Glória do Goitá is a city in Pernambuco, Brazil. It is located in Zona da mata Pernambucana at 75 km of the state capital Recife. Continue reading... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
5. Cabo de Santo Agostinho BeachCabo De Santo Agostinho Cabo de Santo Agostinho is 35 km south of the city of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Although the official Portuguese discovery of Brazil was by Pedro Álvares Cabral on April 21, 1500, some historians believe that Vicente Yáñez Pinzón already had set anchor in a bay in Cabo de Santo Agostinho on January 26, 1500, which he named Cabo de Santa María de la Consolación. It was incorporated as a town in 1811. Cabo de Santo Agostinho has both an industrial section that is centered on the Suape port and many tropical beaches and nature reserves. The best known beaches are Calhetas, Paraíso, and Gaibu. In Pedra do Xareu one can find the Recanto do Domingos at the far south end of the beach. Accommodations at beaches can range from inexpensive pousadas to extremely expensive resorts. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
6. Praia de TamandareTamandare Santa Vitória do Palmar is Brazil's southernmost municipality, located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. To the west of the municipality is the Lagoa Mirim and beyond that is Uruguay; to the east and southeast lies the Atlantic Ocean, and to the north is the city of Rio Grande. To the south it borders the municipality of Chuí and Uruguay. The city proper is located approximately 16 km inland from the Atlantic, 8 km east of Lagoa Mirim and 20 km north of the Uruguayan border at Chuí. The city is traversed by the Brazilian federal highway BR-471, the most important road link between Brazil and Uruguay. It is 504 km by road from the state capital, Porto Alegre, and about 370 km from Uruguay's capital, Montevideo. Santa Vitória do Palmar used to be the southernmost city in Brazil, until t... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Brazil: The Pau Brasil National Park | Global 3000
The final remnants of the Atlantic coastal rain forest Mata Atlantica are located in regions which are home to more than 120 million Brazilians. This is at the heart of the Brazilian economy. At the same time the forests are among the five most important global biodiversity hot spots.
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1º Vaquejada Glória do Goitá
V Campeonato de Bairro de Futebol de Glória do Goitá
Gol de Paulinho(9). 2º gol da Equipe da Vila da Caixa encima da Equipe do Nova glória. Vila da Caixa 2X1 Nova Glória.
Estádio José Correia de Oliveira
Brasil Pais Lindo
Maravilhas do Brasil
Haiti -Terremoto A Tragédia de Um Povo. (IMAGENS RECENTES)
A REFLEXÃO NA TRAGÉDIA : Zilda Arns e ao menos 11 militares brasileiros morrem após terremoto no Haiti; há muitos soldados desaparecidos.O caos se instalou veja as imagens.
Tracy Chapman - Give Me One Reason (Live 11/13)
Give Me One Reason
Serta | A força que vem do campo
O Serta é o Serviço de Tecnologia Alternativa e promove a autoestima do agricultor. A organização foi fundada em 1989 por técnicos e educadores. Para mudar a lógica arraigada na cabeça dos jovens agricultores, o Serta criou uma metodologia baseada na educação popular, o Programa Educacional de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Sustentável (Peads), na qual o aluno se converte em sujeito transformador da própria realidade.
Serta (Alternative Technology Service) promotes farmers' self-esteem. The organization was founded in 1989 by technicians and educators. They created a new approach to rural training, based on popular education -- Educational Project to Support Sustainable Development (Peads), intending students to be the ones who change their own reality.
El Serta es el Servicio de Tecnología Alternativa y promueve la autoestima del agricultor. La organización fue fundada en 1989 por técnicos y educadores. Para cambiar la lógica arraigada en las mentes de los jóvenes agricultores, el Serta creó una metodología basada en la educación popular, el Programa Educativo de Apoyo al Desarrollo Sostenible (Peads), en el que el estudiante se convierte en sujeto transformador de la propia realidad.
Believe.Earth - Report and script: Alice de Souza Direction and photography: Rafael Martins/Ostra Monstra Edition: Bernardo Sampaio/Ostra Monstra
Cavalgada do Trabalhador - Bom Jardim de Minas - 2019.
Seguindo a tradição da XVI Cavalgada em Bom Jardim de Minas.