Best places to visit
Best places to visit - Jüterbog (Germany) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.
Best places to visit
Best places to visit - Tangermünde (Germany) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.
Wittenberg Tourist Attractions: 15 Top Places to Visit
Planning to visit Wittenberg? Check out our Wittenberg Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Wittenberg.
Top Places to visit in Wittenberg:
Castle Church, Lutherhaus, Stadtkirche, Luther 1517, Melanchthonhaus, Hundertwasserschule, Luthergarten, Cranach-Stiftung, Haus der Geschichte, Clack-Theater Wittenberg, Tierpark, Cranach Hoefe, Alaris Schmetterlingspark Wittenberg, Arsenal Einkaufszentrum, Piesteritzer Werkssiedlung
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Car Travel in Germany country: Treuenbrietzen - Berlin.
Car Travel in Germany country: Treuenbrietzen - Berlin.
Автопутешествие по Германии: Тройенбритцен - Берлин.
0:10.0 Treuenbrietzen
10:00.0 Buchholz
21:35.0 Seddin
33:26.0 Potsdam
59:06.0 Groß Gglinicke
1:01:18.3 BERLIN
Car Travel in Germany: Berlin - Köckern. Автопутешествие по Германии:
Top 10 Sehenswürdigkeiten in Deutschland - Brandenburger Tor Berlin
Die beliebtesten Reiseziele 2015 stehen fest!
Deutschland-Reisende aus über 40 Ländern haben ihren persönlichen Favoriten gewählt.
Auf dem 5.Platz: Das Brandenburger Tor in Berlin
Kein Berliner Bauwerk ist in der ganzen Welt so bekannt wie das Brandenburger Tor, erbaut 1789-91 nach einem Entwurf von C. G. Langhans am Pariser Platz mitten im Zentrum. Mit dem Bau der Berliner Mauer 1961 war das Brandenburger Tor für 28 Jahre unpassierbar geworden. Als Wahrzeichen und Symbol der Wiedervereinigung repräsentiert es heute beispielhaft Gegenwart und Geschichte der Stadt. Sechs dorische Säulen tragen das Bauwerk, dessen Durchgänge nur noch für Fußgänger offen sind. Die berühmte Quadriga, die die Siegesgöttin Viktoria auf einer Kutsche mit vier vorgespannten Pferden darstellt, wurde 1794 aufgestellt.
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Driving in Germany, from Potsdam to Berlin. Поездка из Потсдама в Берлин.
ROAD TRIP: driving through Frankfurt am Main / Germany in March 2017
ROAD TRIP: driving through Frankfurt am Main / Germany in March 2017
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Driving From Linderhof Castle To Oberammergau, Germany
Driving From Linderhof Palace To Oberammergau, Germany Bavaria
Linderhof Palace (German: Schloss Linderhof) is a Schloss in Germany, in southwest Bavaria near Ettal Abbey. It is the smallest of the three palaces built by King Ludwig II of Bavaria and the only one which he lived to see completed.
Ludwig already knew the area around Linderhof from his youth when he had accompanied his father King Maximilian II of Bavaria on his hunting trips in the Bavarian Alps. When Ludwig II became king in 1864 he inherited the so-called Königshäuschen from his father, and in 1869 began enlarging the building. In 1874 he decided to tear down the Königshäuschen and rebuild it on its present-day location in the park. At the same time three new rooms and the staircase were added to the remaining U-shaped complex, and the previous wooden exterior was clad with stone façades. The building was designed in the style of the second rococo-period. Between 1863 and 1886 a total of 8,460,937 marks was spent constructing Linderhof.
Although Linderhof is much smaller than Versailles, it is evident that the palace of the French Sun-King Louis XIV (who was an idol for Ludwig) was its inspiration. The staircase, for example, is a reduction of the famous Ambassador's staircase in Versailles, which would be copied in full in Herrenchiemsee. Stylistically, however, the building and its decor take their cues from the mid-18th century Rococo of Louis XV, and the small palace in the Graswang was more directly based on that king's Petit Trianon on the Versailles grounds.[2] The symbol of the sun that can be found everywhere in the decoration of the rooms represents the French notion of absolutism that, for Ludwig, was the perfect incorporation of his ideal of a God-given monarchy with total royal power. Such a monarchy could no longer be realised in Europe in the second half of the nineteenth century. The bedroom was important to the ceremonial life of an absolute monarch; Louis XIV of France used to give his first (lever) and last audience (coucher) of the day in his bedchamber. In imitation of Versailles, the bedroom is the largest chamber of Linderhof Palace. By facing north, however, the Linderhof bedroom inverts the symbolism of its Versailles counterpart, showing Ludwig's self-image as a Night-King.
The location of the palace near Ettal Abbey again presents another interesting point. Because of its architecture Ludwig saw the church of the monastery as the room where the holy grail was preserved. This fact connects the idea of a baroque palace to the one of a medieval castle such as Neuschwanstein and reminds of the operas of Richard Wagner whose patron Ludwig was.
More Linderhof Palace Info Here:
Oberammergau (Bavarian: Obaammagau) is a municipality in the district of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, in Bavaria, Germany. The town is famous for its production of a Passion Play, its woodcarvers, and the NATO School.
The Oberammergau Passion Play was first performed in 1634 and is the result of a vow made by the inhabitants of the village that if God spared them from the effects of the bubonic plague then sweeping the region they would perform a passion play every ten years. A man travelling back to the town for Christmas had accidentally brought the plague with him. The man died from the plague and it began spreading throughout Oberammergau. After the vow was made, not another inhabitant of the town died from the bubonic plague and all of the town members that were still suffering from the plague recovered. The play is now performed in years ending with a zero, as well as in 1934 which was the 300th anniversary and 1984 which was the 350th anniversary (though the 1940 performance was cancelled because of the intervention of the Second World War). It involves over 2000 actors, singers, instrumentalists and technicians, all residents of the village.
More Info On Oberammergau Here:
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Shot With GoPro Hero 3 Black