3. Shiogama ShrineShiogama Shiogama is a city located in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. As of 30 June 2017, the city had an estimated population of 54,926, and a population density of 3162 persons per km² in 23,270 households. The total area of the city is 17.37 square kilometres . From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
4. Shiroishi CastleShiroishi Shiroishi is a city in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. As of 30 September 2017, the city had an estimated population of 34,856, and a population density of 121.7 persons per km2 in 14,198 households. The total area of the city is 286.48 square kilometres . From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
6. Miyagi Zao Fox VillageShiroishi Miyagi Zao Fox Village, aka Kitsune Mura, is a popular tourist attraction situated in Shiroishi, Miyagi it based in the Miyagi Zao mountains. Visitors can visit a village where there is a vast population of foxes. The current entry fee to the Village is priced at 1000¥ Tourists for 100¥ can feed the animals also. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Vivere in Russia (a Mosca) vs Vivere in Italia [SUB ENG]
Iscriviti al canale: Viaggia con me!
ENG SUB by Lorenzo Rinaldi lorenzo.rinaldi13@gmail.com
Tutto quello che avreste sempre voluto sapere sulla Russia e chenon avete mai osato chiedere :-) Dopo un anno di vita a Mosca, vi racconto le principali differenze che ho notato tra la Russia (o meglio, Mosca) e l'Italia.
Attrezzatura 2018 Corpo macchina principale: Corpo macchina di riserva: corpo macchina per sport/fauna: Grandangolo meraviglioso: Grandangolo notturno: Tele medio: Tele per ritratto: Tele per sport/fauna: Microfono: Drone: Action Camera: Vlogging Reflex: Compatta per Vlog: Treppiede Gitzo: Treppiede da trekking: Treppiede pieghevole: Treppiede tascabile: