Danube Delta and Letea Forest, Romania (Delta Dunarii si Padurea Letea)
Route/Traseu: Tulcea - 23 Mile/Mila 23 - Letea Forest/Padurea Letea - Sulina - Tulcea
Audio - Kai Engel - multiple tracks
Rezervația Pădurea LETEA - Forest Reserve (Danube Delta, Romania)
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Aspectul neobișnuit al Pădurii Letea, prezentând o mare varietate de arbori și ierburi dispuse sub formă de fâșii alungite nord-sud, paralele cu vechea linie a țărmului și separate de nisipuri (chiar sub forme de dune) a atras atenția încă din anul 1930, în 1938 fiind înstituită pe 500 hectare Rezervația Pădurea Letea, cea mai veche rezervație naturală din România. În prezent, aria protejată Pădurea Letea are peste 5.200 hectare din care zona strict protejată peste jumătate din suprafață, reprezentând una din cele 18 zone protejate ale Rezervației Biosferei Delta Dunării. În afară de vegetația deosebită (fiind cea mai nordică pădure subtropicală din România), Pădurea Letea atrage o mulțime de turiști care vor să vadă caii sălbatici de aici, estimați la circa 2.000 exemplare. Vizitarea de către turiști a Pădurii Letea este permisă într-un singur loc unde este amenajată o potecă tematică ce traversează transversal, pe 235m, o fâșie de pădure alungită pe mai mulți kilometri, ajungând la dunele de nisip. Punctul de vizitare este destul de izolat, la 11 km de debarcaderul satului Letea, distanță pe care o turiștii o parcurg pe drumuri de nisip în mașini modificate gen safari. Pe acest traseu, cu detalii în subtitrarea videoclipului, turiștii pot vedea și afla din tradițiile deosebite ale ucrainenilor haholi din satul Letea și ale rușilor lipoveni din satul C.A. Rosetti.
The unusual aspect of Letea Forest, presenting a wide variety of trees and herbs arranged in strips elongated north-south, parallel to the old coastline and separate by sands (even as dunes) has attracted attention since 1930, in 1938 being set up on 500 hectares the Letea Forest Reserve, the oldest natural reserve in Romania. Currently, the Letea protected area having 5,200 hectares of which more than half the strictly protected area, representing one of 18 protected areas of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. Apart from special vegetation (the most northern subtropical forest in Romania) Letea attract a lot of tourists who want to see the wild horses here, estimated at about 2,000 heads. The tourists visiting of the Forest Letea is permitted in one place where is arranged a thematic path that crosses transversely on 235m, a strip of forest elongate several kilometers, reaching the dunes. The viewing point is quite isolated, 11 km from the Letea village wharf, a distance that tourists travel on sandy roads in modified safari cars. On this route, with details in the video subtitles, tourists can see and learn from the great traditions of the village Letea inhabited by Ukrainian Hohols and of the village C.A. Rosetti inhabited by Russian Lipovans.
Danube Delta - Best natural places in Europe
Danube Delta - Best natural places in Europe
Danube Delta - top dream vacation destination
You can see the Best places to visit in Romania here:
Delta dunării (Romania) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Delta Dunării in Romania.
Most of the Danube Delta is located in Romania where, over the centuries, the Danube has created a wilderness of water, a labyrinth of tributaries, canals, lagoons, lakes, marshes and lowland forests: a wild, primeval landscape dominated by water. The Danube flows across this natural paradise, almost three thousand kilometres to the Black Sea. Measuring four thousand five hundred square kilometres, the Delta acts as a magnet for migratory birds as it is a junction for six migration routes. Over ninety species of fish live in the Delta including sturgeon that are much sought-after due to their black caviar. The summer months bring tropical temperatures with high humidity and the cold winter steppe climate can take the temperature down to minus twenty five degrees. It is then that everything freezes and the Delta ice becomes up to one metre thick. Located on a huge sand bank, the dunes and forest area of Letea is particularly surprising.as it contains grass and numerous flower varieties. Huge reed islands and dense jungle landscapes alternate with each other and provide a safe habitat for both flora and fauna. It is a world of untamed nature and remarkable transformation. An archaic landscape that is locked within time itself.
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Danube Delta, the unique paradise!
Danube Delta, the unique paradise from Romania
Sfantu Gheorghe, it’s the best choice that you could ever make! The place where the spectacle of nature blends perfectly with comfort and technology. There where the Danube meets the Black Sea
image and editing:
Nelu Gheorghe
Catalin Gheorghe
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Delta Dunării, excursie cu barca: Maliuc - Lacul Fortuna - Mila 23 - Letea - Sulina
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Boat Trip in the Danube Delta: Maliuc - Fortuna Lake - Mila 23 - Letea - Sulina
Videoclipul condensează în 13 minute o excursie de o zi, în circuit, care, în linii mari, a acoperit partea nordică a Deltei Dunării. Am beneficiat de o barcă foarte rapidă, pilotul fiindu-ne ghid alături de o tânără lipovineancă. Punctle majore de interes turistic au fost următoarele: Brațul Sulina - comuna Maliuc (oraș decăzut construit în perioada comunistă)- Canalul Crânjală - Lacul Fortuna (cu o mulțime de păsări, dar și pescari lipoveni pescuind tradițional cu vintire) - Canalul Șontea - Canalul Șontea Veche - Canalul Olguța (cu legenda sa și locul unde s-a turnat filmul ”Operațiunea Monstrul”) - brațul Dunărea Veche - satul Mila 23 (sat pescaturistic locuit de lipoveni din rândul cărora s-a ridicat Ivan Patzaichin și alți campioni) - culegerea și mâncatul ”ghimpilor” (nuci de baltă) - Canalul Măgearu - nuferi înfloriți - satul Letea (Rezervația Letea cu păduri virgine, dune de nisip și cai sălbateci face subiectul unui videoclip special) - brațul Sulina - orașul-port Sulina și obiectivele sale istorice și turistice care amintesc de perioada de glorie a anilor 1856-1938 când aici a funcționat Comisia Europeană a Dunării - întoarcerea spre Tulcea.
The video condenses in 13 minutes a full-day circuit trip that has largely covered the northern part of the Danube Delta. We got a very fast boat, the pilot being a guide alongside a Lipovan girl. Major points of interest were the following: Sulina Arm - Maliuc commune (a fallen town built in the communist period) - Cranjală Canal - Fortuna Lake (with a lot of birds and Lipovan fishermen fishing traditionally with hoop nets) - Sontea Canal - Old Sontea canal - Olgutza Canal (with its legend and the place where the movie The Monster Operation was shooted) - the Olt Danube Arm - the village Mila 23 (a fisherman and touristic village inhabited by Lipovans, were Ivan Patzaichin and other champions were born) - the gathering and eating of the water chestnuts - Magearu Canal - the blossoming waterlilies - Letea village (Letea Reserve with virgin forests, sand dunes and wild horses is the subject of a special video) - Sulina Arm - Sulina port city and its historical and tourist objectives that remind the glory of the years 1856-1938 when the headquarter of European Commission of the Danube was here - the return to Tulcea.
Discover the beauty of the Danube Delta Romania
Discover the beauty of the Danube Delta Romania
During your boat trips, you will discover Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve a rich and diversified fauna on the nearby lakes. Migratory birds, aquatic birds and the presence of aquatic mammals along with the Danube Delta flora and the tranquility of nature make up the scenery for a successful walk.
The Danube Delta is a world of waters, where fishing is the main activity, the songs were present in the fishermen’s lives or were played by the women who were waiting for them at home. The village choir awakens all these memories to life through its songs, and the image of the Danube and the Black Sea is the setup for everyday life in this part of the world. Listen to the Ukrainian song and an entire water world opens in front of your eyes.
image and editing:
Nelu Gheorghe
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NELSTILL VIDEO PRODUCTION: Our passion is creating video content that truly brings a destination to life for the viewer.
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