strangest most wonderful feeling to walk amongst these animals and birds and not feel an intruder. They like you, they don’t mind. It’s all just too special for words. An unforgettable experience for the passengers of the ship – and for viewers of the programme.
Presented by: Redmond O'Hanlon and Sarah Darwin
Directed by: Hans Fels
Based on an idea by Hans Fels
This program has been made possible by Randstad
© VPRO September 2009
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