Insight Chateau Louis XIV, French Mansion. Sold $301MLN
Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte - Maincy, France
This lavish and grand chateau was ordinary and small when originally purchased in 1641 by by Nicolas Fouquet. He set about completely renovating and expanding it to rival the greatest chateus at the time. His grand schemes were eventually his downfall, as King Louis XIV felt the chateau was too lavish and grand for someone who was his superintendent of finances - Fouquet was arrested in 1661 to spend the rest of his life in prison.
It is an absolutely beautiful place, with a lavish garden that immediately brings to mind the garden of Versailles. A carriage musem is filled with popular carriages at the time & makes for a fun visit. To read more about the chateu, please visit the Wikipedia article:
Palace of Versailles, Yvelines, Île-de-France, France, Europe
The Palace of Versailles, or simply Versailles, is a royal château in Versailles in the Île-de-France region of France. In French, it is known as the Château de Versailles. When the château was built, Versailles was a country village; today, however, it is a wealthy suburb of Paris, some 20 kilometres southwest of the French capital. The court of Versailles was the center of political power in France from 1682, when Louis XIV moved from Paris, until the royal family was forced to return to the capital in October 1789 after the beginning of the French Revolution. Versailles is therefore famous not only as a building, but as a symbol of the system of absolute monarchy of the Ancien Régime. The earliest mention of the name of Versailles is in a document dated 1038, that is related to the village of Versailles. In 1575, the seigneury of Versailles was bought by Albert de Gondi, a naturalized Florentine, who invited Louis XIII on several hunting trips in the forests surrounding Versailles. Pleased with the location, Louis ordered the construction of a hunting lodge in 1624. Eight years later, Louis obtained the seigneury of Versailles from the Gondi family and began to make enlargements to the château. This structure would become the core of the new palace. Louis XIII's successor, Louis XIV, had it expanded into one of the largest palaces in the world. Following the Treaties of Nijmegen in 1678, he began to gradually move the court to Versailles. The court was officially established there on 6 May 1682. After the disgrace of Nicolas Fouquet in 1661, Louis confiscated Fouquet's estate and employed the talents of Le Vau, Le Nôtre, and Le Brun, who all had worked on Fouquet's grand château Vaux-le-Vicomte, for his building campaigns at Versailles and elsewhere. For Versailles, there were four distinct building campaigns. On 6 October 1789, the royal family had to leave Versailles and move to the Tuileries Palace in Paris, as a result of the Women's March on Versailles. During the early years of the French Revolution, preservation of the palace was largely in the hands of the citizens of Versailles. In October 1790, Louis XVI ordered the palace to be emptied of its furniture, requesting that most be sent to the Tuileries Palace. In response to the order, the mayor of Versailles and the municipal council met to draft a letter to Louis XVI in which they stated that if the furniture was removed, it would certainly precipitate economic ruin on the city. A deputation from Versailles met with the king on 12 October after which Louis XVI, touched by the sentiments of the residents of Versailles, rescinded the order. However, eight months later, the fate of Versailles was sealed. On 21 June 1791, Louis XVI was arrested at Varennes after which the Assemblée nationale constituante accordingly declared that all possessions of the royal family had been abandoned. To safeguard the palace, the Assemblée nationale constituante ordered the palace of Versailles to be sealed. On 20 October 1792 a letter was read before the National Convention in which Jean-Marie Roland de la Platière, interior minister, proposed that the furnishings of the palace and those of the residences in Versailles that had been abandoned be sold and that the palace be either sold or rented. The sale of furniture transpired at auctions held between 23 August 1793 and 30 nivôse an III (19 January 1795). Only items of particular artistic or intellectual merit were exempt from the sale. These items were consigned to be part of the collection of a museum, which had been planned at the time of the sale of the palace furnishings. In 1793, Charles-François Delacroix deputy to the Convention and father of the painter Eugène Delacroix proposed that the metal statuary in the gardens of Versailles be confiscated and sent to the foundry to be made into cannon. The proposal was debated but eventually it was tabled. On 28 floréal an II (5 May 1794) the Convention decreed that the château and gardens of Versailles, as well as other former royal residences in the environs, would not be sold but placed under the care of the Republic for the public good. Following this decree, the château became a repository for art work confiscated from churches and princely homes. As a result collections were amassed at Versailles that eventually became part of the proposed museum. Among the items found at Versailles at this time were a collection of natural curiosities that has been assembled by the sieur Fayolle during his voyages in America.
Chateau Philippe de Fay by Drone | Normandy | France | Oliver's Travels
Built in the 18th century, Chateau Philippe de Fay is a majestic holiday and wedding venue strategically located in a peaceful and quiet environment only 9 km away from Barnay, in the beautiful upper Normandy region.
Surrounded by a 5 acres wooded park, the main Chateau occupies an area of 1200m² and offers accommodation for up to 36 guests. With its annex buildings, the whole estate covers a total area of 2500m².
The ground floor of more than 300m² features 4 spacious lounges and a large kitchen, whereas bedrooms, bathrooms and additional dining and receptions room are spread over the first and second floors. There is also a large basement with splendid cellars converted into a games room and a museum dedicated to Bookend.
Steeped in history, the property was built at the end of the reign of Louis XV by Philippe of Faÿ. It combines the charm of a rural location with the nobility of a brick and stone building of the mid 18th century. A cute chapel and side pavilions are also available.
Until 2009, the property used to host a teenager rehabilitation centre. It was then fully restored adding charming parquet floor and fireplaces. As a result, it has preserved its traditional and authentic touch, while offering modern comforts to its lucky guests.
Please note that the château has 4 separate cottages. These can also be booked along with the château to accommodate up to 90 guests. Please see the following property: Chateau Philippe de Fay Estate.
Photos shown are of the entire estate.
Normandie et Jersey
Un petit tour en Normandie et Jersey, en autocars Le Net...
Mémorial de Caen
Château du Molay
Tour de Jersey
Cimetière Américain
Arromanches 360...
La Celle Saint Cloud - Belle Ville en Yvelines
La Celle Saint - Cloud est une ville française de la banlieue ouest de Paris. C'est une commune du département des Yvelines et de la région Île-de-France.
La commune de La Celle Saint-Cloud se trouve principalement sur les versants est et ouest du vallon de la Drionne, et déborde largement sur le plateau de Versailles en son sud. Elle se trouve à environ huit kilomètres au sud-est de Saint-Germain-en-Laye et à six kilomètres au nord de Versailles, à la limite du département des Hauts-de-Seine (Rueil-Malmaison et Vaucresson).
La commune est limitrophe de Rueil-Malmaison au nord-est, de Vaucresson au sud-est, du Chesnay au sud, de Rocquencourt au sud-ouest, de Louveciennes à l'ouest et de Bougival au nord-ouest.
Le territoire est largement urbanisé avec de grands ensembles d'immeubles, comme la résidence « Élysée 2 », dans l'est (construite en 1963, elle compte 1 100 appartements), le quartier Beauregard dans le sud et de nombreux lotissements pavillonnaires. Elle conserve cependant, surtout au sud et à l'ouest, de grands espaces boisés, dont une petite partie de la forêt de Fausses-Reposes.
La commune est traversée dans sa partie sud par l'A13 ([autoroute de Normandie]), avec un échangeur (n° 6) à la limite de Rocquencourt. Elle est également desservie par plusieurs axes routiers importants : la route départementale 307 prolongée jusqu'à Saint-Cloud à l'est et Mareil-sur-Mauldre à l'ouest, en délimitation sud de la commune et d'orientation est-ouest, la route nationale 186 (Versailles - Saint-Germain-en-Laye) en délimitation ouest du territoire et d'orientation nord-sud et la route départementale 321 qui travers la commune en axe nord-sud (Croissy-sur-Seine à Versailles). Le sous-sol de la commune sera traversé, dans sa partie est, par l'autoroute A86 entièrement en souterrain de Rueil à Vaucresson.
La desserte ferroviaire est assurée par la gare de La Celle-Saint-Cloud, située dans le quartier de la Châtaigneraie, sur la ligne Paris-Saint-Lazare - Saint-Nom-la-Bretèche.
La gare de Bougival se trouve également sur le territoire communal de La Celle-Saint-Cloud.
La commune tire son nom du mot latin cella qui désignait, à l'époque gallo-romaine, un abri pour chasseurs ou bûcherons et de Clodoald (522-560), petit-fils de Clovis, qui y fit bâtir un monastère.
La commune portera, au cours de son histoire, les noms de La Celle-sur-Seine, Cella Villaris, Celle Fratum, La Celle-lez-Charlevanne, La Celle près Bougival avant de devenir, au XVIIe siècle La Celle Saint-Cloud. A tort, au XVIIe et XVIIIe siècle, on retrouve souvent l'appellation La Selle pour dénommer la commune. Pendant la Révolution, elle s'appellera brièvement La Celle-les-Bruyères.
Le territoire de la commune fut à partir du VIIe siècle la propriété de l'abbaye de Saint-Germain-des-Prés. En 846, les Normands après avoir brûlé Bougival, attaquèrent la Celle qui était fortifiée et close de murs. L'église seule resta debout.
En 1683, Jean-Baptiste Colbert acheta pour le roi, la terre et La Seigneurie pour être incorporées au Domaine de Versailles et agrandir le terrain des chasses royales.
L'expansion démographique de la commune s'est produite principalement pendant les Trente Glorieuses dans les domaines des châteaux.
La Celle Saint-Cloud est une commune essentiellement résidentielle.
Les principaux foyers concentrant la population sont (par ordre chronologique de construction) :
* Domaine Saint-François d'Assise (construit en 1953)
* Petit Beauregard (1954)
* Domaine de Bel-Ébat (1955)
* Beauregard 1re et 2e tranche (1957 et 1968)
* Élysée I et II (1962 et 1966)
* Résidence de l'Étang sec (1963)
* Résidence et village de Bois-Fontaine (1965)
* La Caravelle (1972)
* Résidence Lamartine (1977)
* La Grande-Terre (1988)
Pas moins de quatre centres commerciaux émaillent le territoire communal, à savoir Élysée 2, le plus important en superficie et le plus ancien (1965), qui s'appelle désormais Elysée-village, puis ceux de Beauregard, de La Caravelle et de la Châtaigneraie. Le bois du Tournebride dont l'entrée se fait au lieu dit du Fer à cheval, à l'angle de l'avenue Camille-Normand (qui passe derrière la mairie de Bougival) et de l'avenue des Combattants (qui mène de l'hôtel de ville au quartier de la Jonchère), présente de superbes variétés d'arbres et surtout des châtaigniers ancestraux qui ont mérité le label d'arbres remarquables décerné par l'association A.R.B.R.E.S. : voir l'article sur les Châtaigniers de Tournebride.
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Voyager moins cher à Paris
Envie de voyager moins cher à Paris? Juste un petit clic sur pour découvrir une astuce sur mesure. Maintes fois mentionnée pour toutes les questions de destination dans les capitales du monde, cette capitale française reste une destination de rêve et parfois une étape immanquable pour un voyage en France. Comme la plupart des capitales du monde, Paris est l’une des destinations relativement chère en matière d’hébergement et d’hôtel en France. Grâce aux offres de location d’hébergement privé, il est devenu possible de voyager moins cher à Paris. Les voyageurs ont en effet la possibilité de séjourner moins cher à Paris tout en bénéficiant d’un minimum de confort nécessaire pour un séjour dans la capitale la plus prestigieuse d’Europe.
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B&B Hôtel Paris Roissy CDG Aéroport
B&B Hôtel Paris Roissy CDG Aéroport
Set in a prime location of Paris, B&B Paris Roissy CDG Aéroport puts everything the city has to offer just outside your doorstep. Offering a variety of facilities and services, the hotel provides all you need for a good night's sleep. Free Wi-Fi in all rooms, 24-hour front desk, facilities for disabled guests, Wi-Fi in public areas, car park are just some of the facilities on offer. Some of the well-appointed guestrooms feature desk, satellite/cable TV, television, shower. The hotel offers various recreational opportunities. No matter what your reasons are for visiting Paris, B&B Paris Roissy CDG Aéroport will make you feel instantly at home.