The List of The 10 Most Popular Beaches in Cuba
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GUANABO, CUBA WALKING TOUR - Havana's Nearest Beach Town
Playas Del Este is Havana's nearest beach resort, lying just a few miles to the City's east. It is easily reached by bus or cab.
Guanabo is the largest beach town along this strip. It is bright and colourful and has a good number of simple bars and restaurants. Guanabo beach itself is sandy and popular with the locals.
It's an obvious day trip if you're staying in the one of the local hotels such as Hotel Gran Caribe Club Atlántico, or Hotel Tropicoco (now Hotel MarAzul.)
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Cuba: from Santiago to Marea del Portillo. 3. Las Cuevas - Marea del Portillo .
The road from Santiago de Cuba to Marea del Portillo along the Sierra Maestra is called the 'Carretera Nacional N°20'. The road is in poor condition, but restoration is on his way. The first part will be renovated (to Chivirico) by the end of 2013.
The distance between Santiago de Cuba and Marea del Portillo is almost 170 km. Due to the bad condition of the road it takes more than 6 hours driving.
At a distance of 120 km from Santiago de Cuba we passed at Las Cuevas. From here the road continous to Marea del Portillo.
Exploring Amazing Cuba
Best Drone footage taken in the countryside of Cuba. A Fun Private Tours - Day Tours
Mejores imágenes de aviones no tripulados tomada en el campo de Cuba. Un dia de Tour privado por las montanas cubanas.
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Hanidcraft Markets in Havana, Cuba
Located down on the waterfront close to the railway station, you’ll find Havana’s biggest handicraft market. This market has by far the best selection of handicrafts in one place. You’ll find a number of artwork sellers who will prepare your painting for travel. Or maybe buy some leather souvenirs, tee shirts, caps, cigar boxes and much more.
This is not the place to buy cigars or rum, you need to get these at the government run shops or you’ll get ripped off.
For more information about the Handicraft Markets in Havana, go to this page:
Arriving in Cuba -
Walking into the terminal at Manzanillo Cuba the first thing we hear is music. Live music played for tips from arriving passengers. There was no great security scrutinizing us, we were free to walk around filming at our leisure. The 'Old Dude' singing and dancing is 90 years old, he loves music - we talked with the band and they get together at home in the evenings to play, just because - and he moves better then many much younger persons.
I can not imagine all the changes he has seen and experienced in his life or the harshness and struggles he endured but I have captured him in Sony HD video and he will always have a presence on the Internet.
Santiago de Cuba tour
aimágenes espectaculares de Santiago de Cuba
Fondata nel 1515 da Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar, ottenendo il titolo di città da Carlo V nel 1522. Dal suo porto salparono due importanti spedizioni: in Messico (1518) e in Florida (1538). Divenuta ben presto il centro principale di Cuba, fu sostituita come capitale effettiva dell'isola da L'Avana nel 1553.
Conserva diverse vestigia della colonizzazione iberica, fra cui la cattedrale, vari palazzi amministrativi e le residenze dei governatori. Fu gravemente danneggiata da due terremoti, prodottisi nel 1675 e nel 1679.
Storicamente ha sempre avuto un ruolo centrale nella vita politico-militare dell'isola e più tardi della nazione; pur situata in una baia abbastanza ben difendibile, era spesso oggetto di incursione piratesche, e per questo venne dotata di un porto ben munito e di fortificazioni, che al giorno d'oggi sono divenute attrazioni turistiche. La più famosa di queste è il Castello di San Pedro de la Roca, una fortezza che nel 1997 è stata dichiarata Patrimonio dell'umanità dall'UNESCO.
La baia di Santiago de Cuba è stata teatro di una battaglia navale durante la guerra ispano-americana del 1898, inoltre nei dintorni della città vi fu - nella stessa guerra - la celebre carica dei Rough Riders alla collina di San Juan nella quale divenne famoso il futuro Presidente degli U.S.A. Theodore Roosevelt.
Più recentemente, nel 1953, è stata la città da cui si è irradiata la rivoluzione cubana che, rovesciato il regime di Fulgencio Batista, portò al potere Fidel Castro.
Santiago de Cuba: Tropical travel and tourism to Cuban city. Lifestyle of people & important places.
Santiago de Cuba, Cuban urban city. Travel and tourism to the tropical island. Lifestyle of Cuban people and important places to visit during your trip
Cuba Trip 2017 (Video 1 of 3)
A summary of Day 1 in Cuba
Brisas Sierra Mar - Cuba - Around the resort.
Brisas Sierra Mar resort video made in one mixed PAN motion. This resort is set at Santiago de Cuba - Cuba. You should visit this place one day.
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