Nogent-le-Roi is a commune in the department of Eure-et-Loir in the Centre-Val de Loire region in France. It is located 27 kilometres north of Chartres and 18 kilometres south-east of Dreux. Continue reading... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The Best Attractions In Nogent-le-Roi
1. Fondation Claude MonetGiverny The Fondation Claude Monet is a nonprofit organisation that runs and preserves the house and gardens of Claude Monet in Giverny, France. With a total of 530,000 visitors in 2010, it is the second most visited tourist site in Normandy after the Mont Saint-Michel. The House and Garden have been recognised as a Maison des Illustres and Jardin remarquable rewarding their outstanding qualities. The estate was classified as a Monument historique in 1976. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
2. Chateau de ChambordChambord The Château de Chambord at Chambord, Loir-et-Cher, France, is one of the most recognisable châteaux in the world because of its very distinctive French Renaissance architecture which blends traditional French medieval forms with classical Renaissance structures. The building, which was never completed, was constructed by King Francis I of France. Chambord is the largest château in the Loire Valley; it was built to serve as a hunting lodge for Francis I, who maintained his royal residences at the Château de Blois and Amboise. The original design of the Château de Chambord is attributed, though with some doubt, to Domenico da Cortona; Leonardo da Vinci may also have been involved. Chambord was altered considerably during the twenty-eight years of its construction , during which it was o... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
4. CerzaHermival Les Vaux The Zoo de Cerza is a 60-hectare zoo that opened in 1986 in Hermival-les-Vaux, Calvados, France. The zoo is home to some 1000 animals representing about 120 species, and is a member of the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria and the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums . From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Ce diaporama est composé de photos prises en 2012, lors d'un voyage en Islande, je suis partie en avion avec un vol low cost, et j'ai parcouru ce pays merveilleux avec mon sac à dos, en utilisant les bus qui le sillonnent j'y est retrouvé mes amis. Tous ces paysages sont gravés dans ma mémoire, que démotions devant la puissance, la beauté et la pureté des éléments. La distance qui nous sépare du monde subtil semble ici s'effacer. La vie est partout, dans le cœur de ses volcans, recouverts de leurs glaciers pour calmer le feu qui les anime, dans ces cascades majestueuses qui charrient dans un grondement d'une puissance inouïe l'eau de la fonte des glaces, dans les fumerolles, dans ces geysers qui explosent en larmes brûlantes, et cette odeur de soufre qui vous envahit... La nature y est en perpétuelle création. Je tenais à remercier de tout cœur Est motorcycles qui a dynamisé ce voyage.