Beautiful Place In Romania
Tuzla is a commune in Constanța County, Romania, including the village with the same name. Its name means saltpan in Turkish.
We were very blessed to be able to visit Romania again. This time, we carried our parents and did a road trip to experience the nature of Romania and as well as to visit some relatives in the Transylvania Region. This video is focusing on the area called Argeș County. We started our journey at the bottom tip of the Transfăgărășan road. Also, we intended to stop at the Lake Vidraru as our first destination. We stayed at the Pensiunea Vidraru for the night. The place is truly amazing. You will feel the fresh cold air of the forest as it is located in the forest surrounded by pine trees and rivers. We went back to the Vidraru Dam to get more video shots and photos the following day. Our breakfast was at the Hotel Posada Vidraru as it is just next to the dam. Right after eating, we went straight to visit one of the nicest spot in Vidraru. It is at the Cabana Cumpăna. We took some drone shots at this are and had coffee and desert. This place is so isolated and the road is so rough. Despite of it, the view is rewarding. We recommend visiting all the places that we mentioned. And that is the end of our Vidraru adventure.
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Sites Mentioned:
☞ Argeș County
☞ Transfăgărășan Road
☞ Ruinele Cetăţii Poenari
☞ Vidraru Dam
☞ Prometheus Statue
☞ Pensiunea Vidraru
☞ Hotel Posada Vidraru
☞ Cabana Cumpăna
☞ Lac Vidraru
Watch our previous video here:
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Băile Termale Romane - GERMISARA - Roman Thermal Baths (Geoagiu-Băi, Transylvania, Romania)
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Fostele băi termale romane Germisara, probabil unice în lume prin forma și modul de construcție, constituie acum un sit istoric deosebit de interesant situat la marginea vestică a stațiunii Geoagiu-Băi (județul Hunedoara). Situl apare apare sub forma unui mamelon de travertin (rocă sedimentară formată prin precipitarea carbonatului de calciu în jurul izvoarelor minerale) cu diametrul de circa 95 m și care prezintă în interiorul său o cavernă circulară cu un lac termal pe fundul său. Cunoscute probabil de daci, aceste ape au fost amenajate și valorificate de romani în timpul cât Imperiul Roman a ocupat o parte din Dacia (anii 106-271). Dacă la început romanii au făcut baie probabil chiar în lacul din cavernă, ulterior au construit la suprafață un complex de canale și camere de baie ale căror urme sunt evidente și astăzi. Dat fiind capacitatea curativă deosebită, poate miraculoasă, a apelor termominerale, acest loc devine sacru iar lacul devine un loc de cult, dovadă fiind ofrandele descoperite pe fundul acestuia, dedicate zeițelor tămăduitoare și protectoare a apelor termale: Diana, Higia și Nymphae. În anul 1987 în timpul săpăturilor de adâncire a fundului lacului în vederea recaptării apei, muncitorii au găsit peste opt plăcuţe de aur, circa 600 de monede, o statuie de marmură reprezentând-o pe zeiţa Diana, patru altare şi diferite alte obiecte antice. Un text de pe o plăcuță, aparținând probabil unui dac romanizat, susține continuitatea dacilor în timpul stăpânirii romane. De asemenea, în timpul unor lucrări făcute în vecinătate în anul 1930 au fost dezgropate statui care îi reprezintă pe Esculap, zeul medicinei, şi pe Hygiea, zeița sănătății și a curățeniei. În prezent acest sit istoric se poate vizita liber, putându-se pătrunde în caverna parțial amenajată din interiorul mamelonului de travertin prin vechile lucrări romane.
The former Germisara Thermal Baths, probably unique in the world by its shape and construction, are now a particularly interesting historical site located on the western edge of Geoagiu-Bai Resort (Hunedoara County, Transylvania, Romania). The site appears as a travertine (sedimentary rock formed by the precipitation of calcium carbonate around mineral springs) rounded hillock with a diameter of about 95 m and with a circular cavern with a thermal lake on its bottom. Probably known by the Dacians, these waters were arranged and valorified by the Romans as long as the Roman Empire occupied part of Dacia (106-271 years). If at first the Romans were bath in the cavern lake, they later built a complex of canals and baths whose traces are obvious today. By their curative effect, perhaps miraculously, the Germisara Baths became very well known in the Roman Empire, this place becomes sacred and the lake becomes a place of worship, as evidenced by the offerings found on its bottom, dedicated to the healing and protective gods of the thermal waters: Diana, Higia and Nymphae. In 1987, during excavations to deepen the bottom of the lake to recover water, the workers found more than eight gold plaques, about 600 coins, a marble statue representing the goddess Diana, four altars and various other ancient objects. A text on a plaque, possibly belonging to a Romanized Dacian, supports the continuity of the Dacians during Roman rule. Also, during works made in the neighborhood in 1930, statues representing Esculap, god of medicine, and Hygiea, goddess of health and cleanliness, were unearthed. Nowadays this historic site can be visited freely, and we can to enter into the partially arranged cavern inside the travertine rounded hillock through the ancient Roman works.
Tourist Attractions - Dambovita, Romania
Programul Operațional Regional
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Povestea Dâmboviței începe în Munții Bucegi și se continuă în jos spre lacul Scropoasa și Lacul Bolboci. Minunatele stânci Babele, care se uită umile către Sfinx, dac fin Munții Bucegi o perlă a Carpaților.
În Dâmbovița descoperi cele mai rare forme de vegetație ale României, răspândite în Rezervația Naturală Turbăria Lăptici, canionul Horoabele sau Cheile Tătarului și Zănoagei.
Râurile Ialomița și Dâmbovița și-au oferit cu generozitate apele, făcând din aceste locuri monumente rare ale naturii.
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Copyright: Parteneriatul dintre Consiliul Județean Dâmbovița și Asociația „Solidaritate, Implicare, Progres
Biserica COLȚ - Church (Hunedoara County, Romania)
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Colt (corner - in Romanian) Orthodox church fortress is located at the northern foot of Retezat Mountains, above the village Suseni (village Rau de Mori, Hunedoara county). The name comes from the Colt (corner) located on the corner rock on the other side of the Rauşor Valley, both dating from the fourteenth century. Both were built by the lords Candea, famous medieval noble family of Hateg Country. Church, which is dedicated to All Saints Sunday currently working as hermitage with community of monks. How it looks now, monastic ensemble is the result of extensive restorations made in the last 20 years, repeating an old Orthodox hermitage who worked here in the XIV-XVI. From the seventeenth century, the settlement was abandoned, underwent decay ruin. During communist times longer keep only the tower and the nave was converted into stable. The church is distinguished by its strange looks, as one fortress, due mainly to defense tower built above the altar, to better supervise the valley. The walls having a thickness of 1.2 m are made of rough stone and are reinforced with buttresses. The church has only a rectangular short nave, and one altar with defense tower above. The entrance is directly into the nave. Valuable paintings were made sometime during 1350-1450, probably by the same Stephen craftsman who painted also Densus church. The mural painting has been compromised, only the altar keeping better, and could still recognize an ample scenes Akathist Hymn. In the nave of the church restoration work could save only small areas of mural painting, as seen now. the defensive church tower has 3 levels (provided with very narrow stairs, the chimney fire and pyramidal stone roof, typical for the medieval Hateg Country). The fortified Colt Church was part of the defensive system of the Colt Fortress. Colt Fortress was built several decades after construction of the church. It was no renovated, being now in an advanced state of ruin. There are many outstanding coincidences and indirect data that lead pretty sure the idea that this would be the fortress that inspired Jules Verne to write his novel The Carpathian Castle.
Biserica-fortăreață ortodoxă Colț este situată la poalele nordice ale Munților Retezat, mai sus de satul Suseni (comuna Râu de Mori, județul Hunedoara). Numele provine de la Cetatea Colț situată pe un colț de munte pe celălalt versant al Văii Râușor, ambele datând din secolul XIV și fiind ctitoria cnezilor Cândea, vestită familie nobiliară medievală din Țara Hațegului. Biserica, având hramul ”Duminica Tuturor Sfinților” activează în prezent ca schit cu obște de călugări. Așa cum arată acum, ansamblul monahal este rezultatul unei ample restaurări făcute în ultimii 20 de ani, reluând o veche sihăstrie ortodoxă care a activat aici în secolele XIV-XVI. Din secolul XVII, așezământul a fost abandonat, degradându-se la ruină. În perioada comunistă se mai păstra doar turnul, iar naosul a fost transformat în grajd. Biserica se remarcă prin aspectul său ciudat, de fortăreață, datorat mai ales turnului de apărare construit deasupra altarului, putând astfel supraveghea valea. Zidurile, având o grosime de 1,2 m sunt făcute din piatră brută și sunt întărite cu contraforturi. Biserica este o navă dreptunghiulară numai cu naos scurt și cu altarul-turn decroșat. Intrarea se face direct în naos. Valorosul ansamblu pictural realizat cândva în perioada 1350-1450, probabil de către același meșter Ștefan care a pictat și biserica din Densuș, a fost compromisă, doar în altar păstrând-se mai bine, putându-se totuși recunoaște scenele unui amplu ”Imn acatist”. În naos, lucrările de restaurare a bisericii au putut salva doar mici suprafețe, așa cum se vede acum. Turnul fortificat al bisericii are 3 niveluri (prevăzut cu scări foarte înguste, cu horn pentru foc și cu acoperiș piramidal din piatră, tipic pentru zona Hațeg) și făcea parte din sistemul defensiv al cetății Colț. Cetatea Colț a fost construită la câteva decenii după construcția bisericii. Nu a fost renovată, aflându-se acum într-o stare avansată de ruină. Sunt multe coincidențe deosebite și date indirecte care conduc destul de sigur la ideea că această cetate ar fi cea care l-a inspirat pe Jules Verne să scrie romanul ”Castelul din Carpați”.
Zoo in the city of Brasov, Romania, located in the Noua district, June 2017(1)
Zoo is one of the attractions of Brasov, regardless of the season. All animal and nature lovers, adults or children, are mainly attracted by tigers, lions, monkeys, bears and reptiles.
The Zoo Noua Park in Brasov covers very well three purposes or interests, namely the educational-scientific, the conservationist (the animals live longer in the wild, not subject to harsh environmental conditions or predators and having a constant food) and the interactive-environment , Offering a pleasant relaxation for children and adults alike.
At the Zoo Brasov, the local animals, such as the brown bear, the deer, the wild boar, the fox or the wolf, the exotic or alohtone, such as the jaguar, the lash, the baboon, the strut or the blade, are very nice and interesting.
Habitats of large cats (lion, ras, or leopard) welcome you from the entrance and offer you two viewing options at the ground level, from inside (through thick glass of secure glass) and from the top, panoramic, above the tiles. Other interactive areas within the park include exotic fish and turtles, as well as two delimitations for dry birds (cranberries, pheasants, colorful American pickles) and water (finds, Mandarin or Carolina) as well as for collared pigeons Impress in a multitude of colors. We can thus delight ourselves with rare specimens that are rarely seen in us or which we can only see at the Zoo in these Central and Eastern European countries.
Do you have what it takes to take a step off the beaten path with Adventure Romania? Are you ready to arise all your courage, ability, passion for nature and photography? To explore remote places and discover yourself in a lost world? We have all that it takes, and more, ready to share with you. Visit Transylvania on less travelled roads, for a lifetime experience!
Romania: CFR class 60 Sulzer diesel loco on a Slobozia Veche - Urziceni passenger train
Romania: A selection of clips showing CFR class 60 Sulzer diesel loco number 60-0748 working train R8154, the 1855 from Slobozia Veche to Urziceni. All clips recorded 5th July 2015.
Clip 1 - At Slobozia Veche station 60-0748 runs round the coaches ready to work the 1855 to Urziceni.
Clip 2 (0.40) - Departing from Slobozia Veche.
Clip 3 (1.39) - Between Slobozia Veche and Perieti.
Clip 4 (2.24) - Departing from Perieti.
Clip 5 (2.57) - Departing from Fundata.
Clip 6 (3.46) - A view of locomotive 60-0748 seen from the front coach.
Slobozia is the capital of and largest city in the county of Ialomita county, Muntenia, Romania. The city was built on the remains of the ancient Roman fortress Netindava. Slobozia is the largest municipality in the county of Ialomita, Romania. According to the 2002 census, has a population of 45.891 inhabitants. According to the latest official estimates of the National Statistics Institute, the municipality's population is decreasing.
Urziceni is a municipality in the county of Ialomita , Muntenia , Romania . It has a population of 15.308 inhabitants. It is a medium-sized city whose main activities are agriculture and services.
The town lies in the west of the county, about 60 km from Bucharest , Ploiesti , Buzau and Slobozia. It is an important road and rail junction: it is crossed by the national road DN 2 , in which the national roads branching Urziceni DN1D (to Ploiesti) and DN2A to Slobozia and Constanta . Also at Arsenal intersecting railroad tracks leading the Făurei Bucharest with one that leads to free and Ţăndărei .
Căile Ferate Române (abbreviated as CFR) is the official designation of the state railway carrier of Romania. The railway network of Romania consists of 11,380 km (7,070 mi), of which 3,971 km (2,467 mi) (34.9%) are electrified, and the total track length is 22,247 km (13,824 mi), of which 8,585 km (5,334 mi) (38.5%) are electrified. The network is significantly interconnected with other European railway networks, providing pan-European passenger and freight services. CFR as an entity has been operating since 1880, even though the first railway on current Romanian territory was opened in 1854.
CFR is divided into four autonomous companies:
CFR Călători, responsible for passenger services;
CFR Marfă, responsible for freight transport;
CFR Infrastructură, manages the infrastructure on the Romanian railway network; and
Societatea Feroviară de Turism, or SFT, which manages scenic and tourist railways.
CFR Călători, the passenger service division of CFR, operates seven types of passenger train, both on Romania's territory, with rolling stock and locomotives, or internationally, with rolling stock. Also, CFR operates international trains on Romanian territory with its own locomotives. The train types vary in terms of speed and type of rolling stock. In 2010, approximately 58 million passengers have traveled with the company. 10 million travelers have preferred private equity firms in particular on the side lines.
CFR train types are:
Regio (R) -- the trains have assigned numbers from 2000 to 9999
InterRegio (IR) -- the trains have assigned numbers from 200 to 499, 600 to 999, 1000 to 1999 and 10000 to 14999
InterCity (IC) -- numbered from 500 to 599
EuroCity (EC) -- numbered as IC trains from 500 to 599
EuroNight (EN) -- numbered as IC trains from 500 to 599
Special (S) -- tourist trains operated on scenic routes with vintage rolling stock, numbered from S1 to S9
Sulzer Ltd. is a Swiss industrial engineering and manufacturing firm, founded by Salomon Sulzer-Bernet in 1775 and established as Sulzer Brothers Ltd. in 1834 in Winterthur, Switzerland.
Sulzer developed a series of rail traction engines in the 1930s and 1940s which were used extensively in diesel locomotives in the UK, Europe and South America. A small number were used in locomotives in Africa and Australia. The Sulzer LDA (prefixed by the number of cylinders, and with a suffix related to the cylinder bore) engine was widely used by British Rail. Many were built under licence by Vickers-Armstrong at Barrow as six-, eight- and twelve-cylinder form. The twelve-cylinder engine was used in the British Rail Class 47 and several others. The 12LDA28 engine was a double bank engine having, in effect, two six-cylinder engines side by side, rather than a V-type as favoured by many other manufacturers. Sulzer V-type engines for rail use bore the type number LVA (with a 50-degree angle between the banks).
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Mamaia View From 164 ft. Above the Sea 2017(1.2)
Romania Constanta Statiune Promoveaza Turismul Vlog.ish Telegondola! view cu marea, next Ghiolul/marea?
Summer Wellness! [Amazing Romania-Part 1]
This is just a small part of my amazing summer vacation! If you haven't visited those places yet, you should start planning your next trip right now! Let me know if you have already visited them! Share your pictures and your thoughts with us! Also, if you enjoyed my video, don't forget to like, share & subscribe!
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