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Places to see in ( Bochum - Germany ) Tierpark und Fossilium Bochum
Places to see in ( Bochum - Germany ) Tierpark und Fossilium Bochum
Under Tierpark and Fossilium Bochum the zoo of the city Bochum operates . The 1.9- hectare zoo is located in the city park and shows about 3,900 animals in 330 species in year-round accessible facilities. In 2008, it celebrated its 75th anniversary. In the immediate vicinity are other destinations such as the German Mining Museum and the Zeiss Planetarium .
The beginnings of the Bochum zoo are based on the founding of the Bochum Tierparkfreunde e. V. on March 3, 1933 back. In the same year, the first animal enclosure for deer, sheep and birds of prey was created in the Stadtpark am Bismarck tower . This was followed by monkey, bird and exotic house. In 1939 the bear canyon and aquarium house were added. At the time, 100 of the 300 exhibited animal species accounted for fish.
Schools used the zoo to supplement biology and drawing lessons. On behalf of the bird sanctuary Helgoland ringed the zoo birds. During the Second World War , the zoo was completely destroyed by bombs, so that the last remaining animals on 24 June 1943 at the Zoo Wuppertal and the Vogelwarte Essen had to be delivered.
The new beginning began with the predator-trainer Lotte Walther, who moved into winter quarters on the Tierparkgelände and provided half of the income from an animal show for the reconstruction of the zoo. The association Bochum Tierparkfreunde was reconstituted. Domestic animals should be the focus of the twice as large as the new zoo. Special animal horticultural successes were achieved with the cultivation of Limikolen , Lummen and Basstölpeln .
From 1973 to 2012 Eduard Stirnberg led the development of the Bochum Tierpark. Under his direction, the zoo became a relatively small and scientifically run zoo, now showing a cross-section of the entire animal world. 1983 saw the construction of the new company and commercial building. In 1988, the construction of an aquarium and terrarium house with a 170,000 liter coral reef basin for black tip reef sharks followed as the highlight. After acquiring the fossil collection Helmut Leich with over 400 fossils from the Solnhofen Jura in 1996, the fossil was completed.
Tierpark Bochum is a member of the European Zoo and Aquarium Association (EAZA), the Association of Zoological Gardens (VdZ), the German Animal Park Society (DTG), the working group of the NRW partner zoo, the Association of German-speaking Zoopädagogen (VZP), the Professional Association of Zoo Animal Owners e. V., the Bundesarbeitsgruppe Kleinsäuger e. V, the German Society for Herpetology and Terrarium Science e. V. (dght), the association Sphenisco - protection of the Humboldt penguin e. V., the Animal Protection Foundation Bochum, the Animal Protection Association Bochum, Hattingen and the surrounding area e. V., the Association of Westphalian Museums e. V. (VWM) and partner of Stiftung Artenschutz. He participates in various European conservation breeding programs (EEPs) and works closely with various conservation and educational institutions. Cooperation partners include the Nature Conservation Association of Germany , the Ruhr University Bochum and the Tauchsportverband NRW e. V (TSV NRW).
The current zoo school of Bochum Zoo was built in 1988 on the grounds of the zoo and named after her patron Else Baltz. Throughout the year, the zoo school offers lessons for kindergartners and school classes of all types. In addition, there are special offers for children's birthdays, adults and seniors, as well as for people with dementia or handicap.
( Bochum - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Bochum . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Bochum - Germany
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Vogelen op een bijzondere vakantieplek. Het Altmühltal is een waar vogelparadijs voor enthousiaste (amateur-) vogelaars en vogelliefhebbers.
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