Manastirea Saharna Rezina | Top manastiri atractii destinatii locuri turistice Republica Moldova 4k
Pelerinaj la Manastirea Saharna din raionul Rezina Republica Moldova | Manastirile Moldovei. Manastirea Saharna - perla printre Manastirile Basarabiei, considerata printre cele mai mari centre de pelerinaje religioase din Moldova, aflată în raionul Rezina. (Biserici, cascade, peșteri și alte obiective turistice) MeliMi kids show canal video, activitati, lectii, bricolaje, povesti, basme, cantece, muzica, calatorii, excursii, distractie, jocuri, jucarii, coafuri pentru copii. Melissa si Mircea asteapta comentariile si aprecierile tuturor abonatilor.
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TIPOVA Monastery/Mănăstirea ȚIPOVA/ Монастырь в скалах Ципова(WHAT TO VISIT IN MOLDOVA #1)
The monastery is comprised of three monastic complexes. The first complex consists of a church named for the feast of the Holy Cross and some cells. It is far from the other two and hardly accessible. The foundation of the complex dates from XI – XV centuries. In the second monastic complex is the church of St. Nicholas. It was carved in rock the in XIV – XV centuries. The third complex dates from the XVI – XVIII centuries and encompasses 18 separate rooms joined via an interior passage.
In 1776, the hermitage and its cells were renovated by the monk Vortolomeu, the founder of Saharna Monastery. In 1842, the hermitage was destroyed. The monastery land was given to the Capriana Monastery and the hermitage to the Saharna Monastery, which managed it from 1842 till 1919. In 1912 the church situated on the hill was restored by the monk Inokentie. In 1919, under the leadership of Archimandrite Mitrophor Sofronie Neaga, of Saharna Monastery, the Tipova hermitage obtained independence.
But in 1949, the complex was closed and dispossessed of its lands. The monks took refuge at other monasteries. The complex on the hill was taken over by local agricultural concerns. The church became a tobacco warehouse. The hermitage was cleared out and demolished.
In 1990, a group of archeologists from Saint Petersburg found a skeleton in the monastery basement, dating from the end of the XV century.
In 1994, Tipova Monastery was renovated. Only the exterior side of the Holy Virgin Assumption temple was restored. The church is medium size, with a rectangular shape and a belfry located above entrance. There is a fresco on the walls with floral decorations.
According to an old legend, the great lord Stefan cel Mare married one of his wives in the Tipova monastery. She is also buried there. Another legand says that the Greek mythological poet Orpheus died at Tipova Monastery. He was buried in the cascade valley. It is easy to recognize his grave, as there are six aperture slabs on it.
Besides the cave monastery, the area also has beautiful nature. The hills around the monastery are covered with forests where you find many narrow paths. It is also near the Nistru River and a small tributary, Tipova, which forms some waterfalls.
Mănăstirea Țipova este o mănăstire rupestră de călugări din Republica Moldova. Este situată pe malul drept al râului Nistru în apropiere de satul Țipova din raionul Rezina. Biserica datează din secolele XVI-XVII. Mănăstirea este de rit ortodox și adăpostea 9 viețuitori în anul 2012. Ea se găsește la o distanță de aproximativ 40,50 km de capitala țării, Chișinău, și este amplasată pe un mal abrupt la o înălțime de 100 de metri față de nivelul apei râului Nistru.
Complexul mănăstiresc se întinde pe trei nivele numărând mai multe încăperi și trei biserici (Sfânta Cruce - secolele XI-XII; Sfântul Nicolae - secolul XIV și Adormirea Maicii Domnului - secolele XVI-XVIII). Clopotnița, chiliile și celelalte încăperi sunt mai noi datând din secolul al XIX-lea. Cele peste 20 de încăperi comunică între ele prin tuneluri, galerii și scări, încăperea cea mai mare fiind biserica Adormirii Maicii Domnului.
Complexul mănăstiresc este săpat în calcar şi nimic altceva.