Heyang County is a county in Shaanxi Province, China, bordering Shanxi Province to the east across the Yellow River. It is under the administration of the prefecture-level city of Weinan. Continue reading... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
3. Great Wall Ruins of WeiHancheng The history of the Great Wall of China began when fortifications built by various states during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods were connected by the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang, to protect his newly founded Qin dynasty against incursions by nomads from Inner Asia. The walls were built of rammed earth, constructed using forced labour, and by 212 BC ran from Gansu to the coast of southern Manchuria. Later dynasties adopted different policies towards northern frontier defense. The Han , the Northern Qi , the Sui , and particularly the Ming were among those that rebuilt, re-manned, and expanded the Walls, although they rarely followed Qin's routes. The Han extended the fortifications furthest to the west, the Qi built about 1,600 kilometres of new walls, while the S... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Heyang Bichenju hotel city: Nanyuequ - Country: China
Address: 10 West Street; zip code: 421900
Heyang Bichenju offers accommodation in Hengyang County. Here, free WiFi is available in public areas and guests can enjoy free parking.
-- 衡阳避塵居位于衡阳县,提供覆盖公共区的免费WiFi以及免费停车场。 这家酒店位于西街,距离南岳庙有14分钟步行路程,距离衡阳市有45分钟车程,距离衡阳高铁东站有58分钟车程。 每间客房均设有平板有线电视、水壶以及带淋浴的私人浴室,并提供拖鞋和免费洗浴用品。 酒店提供24小时前台、免费行李寄存服务以及免费每日清洁服务。客人可以在闲暇时间前往共用休息室放松身心。
Wenxi Mountains in China
After a long 10 days teaching a Summer camp in Wenxi, China, we got to spend the morning and part of the afternoon with the girls in the mountains.
We were told we would go on a picnic.... turns out something got lost in translation and picnic turned into mountain climbing (which we weren't dressed for) I was told we can buy our lunch (there's no vendors anywhere, but the girls were amazing and brought us some snacks)
By the time we left, it was over 40 degrees Celsius and I was wearing jeans that aren't the best for climbing. We did have a wonderful time though and I will miss them.
Sorry, the video ends abruptly, the battery died....
China Publicity Ad 2 Human Geography
秦腔醜角教学Part 1. Folk Chinese opera of Shaanxi (Qinqiang Clown) by 閻振俗 Yan Zhensu
秦腔又稱亂彈,源自西秦腔,流行於陝甘寧青等地。秦腔是中國戲曲四大聲腔中最古老、最豐富、最龐大的聲腔體系。康熙年间的《秦腔论》說秦腔形成于秦,精進于漢,昌明于唐,完整于元,成熟于明,廣播于清,幾經衍變,蔚為大觀。據信秦腔共有一萬多本劇目,因年代久遠散佚較多,現在完整劇目共兩三千本。 Melodies of Qinqiang were originated from the rural areas of ancient Shaanxi and Gansu (Northwest China). The term Qinqiang itself means the tune or voice of Qin. Qinqiang is the most acient, copious, and complex melody in the Four Great Characteristic Melodies of China. According to The Qinqiang (~1660-1740 AD), Qinqiang was formed in Qin Dynasty, developed through Han, Tang, Yuan, Ming Dynasties, and well known in Qing Dynasty. It is belived there were over 10,000 librettos overall. But only 2,000-3,000 librettos are complete and on show nowadays.
閻振俗(1918-1990),陝西省長安縣五台鄉曹村人,著名秦腔醜角。少時聰明過人,很快隨從啓懞老師高天喜學會《新審判》、《勸新郎》、《看女》、《小姑賢》等戲。既演官衣方巾醜,又演彩旦浪子旦,錶演獨特,不落俗套。演出的劇目眾多,主要有《兩顆鈴》、《李雙雙》、《奪印》、《練印》、《劉巧兒》、《拾五貫》、《連升三級》、《屈原》、《法門寺》、《周任回府》等。代錶劇目為《楊三小》、《教學》、《看病》、《打城隍》等。 其錶演特點幽默而嚴肅,冷峻而熱烈。嘴上功夫頗佳,帶有須生念白的功底。講究運用突出的外形特點錶現人物的個性。所演《兩顆鈴》中的少將特務103 ,《奪印》中的陳景宜,《劉巧兒》中的王壽昌,雖都走跛子步,但各不相衕,有的是用栽蹄跛,有的是用提跨跛等。為了演好103偽裝賣燒雞、熟悉生活、掌握人物性格和語言,他拜西安一位賣燒雞的老者為師;為了練好跛腳,他與骨科大夫交上了朋友。排練《拾五貫》時,專門買了隻小白鼠,細心觀察其習性和動作,從而啓發了他用手、眼、腿、腳的小動作來刻畵人物,塑造了一個渾身鼠氣的婁阿鼠。他演《竇娥冤》中的張驢兒,運用了稍子功的技巧,這在醜行表演中是很獨到的。他演的許多角色所用的道具都是自己動手製作,並有新的創造。如《教學》一劇,他做一副能上下擺動的發辮子,增強了演出效果。 Yan Zhensu (1918-1990), born in Chang'an County, Shaanxi, was a famous Qinqiang Chou (Clown) porformer. This video Application for Teacher is one of his representative operas.