EUR 29,950 - Large Building Land In Eco Mountain Area, Teteven Town, Veliko Tarnovo Region
Welcome to Properties in Bulgaria - a service of easyBG - the best UK BG property specialists since 1998.
Hello savvy investors in Bulgarian property! In today's video episode we have something really special to attract your attention to.
It's a very good sized plot of building land located in an ecological mountain area with very clean air, suitable for building a luxury private estate or a small holiday gated community for the public, the place is very close to Ribaritsa Resort and not far from the town of Teteven; being less than an hour drive from the Sofia International Airport most of which is on A2 motorway.
The plot itself is almost flat with some slight slope on one side, providing much better views to the surrounding mountains.
There is a made road leading to the plot from the main road from Teteven to Ribaritsa. With its natural beauty and mild climate the area attracts tourists all year round. The near crystal-clear mountain river with trout makes it a perfect spot for fishermen. There is a hunting reserve in the area and lots of beautiful mountain tracks for the hikers.
The size of the land is 2435 m2 which is designated for residential buildings with 10 m maximum height. Water and electricity are next to the plot.
You can find this and many more irresistibly attractive offers on our web site: - a service of easyBG - the best UK BG property specialists since 1998.
Fishing & Camping, Palilula Village, Boychinovski, Bulgaria
Excellent place for fishing & camping.
Ortezzano, XIV Folklore Festival, Folk Ensemble Balkan Youth from Etropole,(Bulgaria) (manortiz)
Dance Ensemble Balkan Youth a Todor Peev 1871 Community Center, Etropole (Bulgaria)
Il Folk Ensemble BALKAN YOUTH è stato fondato nel 1946 a Etropole, città bulgara che si trova nella parte settentrionale dei Monti Balcani e che risale all'età del bronzo. Crocevia di molte culture, la regione ha subìto l'influenza di diverse popolazioni tra cui le antiche tribù dei Traci. Il repertorio dell'Ensemble si è arricchito nel tempo di coreografie di danza e costumi tipici di tutto il paese. L'amore per il folklore bulgaro, la passione per la bellezza, la varietà di stili e sfumature dinamiche dei balli popolari bulgari hanno ispirato BALKAN YOUTH a performare in modo originale le danze tipiche della Bulgaria.
Data la posizione geografica di Etropole, lo stile tipico è Nothern, ma nel programma del concerto sono comprese danze provenienti da diverse regioni della Bulgaria e ogni performance ha i tratti tipici dello stile regionale, unico e inconfondibile, caratterizzato sia attraverso i mezzi espressivi delle danze che attraverso i costumi originali.
L'orchestra suona strumenti tipici bulgari a fiato, come il kaval e la cornamusa, a corda, come la gadulka, ma anche il tamburo e la fisarmonica. Il cantante solista esegue canzoni da tutte le regioni etnografiche in Bulgaria.
Il gruppo si è esibito in molti paesi del mondo, tra cui Cuba, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Messico, Grecia, Turchia, Olanda, Iraq, Belgio, Francia, Germania, Polonia... Direttore artistico e coreografo - Kalinka Pushkarova
The municipality of Etropole is located on the northern slopes of the Balkan Range in the northeastern part of Sofia Region. It is the seventh largest municipality in the region and occupies an area of 371.7 square meters. Its centre, the town of Etropole, is situated in the hollow of the Malki Iskar River, at the foot of the Baba Summit. The municipality of Etropole borders the municipality of Teteven in the east, the municipality of Yablanitsa in the northeast, the municipalities of Pravets and Botevgrad in the west and the municipalities of Zlatitsa and Gorna Malina in the south.
The municipality consists of one town, its municipal centre Etropole with a population of 10 292 people, and 9 villages - Boikovets, Brusen, Gorunaka, Lopian, Laga, Malki Iskar, Oselna,Ribaritsa and Yamna.
In Guardia Parade - Malta
The IN GUARDIA PARADE is a re-enactment that portrays an authentic event that took place regularly inside Malta's major fortifications of the Order of St. John. The re-enactment portrays the inspection of the fort and its garrison by the Grand Bailiff of the Order of the Knights of St. John in charge of military affairs. During the re-enactment, the soldiers and knights of the fort's garrison - some 55 re-enactors - are kitted-out in their uniforms to perform a military drill, demonstrating to the Grand Bailiff the garrison's state of readiness. The show begins at 11.00 a.m. and lasts 40 minutes.