Castelul Corvinilor-Huniazilor - Corvin Castle (Hunedoara, Transylvania, Romania)
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Corvin (Huniazilor, Hunedoara) Castle is one of the most important Gothic-Renaissance architectural monuments in Romania. It is considered one of the most beautiful castles in the world and can be found in Top 10 fairy destinations in Europe. Hunedoara Castle is the largest medieval building dual functionality (civil and military) from Romania who is still standing. Corvin Castle was built by John (Iancu) Huniady, prince of Transylvania and governor of Hungary. New construction realised in 1440-1446 includes the old fortress received as a gift from Sigismund, king of Hungary, by his father, Voicu, in 1409. Hunyadi builds a enclosure flanked by seven towers, mostly circular, more resistant to artillery strikes. Near New Gate Tower, on the west wing, built in the Gothic style is the Celebrations Palace having downstairs Knights Hall and upstairs the Diet Hall (name improperly because there never activated the Diet of Transylvania). The palace keeps and the Spiral Staircase leading to the the Diet Hall and to New Gate Tower rooms. Vis-a-vis of these was build the Chapel. Special mention deserves Neboisa Tower (Do Not Fear), outpost located outside the walls, linked through a covered gallery and heavily reinforced with artillery. His son, Matthias Corvinus, great king of Hungary, continues the works with Matthias wing, in north of the castle. We notice Loggia in Renaissance style, decorated with coats of arms and allegorical paintings (now vague recognizing the Legend of the Raven - Corvus, referring to the royal Hungarian lineage of the family Corvin), the Golden Room (Kings' bedroom) and Ladies Room. The castle is recognized as one of the most imposing buildings in Eastern Europe. In the seventeenth century, Gabriel Bethlen built the Bethlem Palace on the east wing (with a Gothic-style gallery). Bethlen strengthens the castle by building Artillery Terrace and the imposing White Tower, artillery, taking over the role of defensive Old Gate Tower. Finally, and the south side of the castle will be occupied by a palace namely Administrative Palace (or Zólyomi, named after the lord). With time the castle lost its military importance, being used in many other purposes. After a serious fire, the castle reached in an advanced state of decay, being renovated in the nineteenth century.
Castelul Corvinilor (Huniazilor, Hunedoarei) este unul din cele mai importante monumente de arhitectură gotică-renascentistă din România. Este considerat unul dintre cele mai frumoase castele din lume, găsindu-se în „Top 10 destinații de basm din Europa”. Castelul Hunedoarei este cea mai mare construcție medievală cu dublă funcționalitate (civilă și militară) din România aflată încă în picioare. Castelul Corvinilor a fost construit de către Ioan (Iancu) de Hunedoara, voievod al Transilvaniei și guvernator al Ungariei. Noua construcție, realizată în anii 1440-1446 înglobează vechea cetate primită în dar de tatăl său, Voicu, din partea lui Sigismund de Luxemburg, regele Ungariei. Ioan de Hunedoara construiește o nouă incintă flancată de 7 turnuri de apărare, majoritatea circulare, mult mai rezistente la loviturile artileriei (turnurile Buzdugan, Toboșarilor, Pustiu, Capistrano). Lângă Turnul Nou de Poartă, pe latura vestică, construiește în stil gotic Palatul de Festivități având la parter Sala Cavalerilor, iar la etaj Sala Dietei (nume impropriu deoarece aici nu a activat niciodată Dieta Transilvaniei). De acest palat ține și Scara Spirală care duce la sala dietei, precum și la etajele Turnului Nou de Poartă. Vis-a-vis de acestea construiește o capelă. O mențiune specială merită Turnul Neboisa (Nu Te Teme), avanpost situat în afara zidurilor, legat de incintă printr-o galerie acoperită și puternic întărit cu artilerie. Fiul său, Mateia Corvin, marele rege al Ungariei, continuă lucrările construind aripa nordică, Matia. În cadrul acesteia se remarcă Loggia, în stil romantic, decorată cu blazoane și picturi alegorice (în prezent recunoscându-se vag și legenda corbului, cu trimitere la descendența regală ungară a familiei Corvinilor), iar dintre săli, Camera de Aur (dormitorul regelui) și Camera Domnițelor. Castelul este recunoscut ca fiind una din cele mai impunătoare construcții din estul europei. În secolul XVII, Gabriel Bethlen construiește pe latura de est palatul Bethlen (având o galerie în stil neogotic). Bethlen întărește castelul construind Terasa de Artilerie precum și impunătorul Turn Alb, de artilerie, care preia rolul defensiv al Turnului Vechi de Poartă. În final, și latura sudică a castelului va fi ocupată de un palat și anume Palatul Administrativ (sau Zolyom, după numele seniorului). Cu timpul castelul și-a pierdut importanța militară, fiind folosit în multe alte scopuri. După un puternic incendiu, castelul ajunge într-o stare avansată de degradare, fiind renovat în secolul XIX.
Corvin Castle Romania
■ HUNEDOARA, ROMANNIA: Few Europeans and Americans visit Romania. Even fewer visit cities other than Bucharest and Bran. I recently took a train from Serbia to Timisoara. From there I continued by rail to Cluj, Simeria, Hunedoara and Deva. I took the same route back again but leaving the country to Budapest..
It's easy to enter Romania by rail from either Serbia or Hungary. Trains are slow though. In this video I give you my impressions from visiting this country with the terrible reputation. In all of Europe it's considered perfectly ok to hate on Romania and Romanians.
Ask the French, Italians, Norwegians, Swedes and British people what they think about Romanians and you're likely to be told that they are thieves, bad people and God knows what else.
I find this to be untrue. On top of that when inside Romania you will find the people quite open considering the country's location in the old Eastern bloc of Europe. There are much angrier countries in this part of Europe. Trust me on this one!
Romania will likely never be the next Monaco but there are some cool things to see in the country. Personally I like the Transylvania region as it has some amazing castles and fortresses. Best in the class was the gothic renaissance castle known as Castelul Corvinilor. Or Corwin Castle in english.
Supposedly Vlad the Impaler, or Vlad Tepes to use his real name, were held as a prisoner here towards the latter part of his life. He is the man who some know as Vlad Dracul and was the main inspiration behind the Count Dracula novel. This castle can be found in the city of Hunedoara.
In the neighboring city of Deva there is also an epic fortress. You can see both in the video.
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Corvin Castle Hunedoara Romania
Visit Piatra Neamt - a wonderful place!
If you are planning a trip to Romania, and you want to discover the NE region of the country, best known in world for its famous churches and monasteries don't forget to visit Piatra Neamt, the capital of Neamt County and one of the most picturesque cities in Romania -- a wonderful place which will surprise you with its gorgeous landscapes and that unique ambiance found only in the region of Moldavia.
This short presentation movie hopefully will help you discover Piatra Neamt.
Yamaha T-Max | Hunedoara | Castelul Corvinilor | Trips in Romania
Băile Termale Romane - GERMISARA - Roman Thermal Baths (Geoagiu-Băi, Transylvania, Romania)
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Fostele băi termale romane Germisara, probabil unice în lume prin forma și modul de construcție, constituie acum un sit istoric deosebit de interesant situat la marginea vestică a stațiunii Geoagiu-Băi (județul Hunedoara). Situl apare apare sub forma unui mamelon de travertin (rocă sedimentară formată prin precipitarea carbonatului de calciu în jurul izvoarelor minerale) cu diametrul de circa 95 m și care prezintă în interiorul său o cavernă circulară cu un lac termal pe fundul său. Cunoscute probabil de daci, aceste ape au fost amenajate și valorificate de romani în timpul cât Imperiul Roman a ocupat o parte din Dacia (anii 106-271). Dacă la început romanii au făcut baie probabil chiar în lacul din cavernă, ulterior au construit la suprafață un complex de canale și camere de baie ale căror urme sunt evidente și astăzi. Dat fiind capacitatea curativă deosebită, poate miraculoasă, a apelor termominerale, acest loc devine sacru iar lacul devine un loc de cult, dovadă fiind ofrandele descoperite pe fundul acestuia, dedicate zeițelor tămăduitoare și protectoare a apelor termale: Diana, Higia și Nymphae. În anul 1987 în timpul săpăturilor de adâncire a fundului lacului în vederea recaptării apei, muncitorii au găsit peste opt plăcuţe de aur, circa 600 de monede, o statuie de marmură reprezentând-o pe zeiţa Diana, patru altare şi diferite alte obiecte antice. Un text de pe o plăcuță, aparținând probabil unui dac romanizat, susține continuitatea dacilor în timpul stăpânirii romane. De asemenea, în timpul unor lucrări făcute în vecinătate în anul 1930 au fost dezgropate statui care îi reprezintă pe Esculap, zeul medicinei, şi pe Hygiea, zeița sănătății și a curățeniei. În prezent acest sit istoric se poate vizita liber, putându-se pătrunde în caverna parțial amenajată din interiorul mamelonului de travertin prin vechile lucrări romane.
The former Germisara Thermal Baths, probably unique in the world by its shape and construction, are now a particularly interesting historical site located on the western edge of Geoagiu-Bai Resort (Hunedoara County, Transylvania, Romania). The site appears as a travertine (sedimentary rock formed by the precipitation of calcium carbonate around mineral springs) rounded hillock with a diameter of about 95 m and with a circular cavern with a thermal lake on its bottom. Probably known by the Dacians, these waters were arranged and valorified by the Romans as long as the Roman Empire occupied part of Dacia (106-271 years). If at first the Romans were bath in the cavern lake, they later built a complex of canals and baths whose traces are obvious today. By their curative effect, perhaps miraculously, the Germisara Baths became very well known in the Roman Empire, this place becomes sacred and the lake becomes a place of worship, as evidenced by the offerings found on its bottom, dedicated to the healing and protective gods of the thermal waters: Diana, Higia and Nymphae. In 1987, during excavations to deepen the bottom of the lake to recover water, the workers found more than eight gold plaques, about 600 coins, a marble statue representing the goddess Diana, four altars and various other ancient objects. A text on a plaque, possibly belonging to a Romanized Dacian, supports the continuity of the Dacians during Roman rule. Also, during works made in the neighborhood in 1930, statues representing Esculap, god of medicine, and Hygiea, goddess of health and cleanliness, were unearthed. Nowadays this historic site can be visited freely, and we can to enter into the partially arranged cavern inside the travertine rounded hillock through the ancient Roman works.
Walking in Romania - Carpathian Mountains
Wild Frontiers Adventure Travel's, Jonny Bealby, explores Romania on our walking holiday 'Wild Walk: Along the Enchanted Way' in the stunning Carpathian Mountains.
For more information on travelling in Romania and our next walking holiday in the region visit
Romania Travel - Scenes in 4k DJI Mavic Pro Drone + Osmo
Scenes from Romania in 4k Drone + Osmo
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Dave and Deb of The Planet D take you on another travel adventure showcasing these aerial views of Romania's landscape and famous castles.
We packed their drone and osmo to create beautiful images from the land of Dracula.
From Dracula's castles to Bucharest, Brasov to Peles castle we're showcase the best of Romania.
While attending #ExperienceBucharest we spent five days enjoying the capital city before heading off in a rental car to explore the countryside.
We fell in love with the landscape of Romania and the cities of Bucharest and Brasov.
We can't wait to go back!
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From Bucharest to Brasov we went on a road trip through Romania to capture the countryside and castles in 4k drone and osmo.
►In this video you'll see
The old city of Bucharest
The old city of Brasov
The Transylvania countryside
Bran Castle - aka Dracula's Castle
Peles Castle - Romania's fairytale castle
Sania countryside and villages.
Fall in love with Romania.
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SALINA TURDA, or the pearl hidden - ROMANIA (HD1080p)
*** The salt was extracted from SALINA TURDA, from antiquity up to the early 20th century (1932).
Since 1992, in the SALINA TURDA it is a halotherapy center and a popular tourist attraction of international interest, being visited by about 2 million Romanian and foreign tourists.
SALINA TURDA was placed by Business Insider at the top of their list of the ten coolest underground places in the world.
Likewise, SALINA TURDA was once ranked among the 25 hidden gems around the world that are worth the trek ***