Costa Verde - Sardinia - Italy
Ferries to Sardinia:
The Costa Verde (Green Coast), also known as Marina di Arbus, is a coastline located in the south west of Sardinia, in the Province of Medio Campidano. It extends for approximately 50 km from Capo Frasca, in the north, to Capo Pecora and Portixeddu, in the south. The Costa Verde is situated in the territory of the municipality of Arbus] and Fluminimaggiore. Capo Frasca, in the north, represents the southern border of the Gulf of Oristano.
Source: Wikipedia
Barumini - Sardinia - Italy Unesco World Heritage Site
Ferries to Sardinia:
Barumini is a comune (municipality) in the Province of Medio Campidano in the Italian region Sardinia, located about 50 km north of Cagliari and about 15 km northeast of Sanluri.
Barumini borders the following municipalities: Gergei, Gesturi, Las Plassas, Tuili, Villanovafranca.Monuments and places of historical and cultural interest in Barumini [edit]
* On Nuraxi, the symbol par excellence of the country of Barumini
* On Nuraxi'e Cresia
* Centre for Communication and Promotion of Cultural Heritage John Lilliu
* The convent of the Capuchin Friars
* Palazzo Zapata
* Town Library
* House of Zappata, with Gothic and Renaissance elements
* Parish in the late Gothic style
On Nuraxi [edit]
Main article: Main article: On Nuraxi.
Zapata building and Su Nuraxi'e Cresia [edit]
Barumini - Area museum Palais Zapata
In downtown Barumini you can admire Palazzo Zapata, a former home that the Marquis, in the early 600, they built on the highest point of the country.
Only recently, during the restoration of the palace, was made a discovery of great significance: the Zapata palace was built over the well preserved remains of a settlement called by the archaeologist John nuragico Lilliu (already discovered the Su Nuraxi complex) Nuraxi 'and because Cresia near the parish church.
Thanks to a project of architectural restoration of great visual impact and a strong suggestion (developed with great sensitivity by the architect Peter Royal) and the Palace of the marquis that the underlying nuraghe, properly brought to light, are now home to a magnificent museum complex - divided into three sections: archaeological (scientific project developed by the archaeologist Dr. Roberto Sirigu), historical (scientific project developed by Dr. Rosa M. Lai and Ms. Patricia M. Mameli the Archive Superintendence of Sardinia) and ethnographic ( scientific project developed by the architect. Liliana Fadda) - which was opened July 29, 2006
Barumini Travel
Barumini Travel - Ferries to Sardinia: /
Barumini is a comune (municipality) in the Province of Medio Campidano in the Italian region Sardinia, located about 50 km north of Cagliari and about 15 km northeast of Sanluri.
Barumini borders the following municipalities: Gergei, Gesturi, Las Plassas, Tuili, Villanovafranca.Monuments and places of historical and cultural interest in Barumini [edit]
On Nuraxi, the symbol par excellence of the country of Barumini
On Nuraxie Cresia
Centre for Communication and Promotion of Cultural Heritage John Lilliu
The convent of the Capuchin Friars
Palazzo Zapata
Town Library
House of Zappata, with Gothic and Renaissance elements
Parish in the late Gothic style
On Nuraxi [edit]
Main article: Main article: On Nuraxi.
Zapata building and Su Nuraxie Cresia [edit]
Barumini - Area museum Palais Zapata
In downtown Barumini you can admire Palazzo Zapata, a former home that the Marquis, in the early 600, they built on the highest point of the country.
Only recently, during the restoration of the palace, was made a discovery of great significance: the Zapata palace was built over the well preserved remains of a settlement called by the archaeologist John nuragico Lilliu (already discovered the Su Nuraxi complex) Nuraxi and because Cresia near the parish church.
Thanks to a project of architectural restoration of great visual impact and a strong suggestion (developed with great sensitivity by the architect Peter Royal) and the Palace of the marquis that the underlying nuraghe, properly brought to light, are now home to a magnificent museum complex - divided into three sections: archaeological (scientific project developed by the archaeologist Dr. Roberto Sirigu), historical (scientific project developed by Dr. Rosa M. Lai and Ms. Patricia M. Mameli the Archive Superintendence of Sardinia) and ethnographic ( scientific project developed by the architect. Liliana Fadda) - which was opened July 29, 2006
Enjoy Your Barumini Travel!
SARDEGNA ...una Terra da scoprire!!!!!!
Un viaggio navigando in un mare di smeraldo, tra piccole e grandi insenature dalla sabbia bianchissima: questa è la Sardegna, un’isola che stupisce il visitatore per i suoi contrasti naturali, luci e colori, un paese di antichissime tradizioni, immerso in una natura selvaggia e incontaminata. Situata al centro del Mediterraneo, con un territorio prevalentemente montuoso ma privo di alte vette, la Sardegna regala al visitatore un ambiente naturale unico, nello stesso tempo aspro e dolcissimo. L’uomo, infatti, è in certe zone quasi una rara presenza; vaste superfici sono rimaste magicamente intatte, abitate da cervi, cavalli selvatici e grandi rapaci e sono ricche di piccole zone desertiche, stagni e boschi rigogliosi con alberi anche millenari.
Il mare regna incontrastato con i suoi colori e si insinua nelle calette tortuose, lungo le coste e le spiagge, nelle località più frequentate. La costa Smeralda con la sua perla, Porto Cervo, ne è un esempio. Il suo Porto Vecchio è considerato il più attrezzato porto turistico del Mediterraneo. Porto Rotondo è una località anch’essa rinomata, che si affaccia sull’ampio Golfo di Cugnana ed è popolata da ville e piazzette incastonate in una magnifica natura.
Chi al mare preferisce la montagna potrà andare alla scoperta della regione del Gennargentu, il più vasto complesso montano della Sardegna, con i suoi pittorici scenari dove la natura occupa un posto di primo piano. Molto ricca la flora e la fauna con i suoi mufloni, aquile reali, cervi sardi e varie specie ormai sull’orlo dell’estinzione.Tra le sue meraviglie, la Sardegna offre al visitatore i complessi nuragici sparsi su tutto il territorio, monumenti unici al mondo che testimoniano una cultura antica e ancora in parte misteriosa che va dal XV al VI secolo a C.
I Nuraghi – costruiti con grandi blocchi di pietra – si sviluppavano intorno ad una torre centrale a forma di tronco di cono che trasmette una sensazione di solidità e potenza. Si tratta di siti archeologici dove si possono ancora cogliere i segni di antiche ritualità e di vita domestica dal fascino arcaico. Tra i tanti, il complesso di Barumini in provincia di Medio Campidano è nella lista del patrimonio mondiale UNESCO.
Le province della Sardegna sono: Cagliari (capoluogo), Carbonia-Iglesias, Nuoro, Olbia-Tempio, Oristano, Medio Campidano, Sassari, Ogliastra.A soli 12 km di mare dalla Corsica, 120 dalla Toscana e 185 dall'Africa, la Sardegna è da sempre meta di indiscutibile fascino, a ben vedere definita come i Caraibi italiani. Ed in effetti poco ha da invidiare l'Isola dei Nuraghi alle mete tropicali d'oltreoceano, grazie a luoghi come la Maddalena e la Costa Smeralda, Santa Teresa Gallura e Arzachena, tra gli altri: lunghissime spiagge di sabbia bianca e finissima si alternano a masse rocciose e magnifiche insenature movimentate da cale e isolette. Il bellissimo mare, dai fondali molto profondi, è certo il bene più prezioso dell'isola ma non l'unico. A rendere un mondo a sè questo angolo d'Italia un pò schivo, sono tradizioni millenarie ancora vive tra il fiero popolo sardo. E ancora, un'archeologia unica al mondo, ricca di nuraghi, menhir e tombe giganti e un entroterra non meno affascinante e per certi versi misterioso.Sardegna una terra da scoprire...
Hotel le Dune
A short film showing the Hotel le Dune in central Sardinia. For more information please visit:
Super Fast Driving in Sardinia of Italy
Free video about super fast driving. This free video was created for you by and can be used for free under the creative commons license with the attribution of as the original author of this super fast driving video.
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The super fast driving is an activity sensorimotor of operating an automobile in order to move. It can also be defined as a collective activity in a social space. It is subject to rules: the rules of the road and those of savoir-vivre and savoir-être. It requires knowledge and know-how (interpretations, techniques and manipulations) issued in France by the national training program. On roads open to traffic, it is subject to obtaining a super fast driving license.
super fast driving is generally prohibited to people too young and also subject to the requirement to obtain a prior license for the vehicle used. A car accident can be the result of misconduct. super fast driving is subject to an obligation of insurance.
Safe super fast driving of a vehicle is inconsistent with the excessive use of alcohol, drugs or lack of sleep. Under certain circumstances, including passage of license for certain candidates (eg in France, people who lost all their points), an aptitude medical supervision is required, cropped by a decree of July 17, 2012 in France 1. In the latter case, the control evaluates the physical, cognitive and sensory ability of the candidate. It is practiced by a physician approved by the prefect off medical board consultant, or doctors sitting in a departmental or interdepartmental commission. In 2012, a medical appeal board must be created in each department.
Sardinia ( Sardinian Sardigna, Italian Sardegna, Catalan Sardenya ) is - according to Sicily - the second largest island in the Mediterranean. The Egyptians called them Schardana that Euboier Ichnoussa and the Greeks Sandalyon because its shape resembles a footprint. The island forms with some islands of the same autonomous region of Italy. The Sardinia region has an area of 24,090 km ² and 1,640,379 inhabitants (as of 31 December 2012). Its capital is Cagliari.
The majority of the population speaks one of the dialects of Sardinian Sardinian language, to the family of Romance languages heard. In practice dominates public life in Sardinia but the Italian. Moreover, in Alghero since the fourteenth century, a Catalan dialect spoken, and along the north coast to keep Corsican language islands. The majority of the population of Sardinia is one of the Roman Catholic Church.
Sardinia is a politically to Italy owned island in the Mediterranean. It is located 202 km from the Italian mainland (190 km from the island of Monte Argentario ), in between the Tyrrhenian Sea. From Tunisia in southern Sardinia is 184 km away. To the north is 12 km from the French island of Corsica, only separated by the Strait of Bonifacio (Strait of Bonifacio). To the west lies Menorca, to Spain belonging to the Balearic Islands, the closest (335 km). The north-south extent is about 270 km, east-west extension of about 145 km.
The climate is mainly Mediterranean, with warm spring and autumn, hot summers and mild winters. The island suffers from water shortage in summer (precipitation: 500-600 mm / year) and it is especially in the winter often stormy.
The autonomous region of Sardinia was politically long divided into three provinces: Cagliari, Sassari and Nuoro. In 1974, which was the province of Oristano newly formed, since 2005, there are four more: Olbia-Tempio, Ogliastra, Carbonia-Iglesias and Medio Campidano.
The highest mountains are 1834 meters with the Punta La Marmora and with 1829 meters of Bruncu Spina in the central mountains Gennargentu. In the north of the 1359 m high dominated Limbara. Geological features are the gold - and silver deposits.
Sardinia is considered as a nature reserve, are found in the thousands of rare animals and plants under protection.
In comparison with the GDP of the EU, expressed in purchasing power standards, Sardinia reached an index of 83.4 (EU-25: 100) ( 2003 ). The Sardinian economy has its main focus on tourism as well as in the oil industry, trade, services and information technology. Significance of the famous wines ( cannonau ) and feta cheese ( Pecorino Sardo ) and the catering trade. In the north of the island traditionally plays cork an important role.
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