What happened to VERACRUZ, MEXICO?!?
Our 1st time in Veracruz, Mexico! After a week in Puerto de Veracruz, we're thinking, WHAT THE HECK happened here?
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During our time in Veracruz City, we enjoyed some time at the beach, visited Boca del Rio (a suburb of Heroica Veracruz), went to the Veracruz aquarium, chased crabs, spent some time on the Veracruz Malecon, and explored a bit of what this port city has to offer.
We were thoroughly surprised by many aspects of the city, including some absolutely mouthwatering food local to Veracruz: consomé, picadas, and platano relleno. With how little tourism there is in Veracruz, Veracruz the question we're asking is, what happened to this place? It seems like a once thriving beach city is now practically a ghost town by comparison. Still, the largest and oldest port in Mexico remains incredibly active. We saw huge ships coming into the city continuously throughout our time here.
What do you think of Veracruz? Share your thoughts in the comments.
1. Wear shoes on the beach. We saw lots of glass on every beach we visited throughout Veracruz City.
2. Budget for your trip. We found Puerto de Veracruz to be much more expensive than other Mexican cities.
3. Expect to drive to your destinations in Veracruz City. Some areas are more walkable than others, but most places will be a 10-20 minute drive away. At the time of creating this video, Uber was not available in the area. There are lots of cabs in the area and also public buses.
4. You might need to cook at home. There are no shortage of seafood restaurants in Veracruz, but we found the number of restaurants overall to be much lower than in some cities.
5. When looking for a place to stay in Veracruz, Veracruz you'll probably want to find one with air conditioning. During our time here, it was 80+ degrees during the day with high humidity.
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BACK TO MEXICO CITY LIKE A LOCAL!!! | (229 | Mexico Travel Vlog)
20 December 2018 - Orizaba to Mexico City
Day 7 - VLOG 229
Today we make our way back to Mexico City! I got lucky catching a lift to Zoapan the first time round but this time I have to catch public transport 230km back to Mexico City!
The journey starts off with a quick 10min lift from Zoapan to the small village of Tlachichuca. From there was a 2 hour bus ride to Puebla city where we have a late lunch, then another 2hour bus ride back to Mexico City.
El Geiser, cómo llegar al mejor balneario de Hidalgo
El Geiser es uno de los mejores balnearios de Hidalgo, en éste video te decímos cómo llegar, que hacer y todo lo que necesitas saber para sacarle el máximo a esta experiencia.
Si deseas apoyar nuestro canal, ahora puedes patrocinarnos a través de éste enlace:
*Cómo llegar al Geiser
Si visitas el Geiser desde la Ciudad de México calcula unas 3 horas de trayecto aproximadamente.
Desde la CDMX
Toma la autopista México-Querétaro
En el kilómetro 107 toma la desviación con rumbo a Huichapan
Vas a pasar por cinco pequeñas poblaciones que son San Juanico, Maravillas, El Jagüey, Nopala y San Sebastián.
Pasando San Sebastián 5 minutos aproximadamente después entroncarás con otra carretera y tomarás la desviación a la derecha con dirección a Huichapan.
Antes de llegar a Huichapan habrá un entronque con dos desviaciones: una con señalización a Huichapan-San José Atlan y otra con señalización hacia Pachuca, por lo que seguirás a mano izquierda por el libramiento con dirección a Pachuca 5 minutos aproximadamente. Más adelante encontrarás una glorieta con un monumento a Miguel Hidalgo, ahí debes tomar la desviación hacia la izquierda que dice Teconzautla.
A 5 minutos aproximadamente antes de llegar a Tecozautla está la comunidad de Gandhó, donde se encuentra la desviación a el Geiser hacia mano izquierda.
Continua por ese camino durante10 minutos aproximadamente y llegarás a el Geiser
-En transporte público:
Dirígete a la Central de Autobuses del Norte o a la Central de la Caseta de Tepozotlán.
Toma un autobús de la línea Estrella Blanca con dirección a Tecozautla, Hidalgo.
Una vez en Tecozautla puedes tomar un taxi o combi que te lleve a El Geiser.
Los sábados sale una corrida directa a el Geiser a las 3 p.m. desde la Central de Autobuses del Norte
Si lo visitas desde otra parte de la República Mexicana puedes usar Google Maps o Waze para calcular tu ruta.
*Qué hacer en el Geiser
Lo principal es relajarse y desconectarse por un momento de todo el estrés, puedes disfrutar este lugar con tus amigos, familia o pareja. Te aconsejamos que si llevas niños cuides mucho en qué alberca van a meterse, ya que las temperaturas son muy altas y no es aconsejable aventarse clavados por su seguridad.
- Disfrutar de las albercas, hidromasaje, chapoteaderos y albercas infantiles.
- Nadar de noche para gozar más de la temperatura del agua.
- Visitar el SPA Natural que se hace con el vapor que sale del respirador volcánico conocido como Geiser.
-Recorrer todos sus puentes colgantes.
-Al atardecer sube al puente colgante más alto y toma unas fotografías increíbles.
-Si quieres algo de adrenalina, recorre el circuito de tirolesas, cuerda floja y puente flotante, tiene un costo de $150 pesos por persona.
*Dónde hospedarse en el Geiser
-En el Geiser hay hoteles, cabañas y renta de tiendas de campaña. Los costos van de los $250 pesos hasta los $2,000 pesos, esto depende de qué tipo de habitación o cabaña escojas y el número de personas que se hospedarán en ella. Recuerda que el rentar una habitación o tienda de campaña no está incluida la entrada.
Si deseas acampar con tu propia tienda, solo tendrás que pagar una cuota dependiendo el tamaño de tu tienda. Pero si no tienes tienda de campaña puedes rentar una ahí mismo. Para conocer los precios actualizados de cada habitación, cabaña y tienda de campaña consulta nuestro blog
La habitación donde nosotros nos quedamos tiene un costo de $800 pesos más un depósito de $200 pesos que te es devuelto al entregar la habitación sin ningún desperfecto. La habitación es sencilla para dos personas con baño completo privado, toallas, clóset y t.v.
*Dónde comer en el Geiser
-Dentro del balneario hay 2 restaurantes que brindan servicio desde las 7 a.m. hasta las 5 p.m. pero no te preocupes, afuera hay un área de comedores donde siempre hay uno abierto durante las 24 horas del día por si llegas muy noche con hambre y tengas donde comer. El costo por persona aproximado es de $120 pesos. Te recomendamos comer en la cocina 4 “el Buen Sazón” de verdad que le hace honor a su nombre.
También puedes llevar tus propios alimentos y bebidas pero recuerda no llevar bebidas alcohólicas y/o envases de vidrio porque no te dejarán entrar con ellos.
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Mexico Protected Areas. Wildlife [IGEO TV]
In Mexico, admirable environments are imposed on those who visit it for their great height and beauty. These are regions with different atmospheres that produce tones in the sky, since seasonal snowfall occurring in them, tinged with white.
Among the country's most significant mountains, highlight the great colossus of Iztaccihuatl and Popocatepetl, located within one of the most enigmatic Mexican national parks.
Other national parks are the Nevado de Toluca National Park, a protected natural area located on the slopes of Nevado de Toluca. It occupies an area of approximately 46,784 hectares. The flora found in the park consists of a coniferous forest and oak, in terms of fauna include squirrels, birds, rabbits, coyotes, reptiles, rodents, and opossums teporingos .
The Pico de Orizaba National Park; its length corresponds in part to the volcano of Pico de Orizaba or Citlaltépetl , the highest mountain in Mexico , and high mountain forests and adjacent grassland areas , which retain a great diversity of flora and fauna of the region.
The Cumbres de Monterrey National Park was established on November 24, 1939 by decree of President Lazaro Cardenas, having at the time with an area of 246,500 hectares, which it did at the time the largest park in Mexico. By a decree of redistricting in 2000 dropped its extension to 177,395.95 hectares.
This park was established as such for the conservation of flora and fauna, which with the growth of the urban area of Monterrey is threatened.
The San Pedro Martir National Park comprises wooded lot located in the mountain range of Sierra de San Pedro Martir. This is one of the few mountain forest tracts are located in the Peninsula of Baja California. It has a variety of conifer species and serves as an important refuge for wildlife on the peninsula between whose species, some endemic can see bighorn sheep.
It is located in the central portion of the Mexican state of Baja California, whose area corresponds to the municipality of Ensenada. The area was first explored around 1701 by the expeditions conducted by Eusebio Francisco Kino, but the order dominica who founded the first mission in place.
Within the limits of the national park, in the mountainous elevation known as the Hill of the Dome was established in the year 1971, the National Astronomical Observatory of Mexico, which is the second largest in Latin America.
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Coatepec, que hacer en un fin de semana
Coatepec es un pueblito mágico de Veracruz considerado la capital del café de todo México, acompáñanos a descubrir qué hacer en Coatepec este fin de semana.
Las actividades que te proponemos realizar en Coatepec son:
*Hospedarte en el bosque de niebla
-Hay una antigua caballeriza en medio del bosque que está disponible para que la rentes a través de airbnb, si no conoces airbnb, te estás perdiendo de lugares increíbles como este a unos precios excelentes, dale click a este enláce para crear tu cuenta ahora mismo y reservar la caballeriza con un descuento de $450 pesos.
*Recorrido turístico
-Hay dos recorridos en Coatepec, te recomendamos el Piojito, es el mejorsito, nosotros nos subimos al magibus pero parece que vas en un microbus.
*Comer en los Arcos de Belem
-La comida está deliciosa, imáginense que Rosy dijo que le gustaba más el mole de ahí ¡que el de su abuelita!. En serio es muy sabroso, no se que le ponen a la comida pero está deliciosa. El mejor lugar para comer en Coatepec, punto.
*Subir al mirador del cerro de las culebras
-Sube a pie al cerro, pero encuentra las escaleras por que si no si que te vas a cansar recorriéndolo todo por la rampa de los autos. Ve lo más tempranito que puedas, ten en cuenta que lo abren a las 10am.
*Visita la Parroquia de San Jerónimo
-Está bonita la iglesia, lo más padre es su atrio y sus fuentes, no necesitas más de 15 minutos para recorrerlo y te queda cerca del parque Hidalgo.
*Visita el palacio municipal de Coatepec
-Lo que vale la pena del palacio municipal es un mural que narra pictóricamente la historia del Pueblo. También hay unos baños públicos que puedes usar si ya te anda
*La casa de los Azulejos
-Venden un montón de artesanías interesantes, nuestro local favorito fue el de Noemí que tiene su tienda llamada Mirlo, su trabajo es genial, te lo recomendamos mucho.
*Visita el museo del café
-Toma un taxi y pide que te lleven al museo del café, el recorrido dura como 45 minutos y está padre por que puedes probar un café muy rico al final del recorrido. Te garantizo que terminando no volverás a ver el café de la misma forma.
*Come churros en la plaza
-Los tradiconales churros preparados, son super ricos y baratos, la gente hace fila por hacerse de una bolsita o un plato. Es algo que debes de probar, no importa que estés a dieta, si no los comes te vas a arrepentir.
La música de este video es cortesía del gran Andre Applepie, si te late bájala en este enlace:
Muchas gracias, ahora ya sabes qué hacer en Coatepec este fin de semana, nos veos el próximo viernes.
EXPLORE MEXICO: Relax by a Lazy Tropical River in Veracruz
Explore the natural-side of Mexico. Why not skip the beaches by the ocean and enjoy a lazy day relaxing by a tropical river hidden in southern Veracruz.
The stream is very clear, not too deep, cool, and very refreshing on a hot day.
This location is inconveniently located in the tropical rain forest region of southern Veracruz not all that far from the Gulf of Mexico. It is a rough ride to get there but well worth it.
This would be great place for a Mexico family adventure!
Mike Vondruska and his staff at discoververacruztourstours.com can assist you in creating a great one day experience in the tropics of Veracruz, leaving in the morning from the port city of Veracruz and returning late that evening.
The day would consist of:
- A nice 100 mile ride to the the World Biosphere area of the Los Tuxtlas Region in southern Veracruz from the port city of Veracruz.
- Jungle hike with a local guide who will tell you about the many medicinal purposes the local trees and plants provide
- Along the hike, you will find hidden jungle waterfalls where you can take a dip in the crystal clear pools below
- Lunch at a local familys rustic home in a jungle village
- Then on to the stream in this video to relax, swim, and enjoy nature's peaceful tropical beauty found here.
- Return to the city of Veracruz or nearby Boca del Rio
We can also help you plan a multi-day getaway to this little-known Mexico paradise.
For more information, contact Mike Vondruska:
For info on other tours Mike has created, go to:
Find Mike Vondruska on Social Media:
Join Mike's Facebook group at: Mexico Travel Photos, Videos, and Stories
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For Mimi by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Thanks for watching Playing in a Tropical River - Veracruz, Mexico
Join us in this epic trip from Cancun to Tulum then Tulum to Bacalar lake then to The border of Belize and Mexico all while we search for all hidden gems of Mexico
EXPLORE MEXICO: Veracruz Travel Information
In this episode of EXPLORE MEXICO, you can gather some travel information about visiting the state of Veracruz.
Here are some travel topics you will uncover in this video:
- Are there Ubers in the city of Veracruz?
- Visit Plaza El Dorado - an upscale mall in neighboring Boca del Rio
- Why Veracruz is one of the most geographically diverse states in Mexico
- Learn about the different outdoor adventures you can experience in Veracruz
- Find out why Veracruz is known as the Gateway to Mexico
- Discover the ethnic diversity you will find in Veracruz
If you have already done some exploring in Veracruz, Mexico, please let me know about your experience. I am sure the others viewing this video would love to hear about your trip. I know I would.
Mike Vondruska is the founder & director of operations for GO NOW ADVENTURES LLC, a company which designs excellent Mexico exploration experiences for adventurous and curious travelers.
I have traveled extensively throughout the country of Mexico meeting and networking with local professional tour operators, finding the most comfortable hotels, the best restaurants, and learning about the history of each region. I personally test out the many outdoor adventure activities I advertise in our tours to experience them first-hand to determine the level of safety as well as if it would be an activity I think my travel guests would enjoy.
With my vast Mexico exploration experiences, my database of vetted guides, hotels, restaurants, and tour activities, my tour design team and I can be your “Go-To Mexico Guide for planning an Excellent Mexico Exploration Vacation.
Take note - We also custom design tours throughout the many regions of Mexico for independent travelers, groups/organizations, travel agents, and other tour companies.
Are you a travel agent or part of another tour company who would like to expand your Mexico tour offerings or would like our help with some of your clients who want to visit an area of Mexico you are not familiar with?
Just call, email, text, or DM me and my team and I would be happy to assist you.
+1 (630) 274-5341 (USA office #)
+1 (815) 715-3650 (Text/Whatsapp)
GO NOW ADVENTURES LLC has offices located in Illinois, USA and in the state of Veracruz, Mexico.
Para servirle / We are here to serve you.
See you in MEXICO!
Ultimate Catalina Island Tour - All-Star Weekend! (Ep.30)
Looking for things to do on Catalina Island Tour?
Catalina Island tour is the ultimate all-star weekend getaway escape with lots of activities! Catalina Island snorkeling, fishing, scuba diving, kayaking is some the water sports you can do or take the Catalina Island zipline or off-road throughout Catalina Island one of California’s Channel Islands, southwest of Los Angeles.
Catalina Island is known for its wildlife, dive sites and Mt. Orizaba, its highest peak. Tour Catalina Island's resort town of Two Harbors lies to the north. To the south, in the city of Avalon, palm trees and cabanas line Descanso Beach. Avalon’s circular, art deco Catalina Island Casino is a cultural center with a movie theater, ballroom and museum. Home to Whatever, USA, home to the Catalina Wine Mixer, it's a place for Epic Adventures, Spontaneous Fun and where Hollywood goes to for the Catalina Island Film Festival.
Catalina Island is a Party Playground is where stars like Snoop Dogg, Billy Zane, Mena Suvari, F. Gary Gray, Lucas Till, Kristin Davis, Andy Garcia, Jordin Sparks all featured in more than 90+ films and enjoy nightly events, parties and entertainment. And Show Me Where's host Shamroc Peterson and the crew hung out in Catalina Island with some of the celebrities and checked out Santa Catalina Island of Romance.
Hosted by Shamroc Peterson
Shot & Edited: Scott Freund & Marlon Griffin
Graphics: Mike Hacker
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