Best Things To Do in Ogose machi, Japan
Ogose-machi Travel Guide. MUST WATCH. Top 10 things you have to do in Ogose-machi. We have sorted Tourist Attractions in Ogose-machifor You. Discover Ogose-machias per the Traveler Resources given by our Travel Specialists. You will not miss any fun thing to do in Ogose-machi.
This Video has covered top 10 Best Things to do in Ogose-machi.
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List of Best Things to do in Ogose-machi, Japan
Kamiyatsuno Okusuu
Ogose Bairin
Godaison Azalea Park
Sekai Mumei Senshi no Haka
Ogose Town Information Center
Yamabukino Sato Historic Parkn
Hoonji Temple
Izumo Iwai Shrine
Saitama Children Zoo
Kinchakuda Manjushage Park
嚆矢新潟市 Koushi Niigata City, Huge Curry, Giant Karaage Fried Chicken: Dinner & Interview
With the exception of the lifestyle of sumo wrestlers, gluttony isn’t by any means encouraged in Japanese society: very rarely will you encounter someone who is chubby, let alone overweight or morbidly obese. Moderation in all high calorie foods is practiced, starting from when they are small children, all the way through school and catered for them when they become adults; reinforced by their live in mothers do all the cooking. Girls especially are pressured by their peers to conform to strict beauty standards to keep their figures trim. This can also be seen in the advertising industry where there are no shortage of miracle diet pills and every summer you can expect to see a new diet fad that’s better than the last.
But I digress before I’ve even started: That’s not the name of the game at the latest place we visited: Koushi (嚆矢). Complimented by a sizeable manga collection on the side wall, it’s a fairly skinny shop in stark contrast to the food it serves, consisting of about five counter seats and two tables at the back. The shop is opened at 6pm by the owner/manager Hiroki Kondo and is assisted later on in the evening depending on how busy it gets. We were the only customers when it opened on the Saturday night, so we didn’t have to wait too long until we got to start eating: We didn’t go for anything too crazy, but it was big enough that I still wasn’t hungry the next day. Specifically, we ordered the “Over the Top Curry” (which came with fried chicken, fried pork cutlets, mince cutlets, a massive omelet, massive serving of Japanese curry and rice), and the “Over the Top Fried Chicken Rice Bowl” (we finished the chicken but couldn’t finish the rice, so we asked for more curry to help. Oink).
They were massive. We had had a small late breakfast, but when we saw both side by side, we had said that there was no way were going to get through all of it. But shockingly we did. And it was amazing. It was almost like that first time when you’re a kid and you discover chocolate cake and ice cream. The food really was that good.
What we had was nothing compared to what the competitive eaters order up, check out Japan's smallest competitive eater, Ogose Aya, this is her and her mates in the private room
I’ve realised that I’ve been sounding quite biased in this written commentary, and I can only say that (this being the fourth place we’ve filmed) we really haven’t had anything bad to say … yet. Who knows, if in the future when we start getting invited more to check out new places and they suck, we just might decide that because they suck they don’t deserve our exposure. Nah just kidding, they’ll get exposed for what they are.
Koushi definetly doesn’t suck however and I personally can’t wait to go back and get more fat, it’s Japanese comfort food at its best. Mr. Kondo has been trying his hardest to establish his restaurant since he started, and had told us he couldn’t remember the last time he took a day off.
Please hang on to the second half of the video for the interview with the owner and manager Mr. Hiroki Kondo, and where we’ll also reveal where we’re planning on heading next time.
*Find Koushi at
*Website at
Video is in Japanese, with English subtitles available
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