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One of the Best Romantic Destinations in Europe, Mostviertel, Austria
One of the Best Romantic Destinations in Europe, Mostviertel, Austria
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Burg Lockenhaus - Austria HD Travel Channel
Lockenhaus Castle is located in Burgenland in Austria.
The very interesting castle was once in the possession of the Esterházy family. Since 1968, it belongs to the family of Prof. Paul Anton Keller who has invested millions in the restoration of the castle. He has developed the castle into an event and congress center.
Professor Keller has also invested a lot of the time and money in the research of the Knights Templar. An exhibition about the Knights Templar should demonstrate the legend, that the castle was once an Order Castle of the Knights Templar, of which there are quite some indications.
It has been proven that the castle served temporarily as residence for the Hungarian Slovakian countess Erzsébet Báthory, the worst female serial killer of the history.
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Burg Lockenhaus liegt im Burgenland in Österreich. Die sehr sehenswerte Burg war einst ebenfalls im Besitz der Familie Esterházy. Seit 1968 gehört sie der Familie Prof. Paul Anton Keller, die Millionen in die Instandsetzung der Burg investiert und sie zum Veranstaltungs- und Kongresszentrum ausgebaut hat.
Eine Ausstellung über die Tempelritter, deren Erforschung Prof. Keller ebenfalls viel Zeit und Geld gewidmet hat, soll die Legende belegen, dass die Burg einst eine Ordensburg der Tempelritter war, wofür einige Indizien sprechen.
Als erwiesen gilt, dass die Burg zeitweilig als Residenz für die ungarisch-slowakischen Gräfin Erzsébet Báthory, der schlimmsten Serienmörderin der Geschichte, diente.
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Aggstein Castle, Wachau valley, AUSTRIA
Wachau valley is a beautiful place in Austria and this castle is located on top of a hill overlooking to the valley and the Donau river which is the second largest river of the europe. if u are planing ti visit Austria add this place to your list.
Salzburg: Stiegl Brauwelt - mehr als nur Bier (2D-Version)
hier die 2D-Fassung eines 3D-Films für Player ohne Umschaltmöglichkeit von 3D auf 2D
3D-Rec.: JVC GS-TD1 = stereoskopisches 3D / Real D 3DCreated with Cyberlink PowerDirector15 DirectorSuite5
Castle Trail
Impressionen vom Castle Trail in der schottischen Grafschaft Aberdeenshire - vorgestellt vom Mortimer Reisemagazin. Copyright Karsten-Thilo Raab, 2017. Mehr zum Castle Trail und zu Schottland unter
Burg Forchtenstein
Mostviertel - regiunea tentatiilor
Regiunea Mostviertel se află în Austria Inferioară, la aproximativ 120 km în vestul Vienei. Mostviertel este un refugiu înfloritor al deliciilor, între Dunare şi muntele Ötscher. Contrastul încântător între zona lină şi fertilă din partea nordică şi lumea alpină sălbatică din sud, te atrage la diferite excursii de descoperire, aventuri montane şi vacanţe familiale distractive.
În partea de sud a Dunării regiunea este caracterizată prin dealuri line. Aici este ţinutul Baronilor Mustului, a producătorilor de vin şi schnaps şi a fermierilor. Aici sunt cultivate perele, din care producătorii obţin mustul de pere.
Dar Mostviertel are si o zona salbatica cu stânci bizare, chei adânci, ape înspumate şi trei parcuri naturale -- lumea alpină din jurul munţilor Ötscher, Hochkar, Dürrenstein, Gippel şi Göller. Vara, munţii de aproape 2000 m, sunt îndrăgiţi de drumeţi şi de iubitorii naturii. Aici a fost tărâmul fierarilor. Astăzi, muzeele şi traseele tematice din Parcul Cultural Eisenstrasse (Drumul Fierului) spun poveşti despre acele vremuri.