Cerro colorado, Minas de Riotinto, Huelva, Andalusia, Spain, Europe
Until the eighteenth century there is not this, after buying a Swede, L. Wolters, who began developing the principles of scientific developmentalism. The state has property until the nineteenth century that mining in the Rio Tinto will suffer the heyday, industrial, demographic and economic. In 1873, a British consortium buying mine the state for 92 million pesetas and founded the Rio Tinto Company Limited. The company provided the resurgence of Rio Tinto, opened short of exploitation and mining developed within. Because calcinations of outdoor mineral, called weavers with its sulfurous fumes, there was the first manifestation of an environmental nature that has been reported. It was held on February 4, 1888 and was attended by thousands of people from the whole region. Following orders from the civil governor of Huelva, Pavia Regiment forces, displaced from Malaga, opened fire on the demonstrators focused on the Constitution Square producing more than 100 dead. The power of the company made these serious events may pass virtually unnoticed in the rest of Spain and even some Republicans asked responsibilities means all was finally capped. These incidents were fictionalized by writer, a native of the town, Juan Cobos Wilkins in his novel The heart of the earth and was made into a film in 2007. One of the most important events in the development of the town was the construction of the railway line between Rio Tinto and Huelva, which showed the great economic power of Rio Tinto, to be built in the record time of two years, and would allow transport of minerals through Red Dock in the port of Huelva. But these advances miners also assumed social transformation: the arrival in the village labor from other parts of Spain and Portugal absorbed by strong demand from the mine. Another fact that helped to destroy that image Riotinto as village itself was the demolition and subsequent transfer of the former Rio Tinto or La Mina. The company argued that the development of its holdings was held back by the location of the village. The relocation of the population became newly built neighborhoods (El Valle), following the guidelines constructive English, but undoubtedly the Bella Vista neighborhood, wrapped in an atmosphere of exclusivity and luxury. This neighborhood is typical Victorian built to house staff English.1 home business leaders were resident here. The council house was the meeting place of British leaders. This house had a housekeeper, waiter, cook ... The original furniture was Victorian. This neighborhood is preserved today as it once was.
Top 10 Best Things To Do in Huelva, Spain
Huelva Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top 10 things you have to do in Huelva. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Huelva for You. Discover Huelva as per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Huelva .
This Video has covered top 10 Best Things to do in Huelva.
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List of Best Things to do in Huelva, Spain
Muelle del Tinto
La Rabida Monastery
Parque Nacional de Donana
Muelle de las Carabelas
Cuesta Maneli
Paseo Maritimo de la Ria
Plaza De Las Monjas
Barrio Obrero Reina Victoria
Las Marismas de Odiel
Castillo de Niebla
Best places to visit
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Rio Tinto, Spain (Red River)
The Río Tinto (red river) is a river in southwestern Spain that originates in the Sierra Morena mountains of Andalusia. It flows generally south-southwest, reaching the Gulf of Cádiz at Huelva.
This unearthly, reddish river in southwestern Spain is unlike any you've ever seen before. The water gets its coloration from iron dissolved in the water, and is notable for being extremely acidic. This may not sound like a suitable place to find life, but living in the bizarre waters of Rio Tinto are extremophile aerobic microorganisms that feed on the iron and sulphide minerals plentiful in the river.
Since ancient times, a site along the river has been mined for copper, silver, gold, and other minerals. In approximately 3,000 BC, Iberians and Tartessians began mining the site, followed by the Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Visigoths, and Moors. After a period of abandonment, the mines were rediscovered in 1556 and the Spanish government began operating them once again in 1724. As a possible result of the mining, Río Tinto is notable for being very acidic (pH 2) and its deep reddish hue is due to iron dissolved in the water. Acid mine drainage from the mines leads to severe environmental problems due to the heavy metal concentrations in the river. In 1873, Rio Tinto Company was formed to operate the mines; by the end of the 20th century it had become one of the world's largest multinational mining companies, although it no longer controls the Rio Tinto mines; these are now owned by EMED Mining plc.
Scientists now believe that these conditions could be the perfect analogue to what happens when liquid water flows on other planets or moons, such as on Mars or perhaps on Jupiter's moon, Europa. If life can survive under these conditions here on Earth, then it's possible that it also has survived elsewhere, making Rio Tinto an important case study into astrobiology.
In fact, data retrieved from NASA's Opportunity rover has shown that similar conditions to those at Rio Tinto have existed on Mars in the past.
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The City of Huelva
Huelva is a city in southwestern Spain
Huelva and its province ( english speech )
The province of Huelva is located in the western extreme of Andalusia, by the Atlantic Ocean and Portugal. The mythical civilization of Tartessos arose in Huelva, and the province has a mining tradition stretching back six thousand years.
45. The city of Huelva is situated at the confluence of several inlets on the estuaries of the Tinto and Odiel Rivers. This privileged location allows one to enjoy extraordinarily beautiful environmental surroundings.
Destinos Más Extraterrestres de la Tierra / Other Worlds Destinations on Earth [IGEO.TV]
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La Agencia Europea del Espacio publica el Catálogo de Análogos Planetarios, una recopilación de emplazamientos terrestres de interés para investigación por su semejanza con los de otros planetas, y que se presentan incluyendo detalles prácticos para viajar
El Teide sobre el llano de Ucanca, en la isla canaria de Tenerife. El pico se alza sobre la caldera de las Cañadas, un amplio cráter resultante del colapso de un antiguo volcán. Sus paisajes volcánicos son un excelente análogo de Marte. Los científicos piensan que en las cuevas marcianas similares a las tinerfeñas aún podría encontrarse vida microbiana resguardada de la radiación y de la meteorología
En el catálogo se encuentran detalles tales como que en el desierto chileno de Atacama no hay baños excepto por unas pocas cantinas en la carretera principal. Un punto importante es que el desierto no está vacío, aclara el catálogo. Hay muchas operaciones mineras activas y la gente viaja por allí, así que no dejes ningún material o equipos desatendidos; desaparecerán. En el cinturón de rocas verdes de Barberton, en Suráfrica, se recomienda no viajar en solitario, y se advierte que al menos un hombre es esencial (no es seguro que viajen mujeres solas). La fauna no es un problema, prosigue el catálogo, excepto por serpientes venenosas y garrapatas portadoras de la enfermedad de Lyme. En Riotinto se aclara que el agua de los hoteles es potable.
Quizá la puntualización no está de más, una vez que se han visto las aguas del propio río. El manso caudal rojo, ácido y rico en metales pesados del río Tinto ha sido empleado como análogo de Marte durante décadas. Las condiciones extremas del lugar, creadas por el lavado de minerales de sulfuro de hierro de las rocas, ofrecen el hábitat ideal para ciertos microorganismos adaptados a vivir en este entorno hostil. De existir vida en Marte, podría no ser muy distinta de estos microbios extremófilos onubenses. A un coste por persona de unos 1.000 euros para diez días, el catálogo subraya que el lugar es un excelente análogo de Marte.
Por otra parte, en Tenerife se destaca su valor como análogo lunar y marciano, sobre todo por sus paisajes volcánicos en torno al Teide y la caldera de Las Cañadas. Según el catálogo, para estudios de astrobiología, los tubos de lava y las cuevas volcánicas son un hábitat potencial de vida marciana, ya que se han identificado pruebas de la existencia de cuevas en Marte como largos canales de lava e hileras de simas, en cuyo interior la vida estaría resguardada de las duras condiciones superficiales de radiación ultravioleta y baja humedad, así como de las condiciones meteorológicas extremas. De hecho, Tenerife fue uno de los dos enclaves elegidos, junto con la isla Axel Heiberg en el Ártico canadiense, para desarrollar el concepto del catálogo mediante una investigación de campo en toda regla, incluyendo astronautas y rovers, puntualiza Preston.
Los valles secos de la Antártida oriental costera. Este lugar se considera el más similar a Marte en la Tierra. Recibe tan poca nieve y es tan frío que apenas sufre erosión, por lo que la edad de su roca superficial se estima en ocho millones de años. Antiguamente existía un glaciar, bajo el cual las corrientes de agua crearon los canales que se aprecian en la imagen.
The European Space Agency published the Catalogue of Planetary Analogs , a collection of onshore sites of interest to research for their resemblance to those of other planets, and presented including practical information for traveling.
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DTW Spain: Rio Tinto Mining Park
Museo de riotinto
fecha 08-12-09/18:11h.