《国家宝藏》第二季 宋佳化身最美琵琶女 蒋雯丽王劲松倾情讲述燕赵传奇 20181223 | CCTV综艺
06:10 错金银四龙四凤铜方案座国宝守护人:王劲松;
09:52 王劲松化身“中山王厝” 解密战国“第八雄”制衡之术;
19:53 不可小觑的神秘小国——中山国;
22:28 敬事如神“古铜张”派第四代传人——雷金明;
25:53 一刀修复四龙四凤圆座;
30:07 一份执着的热爱 一份传承的责任;
35:19 彩绘散乐浮雕国宝守护人:宋佳;
38:26 宋佳演绎最美“琵琶女” 反解“商女不知亡国恨”;
49:11 彩绘散乐浮雕——勾栏中的石雕艺术;
51:37 彩绘散乐浮雕的今生守护者 重现大唐的声音;
53:28 “民乐之王”琵琶——四个王字就已彰显霸气;
54:51 《丝路飞天》致敬白居易《琵琶行》;
56:45 千年之后 盛唐余韵再现光芒;
01:01:37 袅袅箜篌音 浓浓传承情;
01:04:59 古今民族之音共谱一曲《醉太平》;
01:07:50 长信宫灯国宝守护人:蒋雯丽;
01:11:21 蒋雯丽演绎别样“窦太后” 倾情讲述盛世“天子之道”;
01:21:39 长信宫灯原始所有者之谜;
01:24:45 长信宫灯——文明交流之光;
01:26:18 精美的东方文物 揭开神秘中国的面纱;
01:30:02 张国立、蒋雯丽重塑长信宫灯复制品 再现通体鎏金的长信宫灯;
01:31:18 中国瑰宝,永远的独一无二;
01:33:23 文化不灭,国家永生。
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+4:3 Prolonged drought renews debate over Gorges Dam
(3 Jun 2011)
Xingzi County, Jiangxi Province - June 2, 2011
1. Close-up tilt up man covering up his boat
2. Wide shot of man covering up his boat
3. Wide tilt up of dried-up Poyang Lake
4. Close-up of dead fish and flies
5. Close-up of covered boat and water buffalo
6. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Tao Jingun, 49-year-old fisherman on Poyang Lake
This is the least water I've seen in over 30 years. There is nothing we can do except wait until next year.
7. Wide pan of fishing boats sitting on the dried-up lake basin
Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province - June 2, 2011
8. Close-up of water level gauge on bridge pier on Yangtze River
9. Close tracking of man's feet walking on dried-up bank of Yangtze River
10. Wide shot of man walking
11. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Fan Guofeng, 46 year-old Jiujiang city resident
In the past two and three years we have been feeling very obvious changes, such as droughts and even small earthquakes. I am pretty sure the Three Gorges Dam has had an effect.
Xingzi County, Jiangxi Province - June 3, 2011
12. Wide of hydrographic officials observing water level on Yangtze River
13. Close-up of officials checking records
14. Mid of river bank
15. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Zhu Jianping, director of water monitoring, Poyang Lake Hydrographic Administration
Since the beginning of this year the amount of rainfall in the Poyang area has been seriously low. Statistics show that from January to May of this year, the Xingzi part of the Poyang Lake had only 280.5 millimetres of rainfall, which is the lowest amount in history and is 56% lower than the average amount.
Yongxiu County, Jiangxi Province - June 2, 2011
16. Close-up of hoe moving in cotton field
17. Close-up of old man's face
18. Wide of old man hoeing field
19. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Li Gongfeng, 80-year old cotton farmer in Yongxiu County:
It is too dry and the cotton seedlings are dying. We have to carry some water from the river far away to keep them alive.
20. Wide shot of Li working on field
21. SOUNDBITE (Mandarin) Li Gongfeng, 80-year old cotton farmer in Yongxiu County:
I put my heart into it and hope for the best. If I don't plant there's sure to be no harvest, but if I do there's still a chance.
22. Wide and tilt up of cracked lake basin
23. Close up of cracks in ground
24. Close-up of fresh water oyster shell lying on dry lake bed
FILE: Hubei Province - May 24, 2008
25. Wide of Three Gorges Dam
26. Close-up of water beneath dam
27. Pan from dam shrouded in fog to downstream
China's worst drought in decades has hit fishermen and farmers badly in Jiangxi Province, in the east of the country, and some local people suspect the Three Gorges Dam may be partly to blame for changed weather patterns and a lack of rain along the Yangtze River, a claim the government denies.
Tao Jingun is a fisherman in Xingzi County, Jiangxi Province, but so far this year he has not been fishing.
His fishing nets are in storage, and his wooden fishing boat sits marooned, along with others, on a vast, shell-studded basin, cracked earth which just months ago was underwater at the bottom of Poyang Lake, the largest freshwater lake in China.
It is now a field of green grass, and the lake has shrunk to a tenth of its usual size.
This is the least water I've seen in over 30 years. There's nothing we can do, said Tao, who usually earns about 6-thousand US dollars a year selling his catch from Poyang. This year he expects to earn nothing.
In the surrounding area, crops wither and (m) millions of people go thirsty.
Water levels in the reservoir are already very low and officials have been letting as much water out as possible since mid-May.
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