Hungary Travel Video Guide
Hungary Travel Video Guide: Hungary has always marched to a different drummer -- speaking a language, preparing dishes and drinking wines like no others. It's Europe at its most exotic.
Hungary Travel's scenery is more gentle than striking, more pretty than stunning. But you can't say the same thing about the built environment across the land. Architecturally Hungary is a treasure trove, with everything from Roman ruins and medieval town houses to baroque churches, neoclassical public buildings and Art Nouveau bathhouses and schools. And we're not just talking about Budapest here; walk through Szeged or Kecskemét, Debrecen or Sopron and you'll discover an architectural gem at virtually every turn. Some people (ourselves included) go out of their way for another glimpse of their 'hidden' favourites like the Reök Palace in Szeged, the buildings of Koszeg's Jurisics tér or the Mosque Church in Pécs. It is almost as if they're afraid these delightful structures will crumble and disappear unless they are regularly drenched in admiring glances.
Enjoy your Hungary Travel Video Guide!
Vacratot botanical garden, Hungary
Vacratot botanical gardens, Vác, Hungary 2016
Vácrátót Botanical Garden (Hungarian: Vácrátóti botanikus kert) is a botanical garden in Hungary maintained by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. It is located in Vácrátót, some 30 kilometers north of Budapest. The institution is participating in a QRpedia project with Wikimedia Hungary, linking selected plants to their Wikipedia articles.
In the rock garden collection flowers from all six phytochoria and from 25 high altitude mountain ranges of the world can be seen.
Vlog : Holiday in Szolnok Hungary
Hungry trip 2017
Here we go anotheer travel vlog and finally i will have a chance to vlog my husband
home town hungary szolnok its 2hrs away from the capital city budapest.
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Eger Basilica, Hungary
The basilica in Eger is the third largest in Hungary (the other two are in Esztergom and Budapest). It was built in 1831-37 to Classicist designs by József Hild. The building is imposing although the effect from the outside is reduced in my opinion by other buildings. Inside it has some very interesting painting!
My channel on you tube : is one of the most prolific from Poland. I have produced over 2,100 original films.
My big interest in life is travel and history but I have also placed films on other subjects.
Please feel free to ask questions in the public area or to comment on things you disagree with. Sometimes there are mistakes because I speak without preparation. If I see the mistakes myself, I make this clear in the text. Please also leave a star rating!
I am very fortunate that I can spend a large part of my life travelling, thanks to the business I chose to run which allows me to do this. There are a number of films here on the packaging industry. This is because I am the publisher of Central and Eastern European Packaging -- - the international platform for the packaging industry in this region focusing on the latest innovations, trends, design, branding, legislation and environmental issues with in-depth profiles of major industry achievers.
Most people may think packaging pretty boring but it possibly effects your life more than you really imagine!
Central and Eastern European Packaging examines the packaging industry throughout this region, but in particular in the largest regional economies which are Russia, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Austria. That is not to say that the other countries are forgotten, they are not, but obviously there is less going on. However the fact that there are so many travel related films here is not from holidays but from business trips attending trade fairs around the region. Every packaging trade fair is a new excuse to make another film!
Települési-útifilm Kalocsajárás [4K]
Adventkor Egerben 1-12-08-10-33_wmv.wmv
Eger (Heves megye székhelye, Észak-Magyarország második legnépesebb, és egyik legszebb történelmi városa. Jelentős oktatási és kulturális központ számos világhírű múzeummal és műemlékkel, melyek közül kiemelkedő az egri vár. Az egri borvidék központjaként a legjelentősebb magyar bortermelők közé tartozik. Az egri bikavér külföldi piacokon is ismert.
A környéken a kőkorszak óta laknak emberek.
Szent István az 1009 előtt szervezett tíz püspökség egyikének székhelyévé tette. Az első, mára elpusztult székesegyház a Várhegyen állt, körülötte alakult ki a város történelmi magja. A 11. századból egy kör alakú templom és egy kisebb palota maradványait is feltárták. A Bükk és a Mátra között északnak vezető út mentén épített püspöki székhely gyorsan jelentős központtá fejlődött, majd 1241-ben, amikor II. Kilit volt a püspök, a tatárok feldúlták és felégették a várost.
A város 91 éven át, 1687-ig volt az Oszmán Birodalom része, mint egy több szandzsákot magába foglaló vilajet székhelye. Ennek leglátványosabb emléke az egykori oszmán világbirodalomban legészakibb, még álló minaretje. A Várhegy tövében, a vár bejáratától nem messze egy törökfürdő maradványait tárták fel.
December 4-én az adventi rendezvény kapcsán fotóztam itt, ezekből a képekből született ez a videó.
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