SUSCRÍBETE▶ ◀ Ostrava es una ciudad llena de festivales, sitios históricos, eventos deportivos y culturales de talla mundial asi como patrimonios de la humanidad. Veremos lugares prohibidos, montañas en combustión, fábricas abandonadas, patrimonios de la Unesco, castillos y folklore.
Además naturaleza virgen entre ríos y lagos. Descubre Ostrava!!!
Voy a mostrarte en este video, decenas de cosas que pueden hacerse en Ostrava, República Checa. En este video incluyo el contenido que podría ir en varios videos, por lo que puedes considerarla la mejor guía de viajes que existe en español sobre Ostrava.
Estas son algunas de los atractivos y temas que veremos en este video:
Venus de Landek: Petrovicka Venuse
Doni Oblast Vitkovice
Landek Park Ostrava
Dul Michal Ostrava
Halda Ema
Sleskoostravsky hrád: Castillo de Ostrava
Komenskeho Sady
Nova Radnice Ostrava
Zoologico de Ostrava
Reservas y bosques de República Checa
Stodolni: El Khaosan Road Europeo
Cómo llegar a Ostrava: Praga, Viena, Katowice
Transporte Público en Ostrava, cómo tomarlo
Qué comer en Ostrava
Dónde quedarse en Ostrava
Cómo llegar a Ostrava
Coordenadas de Google Maps de Ostrava:
Vuelos baratos a Ostrava:
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Litomyšl | Little Heavens of Czech Republic | ft. Meghana Nair | World Culture Network
Litomyšl is a beautiful Czech town to the south east of Prague. This town has a range of landscapes and activities to offer and is indeed a delight for all travellers. Litomyšl was calling to be explored. So we set out to explore the wonder that this town truly is, in Little Heavens of Czech Republic. This is a World Culture Network Original series.
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To know more about travelling to Litomyšl:
In this series, The Little Heavens Of Czech Republic’ we will explore some lesser known Czech towns with host Meghana Nair. On our quest to explore tourism and culture in this Bohemian country, we travel to some of the prettiest little European towns in Czechia.
Host: Meghana Nair (cityslickerweb.com)
DOP: Akash Shah
Editor: Nainesh Dingankar
Music: Ben Sound: Clear day (bensound.com)
Produced by: World Culture Network (Productions)
Visit Czech Republic: czechtourism.com
České Dráhy: cd.cz
World Culture Network is travel and culture based original digital content channel that is set to bring you flavors of destinations, cuisines, cultures, experiences and stories from around the world.
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Disclaimer: The rights to the concept and video content are owned by World Culture Network.
Hrad Karlštejn (Czech Republic) Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Hrad Karlstejn in the Czech Republic.
Thirty kilometres southwest of Prague and surrounded by a dense forest landscape, is the monumental Gothic Karlštejn Fortress. It is the most famous castle in the Czech Republic and was built by Emperor Karl The Fourth for a single purpose: a secure place in which to store the crown jewels! The palace’s most important reception room is the Hall Of Ancestors next door to which there are paintings of both fictional and authentic ancestors of the Emperor. The higher-located St Mary's Tower was originally intended for the Empress but instead was used as a church and chapel. The Chapel Of St. Catherine was the emperor’s private chapel, a small, narrow room whose walls are covered with precious stones. On the second floor is the Chapel Of The Holy Cross, a unique room with splendid furnishings. It is also the world's largest portrait gallery of the Middle Ages as it contains the original panel paintings by Master Theodoric. The Karlštejn Fortress is the epitome of religious power and glory.
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Litomyšl, Pardubice Region, Czech Republic [HD] (videoturysta)
[PL] Litomyšl to ponad 1000-letnie bardzo interesujące miasto w Czechach, znajdujące się w kraju pardubickim (Pardubický kraj). Jego renesansowy zamek jest jednym z dwunastu czeskich miejsc wpisanych na Listę Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO, a samo miasto oprócz zabytków architektury słynie również jako miejsce narodzin kompozytora Bedřicha Smetany.
*** więcej informacji:
[EN] Litomyšl is more than 1000 years old very interesting town in Czech Republic, located in Pardubice Region. Its Renaissance castle is one of the twelve Czech places included in the UNESCO List of World Heritage Sites. Apart from the architectural monuments, the town is also famous as the birthplace of the composer Bedrich Smetana.
*** more info:
Nové Hrady, the castle, Pardubický kraj, Czech Republic [HD] (videoturysta)
[EN] The Nové Hrady palace is located in a small town of the same name, located in the Pardubice region, near the towns of Vysoké Mýto and Litomyšl. It's an interesting building in rococo style with a large English landscape park. Nearby there is also a very interesting nature reserve called Toulovcovy maštale. It's a great place for cycling and walking, a unique complex of bizarre sandstone formations, canyons and rock towns with lots of hiking trails.
*** more info:
[PL] Pałac Nové Hrady znajduje się w niewielkiej miejscowości o tej samej nazwie, położonej w regionie Pardubice, w pobliżu miast Vysoké Mýto i Litomyšl. Jest to ciekawy budynek w stylu rokoko z dużym angielskim parkiem krajobrazowym. W okolicy znajduje się też bardzo interesujący rezerwat przyrody Toulovcovy maštale. To świetne miejsce do wycieczek rowerowych i pieszych, które jest wyjątkowym kompleksem dziwacznych tworów z piaskowca, kanionów i skalnych miast z mnóstwem tras turystycznych.
*** więcej informacji:
Česká města | Czech cities
Krása Českých měst.
The Beauty of Czech cities.
Hudba/music: Nightwish - Turn Loose the Mermaids.
Slovenské Hrady, zámky, zrúcaniny a kaštiele.
Abecedný zoznam Hrady, Zámky, Kaštiele a Zrúcaniny na Slovensku ktoré som pre vás navštívil.
Slovensko zhora - Tipy na výlety.
Hrady, zámky, kaštiele a krásy Slovenska.
Slovakia from above - tips for hiking.
Castles and castle ruins in Slovakia - Europe from above.
Slovak Castles.
Hi, I live in Europe - Slovakia and love YouTube.
Welcome to Slovakia.
Tipy na výlety po Slovensku.
Tips for Trips Around Slovakia.
Pozrite sa na svet z výšky.
Look at the world from a height.
Enjoy a birds eye view from the top.
Najkrajšie miesta na Slovensku.
The most beautiful places in Slovakia.
Tourism in Slovakia.
Cestovanie po Slovensku. Kam na víkend.
Traveling in Slovakia.
Prírodné krásy a zaujímavosti.
Zaujímavé kultúrne podujatia, udalosti a akcie.
Pamiatky a zaujímavé miesta.
List of castles in Slovakia.
Zoznam hradov a zámkov na Slovensku.
Castles of Slovakia.
Enjoy Castle from a bird's eye view.
Amazing Castles in Slovakia You Must Definitely See.
Most Beautiful Castles In The World.
Bezpečná dovolenka na Slovensku.
Secure holidays in Slovakia.
In summer of 2006, Danny and Michael visit some of the popular sites in Prague, Czech Republic. Enjoy sights of old town square, prague castle, old town bridge tower, Charles bridge, castle district, and much more. Please subscribe to our channel and see our other great travel videos from Europe and New York. Please subscribe to our channel and like our video.
Czech Republic, Personal, Travel, 1988-1992, Slide Show
I have some old pictures from my travels to Czechoslovakia in 1988 and 1989 when communists were still in power. In 1990 through 1992 we visited the old country as a family and traveled the friends and countryside.
Mám některé staré fotky, kdy jsem byl v Československu ještě za komunistů v roce 1988 a 1989. V roce 1990 až 1992 jsme byli ve staré vlasti s celou rodinou a jezdili po přátelích a krásném venkově s hrady a zámky.
Jiricna, verrassende reizen door Outline Travel
Jiricna, een typisch Boheems dorpje, is de thuisbasis van Outline Travel ( in Tsjechië. Jiricna beschikt over een familiepension met studio's, een clubhuis met materiaalverhuur en een manege allemaal op een boogscheut van elkaar. Tijdens de zomermaanden is het onthaal bij aankomst in het Outline 'club'huis en kan je er terecht voor streekinformatie, tips voor wandel -of fietsroutes of voor inschrijvingen op het activiteiten aanbod.
Muziek: Holiday - Rhythms del Mundo ft. Dizzee Rascal