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The Best Attractions In Ramat Negev

Ramat Negev Regional Council is a regional council in the Negev desert in Israel. The largest regional council in the country, its headquarters are located on Highway 40 between Mashabei Sadeh and Tlalim.
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The Best Attractions In Ramat Negev

  • 2. Shivta Ramat Negev
    Shivta , is an ancient city in the Negev Desert of Israel located 43 kilometers southwest of Beersheba. Shivta was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in June 2005.
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
  • 4. Incense Route - Desert Cities in the Negev Ramat Negev
    The incense offering , a blend of aromatic substances that exhale perfume during combustion, usually consisting of spices and gums burnt as an act of worship, occupied a prominent position in the sacrificial legislation of the ancient Hebrews. The correct blend of sweet spices and of aromatic condiments used in making the incense offering was a carefully guarded secret at the time of its offering, fully known only by the compounders of the incense offering so as to prevent its replication in the worship of foreign gods. The priests of the House of Avtinas who were charged with preparing the incense during the Second Temple period kept the technique and exact proportions secret, for which they were censured by the rabbis . Today, what is known of the incense offering has been carefully glea...
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

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