Domestication of the horse - Video Learning -
A number of hypotheses exist on many of the key issues regarding the domestication of the horse. Although horses appeared in Paleolithic cave art as early as 30,000 BCE, these were wild horses and were probably hunted for meat. How and when horses became domesticated is disputed. The clearest evidence of early use of the horse as a means of transport is from chariot burials dated c. 2000 BCE. However, an increasing amount of evidence supports the hypothesis that horses were domesticated in the Eurasian Steppes approximately 4000–3500 BCE. Recent discoveries in the context of the Botai culture suggest that Botai settlements in the Akmola Province of Kazakhstan are the location of the earliest domestication of the horse.
The date of the domestication of the horse depends to some degree upon the definition of domestication. Some zoologists define domestication as human control over breeding, which can be detected in ancient skeletal samples by changes in the size and variability of ancient horse populations. Other researchers look at broader evidence, including skeletal and dental evidence of working activity; weapons, art, and spiritual artifacts; and lifestyle patterns of human cultures. There is also evidence that horses were kept as meat animals prior to being trained as working animals.
Attempts to date domestication by genetic study or analysis of physical remains rests on the assumption that there was a separation of the genotypes of domesticated and wild populations. Such a separation appears to have taken place, but dates based on such methods can only produce an estimate of the latest possible date for domestication without excluding the possibility of an unknown period of earlier gene-flow between wild and domestic populations . Further, all modern horse populations retain the ability to revert to a feral state, and all feral horses are of domestic types; that is, they descend from ancestors that escaped from captivity.
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Two new, unfurnished, two-storey houses with three bedrooms and a total built up area of 175 sq. m. each. Situated in a magical and relaxing complex, which provides security and tranquility, consisting of 13 houses in a lovely park with an area of 6000 sq. m., A 12 meter swimming pool. Daily maintenance and 24/7 porter service. One of little pristine places on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast left, surrounded by three nature reserves under the protection of UNESCO: Pobiti Kamuni, Longoza, the beach and estuary ofriver Kamchia, Priseltsi village is situated in a clean, undeveloped area surrounded by natural forests and 30 km. of virgin beaches with golden sand and crystal clear water. Priseltsi - this is the closest place to the city of Varna, which gives everything a buyer of real estate on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast needs. Priseltsi Village is the perfect place to live, just ten minutes away from the center of the best city to live in Bulgaria - the sea capital Varna. 5 km from the sea and the most beautiful and pristine beaches in Bulgaria, with an ideal climate, free of moisture and purified from the surrounding forests and mountain air. Due to the excellent transport link, the village is busy enough and developing into a well-organized southern suburban area of the sea capital of Bulgaria. A working hospital, school, kindergarten, post office, shops and restaurants are present in the village and regular transport communication with the city is provided. Priseltsi is home to many English, Dutch, Russian and other foreign buyers. Purchasing a property in Priseltsi is an excellent investment. Unlike the crowded resorts, the prices in Priseltsi are stable, and the supply and demand in equilibrium. The complex is powered by a recently built electrical power transformer. The buildings are new, massive structures made of reinforced concrete and bricks. Available for sale are the two unfurnished houses number 7 and 8 situated next to each other, finished turnkey, with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms-toilets, terrace and a porch with total built up area of 175 sq.m and up to three parking spaces each. Whilst taking the decision to invest in these properties, you will be very happy to learn, that the yearly tax buildings is 12 € and the rubbish disposal fee is 5 €. The capacity of each house is up to 6+2 people. The total revenues from weekly rent in the summer are around 10 000 € per house. The price for each house individually is 175 000 € unfurnished. The monthly maintenance fee for the next calendar year is voted for at the General meeting of the owners. It usually is around 120 €.
Граф Князь Александр Васильевич Суворов русский полководец основоположник отечественной военной теории национальный герой России Генералиссимус генерал-фельдмаршал генерал-фельдмаршал Священной Римской империи великий маршал войск пьемонтских, кавалер всех российских орденов своего времени вручавшихся мужчинам а также семи иностранных
С 1789 года носил почётное прозвание граф Суворов-Рымникский, а с 1799 года князь Италийский граф Суворов-Рымникский
За всю свою карьеру полководца не проиграл ни одного сражения, неоднократно наголову разбивал значительно превосходящие по численности силы противника. Всего дал более 60 крупных сражений. Известен своей заботой о солдатах, в том числе участием в разработке новой практичной полевой униформы, на смену униформе на прусский манер.
Решение об установке памятника Суворову было принято ещё при его жизни, что не имело прецедентов в России. Суворов также стал первым в России человеком, кому был посвящён особый мемориальный музей. Ныне памятники Суворову и посвящённые ему музеи есть не только в России, но и в других странах. Во время Великой Отечественной войны был учреждён военный орден Суворова, созданы суворовские военные училища. Имя полководца носил ряд военных и гражданских кораблей, среди которых эскадренный броненосец «Князь Суворов» 1904
В 1754 году получил первый чин поручика и был назначен в Ингерманландский пехотный полк. С 1756 по 1758 год служил в Военной коллегии.
Начало боевой деятельности Суворова относится к Семилетней войне 1756—1763 гг. В первые годы войны он находился на тыловой службе в чине обер-провиантмейстера, затем секунд-майора и премьер-майора, где познакомился с принципами организации тыловых подразделений и снабжения действующей армии.
В 1758 году переведён в действующую армию и назначен комендантом Мемеля, с 1759 — офицер главной квартиры русской действующей армии. В своей первой боевой стычке Суворов участвовал 14 (25) июля 1759 года, когда с эскадроном драгун атаковал и обратил в бегство немецких драгун. Вскоре Суворова назначают дежурным офицером при командире дивизии В. В. Ферморе. На этой должности он участвовал в сражении под Кунерсдорфом (1 (12) августа 1759 года). В 1760 году Суворов назначен дежурным при главнокомандующем русской армией генерал-аншефе Ферморе и в этом качестве участвует во взятии Берлина русскими войсками.
В 1761 году под началом генерала М. В. Берга командовал отдельными отрядами (драгунскими, гусарскими, казачьими), целью которых было сначала прикрыть отход русских войск к Бреславлю и безостановочно нападать на прусские войска. Нанёс ряд поражений прусской армии в Польше. Во время многочисленных стычек проявил себя как талантливый и смелый партизан и кавалерист. Среди его достижений в то время были захват в результате неожиданного набега и уничтожение значительных запасов сена на виду у неприятеля; при Бунцельвице с небольшим числом казаков Суворов захватил прусский пикет, отбил посланный против него отряд гусар и в пылу их преследования достиг неприятельских окопов, так что мог рассмотреть палатки королевской квартиры в лагере. Участвовал в боях у Ландсберга, Бирштайна, деревень Вейсентин и Келец, Наугарта, во взятии Гольнау, содействовал осадному корпусу П. А. Румянцева в овладении Кольбергом, принудив отступить генерала Платена.
#Граф #Князь #Александр #Васильевич #Суворов #русский #полководец #основоположник #отечественной #военной #теории #национальный #герой #России #Генералиссимус #генерал #фельдмаршал
The Horse, the Wheel and Language | Wikipedia audio article
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The Horse, the Wheel and Language
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The Horse, the Wheel, and Language: How Bronze-Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World is a 2007 book by David W. Anthony, in which the author describes his revised Kurgan theory. He explores the origins and spread of the Indo-European languages from the Pontic-Caspian steppes throughout Western Europe, and Central and South Asia. He shows how the domesticated horse and the invention of the wheel mobilized the steppe herding societies in the Eurasian Steppe, and combined with the introduction of bronze technology and new social structures of patron-client relationships gave an advantage to the Indo-European societies. The book won the Society for American Archaeology's 2010 Book Award.
The Horse, the Wheel, and Language: How Bronze-Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the M ...
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:01 1 Synopsis
00:05:36 2 Contents
00:05:46 2.1 Part One: Language and Archaeology
00:05:57 2.1.1 Chapter One: The Promise and Politics of the Mother Language
00:06:52 2.1.2 Chapter Three: Language and Time 1. The Last Speakers of Proto-Indo-European
00:08:00 2.1.3 Chapter Four: Language and Time 2: Wool, Wheels and Proto-Indo-European
00:09:11 2.1.4 Chapter Six: The Archaeology of Language
00:10:47 2.2 Part Two: The Opening of the Eurasian Steppes
00:10:59 2.2.1 Chapter Eight: First Farmers and Herders: The Pontic-Caspian Neolithic
00:12:54 2.2.2 Chapter Nine: Cows, Copper and Chiefs
00:14:38 2.2.3 Chapter Ten: The Domestication of the Horse and the Origins of Riding: The Tale of the Teeth
00:15:55 2.2.4 Chapter Eleven: The End of Old Europe and the Rise of the Steppe
00:18:14 2.2.5 Chapter Twelve: Seeds of Change on the Steppe Borders. Maikop Chiefs and Tripolye Towns
00:21:40 2.2.6 Chapter Thirteen: Wagon Dwellers of the Steppes. The Speakers of Proto-Indo-European
00:25:02 2.2.7 Chapter Fourteen: The Western Indo-European Languages
00:28:10 2.2.8 Chapter Fifteen: Chariot Warriors of the Northern Steppes
00:30:51 2.2.9 Chapter Sixteen: The Opening of the Eurasian Steppes
00:31:55 3 Reception
00:38:36 4 Awards
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
The Horse, the Wheel, and Language: How Bronze-Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World is a 2007 book by David W. Anthony, in which the author describes his revised Kurgan theory. He explores the origins and spread of the Indo-European languages from the Pontic-Caspian steppes throughout Western Europe, and Central and South Asia. He shows how the domesticated horse and the invention of the wheel mobilized the steppe herding societies in the Eurasian Steppe, and combined with the introduction of bronze technology and new social structures of patron-client relationships gave an advantage to the Indo-European societies. The book won the Society for American Archaeology's 2010 Book Award.
Domestication of the horse | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Domestication of the horse
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
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Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
A number of hypotheses exist on many of the key issues regarding the domestication of the horse. Although horses appeared in Paleolithic cave art as early as 30,000 BCE, these were wild horses and were probably hunted for meat.
How and when horses became domesticated is disputed. The clearest evidence of early use of the horse as a means of transport is from chariot burials dated c. 2000 BCE. However, an increasing amount of evidence supports the hypothesis that horses were domesticated in the Eurasian Steppes approximately 3500 BCE; recent discoveries in the context of the Botai culture suggest that Botai settlements in the Akmola Province of Kazakhstan are the location of the earliest domestication of the horse.Use of horses spread across Eurasia for transportation, agricultural work and warfare.