the commandment video supernatural of telekinesis and telepathy S666N made of god invisible
Pope Francis, Jorge Mario Bergoglio has read the book The experiment military theological S666N, Eternal Infinite Order. Monsignor ...., has telephoned me, for to discuss in private, in the Vatican, with the Pope Francis, about this book. In the prophecy S666N, are connections with the genocide from New York September 11, 2001, the accident from the nuclear power station from Barcelona, Fukushima, and other genocide, wars, terrorism, lies, and conspiracy. The code video supernatural of telekinesis and telephty from 5 July 2011, country RomaNia, city RomaN, city Roma, SromaN Bethlehem, SeveN, S666N, 26662, 7eve7, 707, the devil Israel 666 has been arrested SisraelN, Satan Christ Cristo has been arrested ScristoN = 117, A=1, Z=26, devil Maria Mary has been arrested SmariaN = 75, street SanNio = saint N I, market TreNto 3 N please, NNN, city MilaN= mercyN, country Italy. In code are 835 books of tarot. The sum in Excel, at all the books between and with the book creator that is on the place 816, and the book nor a thing that is on the place 707 7eve7 SeveN S666N, is 3816, are 111 books between and with books 816 and 707. The Beast of Revelation is invisible. Is my soul. He is the creator at time space existence souls etc. He is the god of the gods eternal invisible NMEILIS NMEINIS ESGSEIS. Magic square 36 111 666 is the devil the god his Israel. The book master is on place 700, the book apocalypse is on place 777, 181 = J.S.T Game Over, the body invisible alive infinite and the soul ESGSEIS is on place 26, my birth is on 03.01.1975, 175 cm height, are 13331 days from my birth, up to the code from 5 July 2011, are 13331 days from code up to 03.01.2048, total are 26662 days, I will have 73 years, the code has 3 hours 30 minutes 48 seconds. The code video supernatural of telekinesis Eternal Infinite Order from 14 November 2011. With cutting at the book, with the writing creator. God. -- Genocide scheduled in time of 4000 years. 309 people killed in 2009, scheduled online video, after a military theologically experiment. Over two thousand people mutilated. Over 20 thousand left without their home. The prophecy pineal gland telepathy letter t. Earthquake, from city L'Aquila (eagle) Abruzzo. Sewer tunnel roughly … km long. Earthquake manufactured by vibration and gas underground. People executed according at a theological video program, without trial, without warning. Death threats against me. January February 2012 two cousins in a contract. Beneficiary stands in front of the Church of Scientology. An employee has parents killed by carbon monoxide. Another contributor, cousin with it, they killed his child in february 2012 in France. Laurana street, killed a family of Ecuadorians at 3:30. Melissa Bassi killed on 20.05.2012 ,16 year, with 3-cylinder gas bomb. 07/13/2012 h 6, killed my father. Petrache Baetel. Villa 13 Alley Grivitei. Romania. My cousin killed in gas cylinder explosion. Marcel Shepherd. 08.08.2012. Son of Mary Shepherd. In Austria Wien, a work colleague of my brother, was killed crushed by a truck, two days after his return from the funeral. On June 5, 2013 at 9 o'clock they found the body of Paula Cadar Mart in Bistrita River, the deer bridge in the city of Piatra Neamt. NeamT = Nation at letter, t . NT. Piatra = Those that are by stone that will not love ... Paula Cadar Mart. CaDar = gift. MarT = apple t. Possession of the pineal gland at other, violation of privacy, murder, mutilation, pedophilia, and extortion = the fruit forbidden. Alexandra was scheduled infected with AIDS. Declared programmed with the disease psychological. Alexandra Egypt Cleopatra. Cat from Alexandra named Cleo. Provocation of cancer, at older brother Baetel Venceslau 20.06.2013. -- The crooks, to give back at all persons, all the profit social, natural resources, and banks, of property at all the persons, from all the infinite past space, and from all the infinite future space. -- Welcome in The United Galaxies, from the Infinite Past Space, and the Infinite Future Space. The year 6 after infinite past space and from the infinite future space. The year 6 after video apparition his god eternal invisible. I, Talin Anton Cristian, the owner of the experiment and book S666N and Eternal Order Infinite, offer free of charge, to anyone, anywhere and anytime, and without my notice, the possibility duty and obligation, to copy of the text, and changing of it, from my books, and to sell it, in his book.