6. Kap ArkonaPutgarten Cape Arkona is a 45-metre-high cape on the island of Rügen in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany. It forms the tip of the Wittow peninsula, just a few kilometres north of the Jasmund National Park. The protected landscape of Cape Arkona, together with the fishing village of Vitt, belongs to the municipality of Putgarten and is one of the most popular tourist destinations on Rügen, receiving about 800,000 visitors annually. On the cape there are two lighthouses, a navigation tower, two military bunker complexes, the Slavic temple fortress of Jaromarsburg and several tourist buildings . Because of its geology and the weathering that occurs here, there are frequent coastal collapses, especially in winter. Cape Arkona is often referred to as the northernmost point of Rügen, which is not true. ... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Star chef Ralf Haug creates visual, as well as culinary matserpieces. He shares his top three tips for Rügen: the Prora heritage centre, the Wreechen artistic site and the Mönchgut peninsula.
Rundreise Rügen | WDR Reisen
Tamina Kallert macht Urlaub auf der Ostseeinsel Rügen und stellt die Ostseebäder Sellin, Sassnitz und Binz vor. Im Fokus: die weißen, verschnörkelten Häuser und der maritime Flair der Promenaden.
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In unserem diesjährigen Ostseeurlaub nutzen wir einen Nachmittag, um von Binz auf Rügen ins nahegelegene Zirkow zu wandern, um den dortigen Erdbeerhof zu besuchen.