14 TOP RATED - Best Tourist Attractions in Black Forest Germany
14 Top Rated - Best Tourist Attractions in the Black Forest
1. Baden-Baden: a spa town, located in the state of Baden-Württemberg in southwestern Germany
2. Freiburg im Breisgau: The Gateway to the Black Forest - A very impressive large, gothic cathedral with high ceilings and nice stained glass windows.
3. Kloster Maulbronn - The place is really well preserved and the staff very nice
4. Freiburg im Breisgau Minster - It's a very big and very Gothic church with three organs, a huge tower. Colourful windows and amazing portals.
5. The State Art Gallery - Great museum in a beautiful setting
6. The Black Forest by Car: Tourist Routes
7. The Augustinermuseum, Freiburg - Awesome, Huge Museum, you need to spend a day at least
8. The Picturesque Town of Pforzheim
9. The Schlossberg, Freiburg - Good views from the top right across the Rhine and into France.
10. Pforzheim Jewelry Museum - Beautiful display of jewelry through history
11. The Black Forest Museum - Very interesting outdoor museum with real farm houses from all over the Black Forest.
12. The Baths of Badenweiler - one of the sunniest regions in Germany
13. Donaueschingen and the Source of the Danube - Very nice place. Awesome sensation being in the sky.
14. Karlsruhe - Karlsruhe is the second-largest city in the state of Baden-Württemberg, in southwest Germany.
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14 Top Rated - Best Tourist Attractions in the Black Forest
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Black Forest (Schwarzwald) in Southwest Germany
Schwarzwald, or in english The Black Forest is located in the southwest corner of Germany in the German federal-state of Baden-Württemberg. The Black Forest is a mountainous terrain at about 200-1500 meters above sea level, the highest point being the Feldberg at 1493 m.
This ancient forest is famous for its legends and the black fir trees that dot the landscape. While not particularly high, the mountains offer a wonderful place to go hiking or mountain biking with well-marked trails. Maps available from the tourist offices. There are a few skiing resorts as well offering average but crowded conditions.
The region is famous for its cuckoo clocks, watchmaking, skiing and tourism. There is a large high-tech light engineering industry in the region stemming from the gold-mining and watchmaking days. Almost all tourists are from Germany and Switzerland; the region's tourist industry is therefore not well equipped to deal with guests who don't speak German.
The most important destination in the Schwarzwald is called Titisee, which is a medium-sized lake with associated tourist village and hotels, with very nice views and generally very relaxed and healthy activities. From here it is a short journey to Lake Constance and the city of Konstanz, or to see the Rhein Waterfall at Neuhausen in Switzerland.
Accommodations in the main tourist areas may be cheaper than many of the quaint smaller towns and villages. For a nice hut at a reasonable price, look for a privately-operated Gasthaus, which can be found in villages throughout the area. There are many pleasant surprises waiting, often with excellent home-cooked food and special service, often provided by the family living there for many generations.
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Süd-Schwarzwald Black Forest Germany
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Schwarzwald-Urlaub - Ferien mit Freizeit, Aktivität und Entspannung in beliebter Urlaubsregion
Der Schwarzwald bietet als größtes deutsches Mittelgebirge unterschiedlichste Erholungs- und Ferienregionen, für anspruchsvollen Singleurlaub genauso wie für Familien mit Kindern, abwechslungsreich und günstig. In der einzigartigen Landschaft kommen nicht nur Wanderurlauber auf ihre Kosten, auch Kultur, Wellness und Erholung oder kulinarische Genüsse sind durchaus erschwinglich und kommen, ebenso wie Gemütlichkeit mit Bollenhut und Kuckucksuhren, nicht zu kurz. Ob Ferienhaus oder Appartement, Fremdenzimmer oder Hotel - geniessen Sie die ursprüngliche, eindrucksvolle Natur, unvergessliche Sehenswürdigkeiten und ausergewöhnliche Erlebnisse in einem der mehr als 320 Ferienorte im schönen Schwarzwald.
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Günstiges gutes Essen
Eine groteske Stadt mit mittelalterlichen Stadtbild. Denn Schlossberg sollte man auch erklimmen. Ein Blick auf das herrliches Panorama über die Stadt hat man dort.
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Kolmenhof Furtwangen Schwarzwald Ferienland Urlaub Donauquelle
Einen kleinen Einblick, in das bewegte Treiben auf der Martinskapelle und der Donauquelle Furtwangen im Schwarzwald auf 1100 Meter ü.M. von Franz Dold
info@martinskapelle.de martinskapelle.de
info@kolmenhof.de kolmenhof.de
Staufen im Breisgau
Die Fauststadt Staufen im Breisgau an der Grenze zum Markgräflerland im südlichen Schwarzwald.