Best places to visit
Best places to visit - Wildeshausen (Germany) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.
2014.04.19 - Munich Bicycle tour
Clips of my Contiki group's bicycle tour with Kyle, of Mike's Bike Tours, in Munich, Germany.
Karlsruhe, Germany
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Karlsruhe is a city in the south west of Germany, in the Bundesland Baden-Württemberg, located near the French-German border.
Founded in 1715 as Karlsruhe Palace, the surrounding town became the seat of two of the highest courts in Germany, the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany (Bundesverfassungsgericht) whose decisions have the force of a law, and the Federal Court of Justice of Germany (Bundesgerichtshof) , the highest court of appeals in matters of civil law and criminal law. It therefore considers itself the home of justice in Germany, a role taken over from Leipzig after 1933.
The city was planned with the tower of the palace (Schloss) at the center and 32 streets radiating out from it like spokes on a wheel, or ribs on a folding fan, so that a nickname for Karlsruhe in German is the fan city (Fächerstadt). Almost all of these streets survive today.
Karlsruhe's rail system, the Stadtbahn Karlsruhe, is well known in transport circles around the world for pioneering the concept of operating trams on train tracks (tram-trains), to achieve a more effective and attractive public transport system. This concept makes it possible to reach other towns in the region, like Ettlingen, Wörth am Rhein, Pforzheim, Bad Wildbad, Bretten, Bruchsal, Heilbronn, Baden-Baden and even Freudenstadt in the Black Forest right from the city centre.
Music: AGAINST ALL ODDS (Caterina Soldati)
2012 Romania - Austria - Germany Rhine Valley - Prague - Road Trip
Assistant.e.s du Monde | Language Assistants from the World (eng sub)
(english below)
Merci d'avoir regardé cette vidéo ! J'espère qu'elle vous a plu ! En ce qui me concerne, malgré le temps passé à la monter et à la sous-titrer, je ne me lasse pas de la regarder !
Thanks for watching! I hope you enjoyed it because, even if the editing and the subtitles took me a long time, I can't get bored watching and re-watching it!
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Crédits miniature (planète) : freepik
Restroom on the German Autobahn
Oelde Kreis Warendorf 18.8.2013
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.
Buffalo, OK Rest Area
First rest area you come to in Oklahoma on US 183 from the north.
Thank-you for all your comments and viewing the video. I have other videos on my YouTube page
Prescott Park Pavilion
18 Oct 2013. The last days of a very respectable and well-used public building - the combination restrooms and concession stand at Prescott Park, Portsmouth NH. Whether this building is 35 years old, as some believe, 27 years old, which seems more likely, or only 13 years old, as speculated by one person - it has put in good service and is still a sturdy building. A charge that the building is riddled with safety hazards is just plain false. View it for yourself. Is this a basic, but convenient, clean and perfectly functional public building? Or is this an unsightly menace, a disaster waiting to happen? I ask you, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, to decide for yourselves.
Munich (München) - Rathaus-Glockenspiel in the Marienplatz
The whole 10 minutes of sights and sounds of the Glockenspiel in the Marienplatz in Munich. The figurines start to move at 3:00.