Boca Chica Dominican Republic Nightlife || iam_marwa
Boca Chica Dominican Republic Nightlife. Most of the night life in Boca Chica takes place on Calle Duarte, which is the street that runs parallel to the beach, 1 block in. wellcome to Top Nightlife in Boca Chica.
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Юго-Восточная Азия включает в себя полуостров Индокитай. На котором и расположена ее жемчужина - страна Мьянма. Мы путешествовали по Мьянме дважды разными маршрутами. В первый раз - когда у власти в стране находились военные. Тогда еще Бирма Мьянма была малоизвестна путешественникам. А во второй раз - уже после победы демократических сил. Мы не покупали тур в Бирму. Путешествие в Мьянму организовывали сами и путешествовали своим ходом. Эти путешествия и экскурсии по самобытной стране, которая была длительное время полностью закрыта для иностранцев, произвели на нас неизгладимые впечатления. Здесь мы столкнулись совершенно с другим миром.
Во время наших путешествий по Myanmar нас сопровождала замечательная женщина - переводчик, самоучка русского языка, mrs Osomarsi. Она жительница Yangon (Янгон или старое название Рангун, столица Мьянмы - Burma). Вместе с ней мы посещали места, куда часто не ступала нога туристов. Она помогала нам в общении с местным населением и с покупкой билетов на транспорт, оформляла пермиты - разрешения на посещения закрытых районов страны и т.д. Она познакомила нас со своим домом и семьей. Мы очень благодарны ей за это.
Сколько во время наших путешествий мы прошли босиком буддийских храмов, святых буддийских мест не поддается исчислению. Мы принимали пищу в буддийских монастырях, знакомились с местными обычаями, жизнью монахов и паломников, слушали звуковые вибрации мантр в отражениях священных гор, бродили по многочисленным пещерам, предсказывали свою судьбу у буддийских монахов астрологов. Посещали базары, занятия в местных школах и многочисленные кустарные фабрики ремёсел.
В Мьянма достопримечательности это озеро Инле - местная Венеция. Дома жителей, отели, рестораны, расположены на сваях на воде и в деревнях вокруг озера. Многочисленные мастерские, кустарные фабрики на озере Инле расположены тоже на сваях.
От Янгона до Inle Lake можно добраться часа за три. Сорок минут на самолете над Шанским горным плато. Посадка в городке Таунджи и далее на рейсовом автобусе до поселка Ньяуншве. Он стоит уже на озере. Далее на лодке с мотором в наш отель на сваях, где мы провели 3 ночи. Каждый день с рассвета и до заката мы плавали на быстроходной лодке - sampan boat по озеру и изучали жизнь в этом удаленном регионе Birma. Инле озеро с бирманского переводится как маленькое озеро. Расположено оно на высоте 900 м над уровнем моря. Размеры его: 20 на 6,5 км. Глубина колеблется от 3 м (в сухой сезон) до 5 в сезон дождей. Когда и почему люди поселились на озере, вопрос, на который точного ответа пока нет. Скорее всего, произошло это в XI веке. Некая группа бирманцев была вынуждена перебраться с суши на воду, чтобы обезопасить себя от набегов воинственных шанских племен.
Жители Инле называют себя инта, что значит сыновья озера. Они строят на забитых в дно сваях бамбуковые хижины с тростниковыми крышами и плавают на лодках - сампанах. Первое, что поражает на Инле, - это необычный способ гребли, практикуемый местными жителями. Инта не сидят на веслах - они стоят на носу сампана и, обвив ногой весло, с удивительной ловкостью им орудуют. Сохраняя при этом равновесие даже при волнах и занимаясь рыбацкими снастями. Ловля рыбы - одно из главных занятий инта.
Озеро Инле славится своими плавучими огородами, которые можно запросто перевозить с места на место с помощью лодок. Прямо на водной глади жители выращивают овощи. Floating Gardens: плавучие огороды на озере Инле - это плоты, сплетенные из бамбука, корней и травы, поверх которых насыпана земля с донным илом. А чтобы такой огород не уплыл, его прикалывают ко дну бамбуковыми шестами. На огородах жители выращивает огурцы, помидоры, цветную капусту и цветы. Овощи, выращенные на Инле, славятся по всей Мьянме.
Климат бирманского высокогорья как будто предназначен для выращивания кофе. Побывав здесь, не забудьте прикупить потрясающий кофе, который выращивают в горной местности с 1885 г.
Наши путешествия всегда заканчивались на известном пляжном курорте Ngapali Beach. Пляж Нгапали расположен на берегу Бенгальского залива Мьянмы. Это несколько километров белоснежного пляжа. Тихое, уединенное место. По некоторым рейтингам входит в 20-ку лучших пляжей мира.
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Наши влог - vlog Путешествия в Мьянму -
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Перед путешествием в Мьянму или просто на досуге почитайте увлекательные книги о Бирме (можно скачать в интернете):
❤ Рамешова Станислава Страна золотых пагод. М.: «Мысль», 1987
❤ Козьма Пётр Наш человек в Мьянме. Изд-во Алгоритм, 2014
❤ Можейко И.В. (он же Кир Булычёв) 5000 храмов на берегу Иравади. М.: «Наука», 1967
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#МьянмаДостопримечательности #ОзероИнле #InleLake #TouristDestination #ПутешествиеВМьянму #ЮговосточнаяАзия #Traveling #Путешествия #MyanmarCountry #БирмаМьянма #ТурВБирму #ИнлеОзеро #СыновьяОзера #ФабрикиНаОзереИнле #МьянмаБирма
Vorkuta (3) Survivors
Videofilmas Inta-Vorkuta (1990) fragments.
Ieslodzīto dzeja. Lietuviešu aktīvists stāsta par viņa dēla noslepkavošanu. Bijušais ieslodzitais Jēkabs Kairens un noslēpto dokumentu meklešana.
Many Latvians and other Balts were imprisoned throughout the vast expanse of the Gulag. There were heavy concentrations of them across the entire northern part of European Russia including the Komi Republic camps of Kotlas, Ukhta, Inta and Pechora that approach and surround Vorkuta. They came in both the first deportation in 1941 and in the later deportations. They were made to work in timbering and railroad construction, then for settlement construction along the railroad. For example, 3,000 Balts were brought to Kotlas in 1941. Others were in the Abez-Inta group about 150 to 200 miles west of Vorkuta (coal mining, timbering, industrial prospecting for oil). Other Balts were forced to the Ust-Ukhta group near Vorkuta, with about 30 camps, and the Ust-Vym complex of 22 stations on the Vologda-Kotlas-Ukhta railroad line. There were more in large-scale lumber transport on the Vym and Vchedga rivers. The Pechora area had many camps in a region of dense forests. Pechora also contained a transit prison that sent laborers to many sites, including Kozhva, Ukhta, and Vorkuta. With the second Soviet occupation of the Baltic States at the end of World War II, a great number of Baltic citizens were forced into the Gulag. This continued through the early 1950s, when another large group of Baltic nationals were brought to these camps. These were young, patriotic Baltic citizens, members of anti-Soviet partisan groups from all three Baltic states. They, along with all of the Balts in the Gulag, were treated as political prisoners sentenced under the comprehensive Article 58 of the USSR criminal code.
Materiāli videofilmai Inta-Vorkuta tika iegūti 1989. un 1990. g totalitārisma noziegumu pētnieka Alfrēda Geidāna organizētajās ekspedīcijās uz bijušajām Komi reģiona gulaga nometnēm. Filmas fragmenti vairākkārt tika rādīti Latvijas TV programmās, filma tika izplatīta trimdas latviešu vidē ASV un Kanādā.
Baku, Baku Region, Azerbaijan, Eurasia
Baku is the capital and largest city of Azerbaijan, as well as the largest city on the Caspian Sea and of the Caucasus region. Baku is located 28 meters below sea level, which makes it the lowest lying national capital in the world. Baku is also the largest city in the world located below sea level. It is located on the southern shore of the Absheron Peninsula, which projects into the Caspian Sea. The city consists of two principal parts: the downtown and the old Inner City (21.5 ha). Baku's urban population at the beginning of 2009 was estimated at just over two million people. Officially, about 25 percent of all inhabitants of the country live in the metropolitan city area of Baku. Baku is divided into eleven administrative districts (raions) and 48 townships. Among these are the townships on islands in the Baku Bay and the town of Oil Rocks built on stilts in the Caspian Sea, 60 km (37 mi) away from Baku. The Inner City of Baku along with the Shirvanshah's Palace and Maiden Tower were inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2000. According to the Lonely Planet's ranking, Baku is also among the world's top ten destinations for urban nightlife. The city is the scientific, cultural and industrial center of Azerbaijan. Many sizeable Azerbaijani institutions have their headquarters there, including SOCAR, one of the world's top 100 companies and others. The Baku International Sea Trade Port, sheltered by the islands of the Baku Archipelago to the east and the Absheron Peninsula to the north, is capable of handling two million tons of general and dry bulk cargoes per year. Baku hosted the 57th Eurovision Song Contest in 2012 and will host the 2015 European Games. The urban landscape of Baku is shaped by many communities. The religion with the largest community of followers is Islam. The majority of the Muslims are Shia Muslims, and the Republic of Azerbaijan has the second highest Shia population percentage in the world after Iran. Zoroastrianism had a long history in Azerbaijan, evident in sites such as the Fire Temple of Baku or ceremonies like Nowruz, along with Manichean. The city's notable mosques include Juma Mosque, Bibi-Heybat Mosque, Muhammad Mosque and Taza Pir Mosque. There are some other faiths practiced among the different ethnic groups within the country. By article 48 of its Constitution, Azerbaijan is a secular state and ensures religious freedom. Religious minorities include Russian Orthodox Christians, Catholic Levantines, Ashkenazi Jews and Sufi Muslims. Today the vast majority of the population of Baku are ethnic Azerbaijanis (more than 90%). The intensive growth of the population started in the middle of the 19th century when Baku was a small town with a population of about 7,000 people. The population increased again from about 13,000 in the 1860s to 112,000 in 1897 and 215,000 in 1913, making Baku the largest city in the Caucasus region. Baku has been a cosmopolitan city at certain times during its history, meaning ethnic Azerbaijanis did not constitute the majority of population. In 2003 Baku additionally had 153,400 internally displaced persons and 93,400 refugees. Baku's largest industry is petroleum, and its petroleum exports make it a large contributor to Azerbaijan's balance of payments. The existence of petroleum has been known since the 8th century. In the 10th century, the Arabian traveler, Marudee, reported that both white and black oil were being extracted naturally from Baku. By the 15th century, oil for lamps was obtained from hand-dug surface wells. Commercial exploitation began in 1872, and by the beginning of the 20th century the Baku oil fields were the largest in the world. Towards the end of the 20th century much of the onshore petroleum had been exhausted, and drilling had extended into the sea offshore. By the end of the 19th century skilled workers and specialists flocked to Baku. By 1900 the city had more than 3,000 oil wells, of which 2,000 were producing oil at industrial levels. Baku ranked as one of the largest centres for the production of oil industry equipment before World War II. The World War II Battle of Stalingrad was fought to determine who would have control of the Baku oil fields. Fifty years before the battle, Baku produced half of the world's oil supply. Currently the oil economy of Baku is undergoing a resurgence, with the development of the massive Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli field (Shallow water Gunashli by SOCAR, deeper areas by a consortium led by BP), development of the Shah Deniz gas field, the expansion of the Sangachal Terminal and the construction of the BTC Pipeline.
Turkey Travel Doc - Part 04
Turkey (Turkish: Türkiye), known officially as the Republic of Turkey (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti (help·info)), is a Eurasian country that stretches across the Anatolian peninsula in western Asia and Thrace (Rumelia) in the Balkan region of southeastern Europe. Turkey is bordered by eight countries: Bulgaria to the northwest; Greece to the west; Georgia to the northeast; Armenia, Azerbaijan (the exclave of Nakhichevan) and Iran to the east; and Iraq and Syria to the southeast. The Mediterranean Sea and Cyprus are to the south; the Aegean Sea and Archipelago are to the west; and the Black Sea is to the north. Separating Anatolia and Thrace are the Sea of Marmara and the Turkish Straits (the Bosporus and the Dardanelles), which are commonly reckoned to delineate the border between Asia and Europe, thereby making Turkey transcontinental.[5]
Due to its strategic location astride two continents, Turkey's culture has a unique blend of Eastern and Western tradition. A powerful regional presence in the Eurasian landmass with strong historic, cultural and economic influence in the area between Europe in the west and Central Asia in the east, Russia in the north and the Middle East in the south, Turkey has come to acquire increasing strategic significance.
Turkey is a democratic, secular, unitary, constitutional republic whose political system was established in 1923 under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, following the fall of the Ottoman Empire in the aftermath of World War I. Since then, Turkey has become increasingly integrated with the West through membership in organizations such as the Council of Europe (1949), NATO (1952), OECD (1961), OSCE (1973) and the G20 industrial nations (1999). Turkey began full membership negotiations with the European Union in 2005, having been an associate member of the EEC since 1963, and having reached a customs union agreement in 1995. Meanwhile, Turkey has continued to foster close political, economic and industrial relations with the Eastern world, particularly with the states of Southwest, Central and East Asia. Turkey is classified as a developed country by the CIA and as a regional power by political scientists and economists worldwide.
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Open Cockpit View and MORE - New England Air Museum Tour // Connecticut [4K] [KM+Parks&Rec S01E20]
We visit the New England Air Museum to tour historical aircraft. The kids get into the open cockpit of a P-47 Thunderbolt. Aviation history abounds as well as aircraft. Unfortunately we had SDcard problem that lost all the other areas except the first hanger/room. Guess we get to go back for more :) Please enjoy watching.
This was shot in 4K (3840 x 2160 30fps) using action cam ThiEye T5e on a Zhiyun Smooth-II 3 Axis Handheld Gimbal (using an HolaFoto Plate adapter)
New England Air Museum
The New England Air Museum (NEAM) is an aerospace museum located at Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks, Connecticut, U.S.A.. The museum consists of three display hangars and has additional storage-only hangars. It houses 66 aircraft, 26 helicopters, a variety of missiles, ejection seats, and other pieces of flight-related equipment. The museum also conducts tours, children's activities, and hosts special events.
Republic P-47D Thunderbolt airplane
Bell UH-1 Iroquois (Huey) helicopter
North American F-100 Super Sabre (The Hun) jet
Vought F4U Corsair airplaine
Sikorsky CH-54 Tarhe Sky Crane (civilian version S-64 Skycrane) helicopter
McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II jet
Lockheed F-104 Starfighter jet
Kaman HH-43 Huskie helicopter
Fokker Dr.I (Dreidecker, triplane in German), made famous by the World War I (ww1) Red Baron Manfred von Richthofen and later Peanuts comics (Snoopy).
Kaman SH-2 Seasprite
Douglas A-4 Skyhawk
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