Strmilov is a town in the Czech Republic on the borders of historical border between Moravia and Bohemia. Continue reading... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
2. The Castle GardenCesky Krumlov The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization World Heritage sites are places of importance to cultural or natural heritage as described in the UNESCO World Heritage Convention, established in 1972. The first sites on the territory of the present Czech Republic were inscribed at the 16th Session of the World Heritage Committee, held in Santa Fe, United States in 1992. At that session, three sites were added: Historic Centre of Prague, Historic Centre of Český Krumlov and Historic Centre of Telč for the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic.With the dissolution of Czechoslovakia on January 1, 1993, the country was split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Either party sought to honour treaty obligations signed by Czechoslovakia including the World Heritage convent... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
4. The State Chateau of HlubokáHluboka Nad Vltavou This is a list of zoological gardens around the world. For aquaria, see List of aquaria. For dolphinariums, see List of dolphinariums. For an annotated list of defunct zoos and aquariums, see List of former zoos and aquariums. Zoos are primarily dry facilities where animals are kept within enclosures and displayed to the public, and in which they may also be bred. Such facilities include zoos, safari parks, animal theme parks, aviaries, butterfly zoos and reptile centers, as well as wildlife sanctuaries and nature reserves where visitors are allowed. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Brünn Brno Bosonohy Popůvky Mähren Tschechien 31.3.2015
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G= Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten. Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.