Мини Ферма l Зубровник l Токсово
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Токсовский заказник - Зубропитомник
Адрес: г. Токсово, Всеволожский район Ленинградской области, ж.ст. «Токсово»
Исторически европейские зубры были распространены в западной, южной и северо-восточной частях Европы, а бизоны в Северной Америке. К началу XX века зубры и бизоны были практически истреблены. Из зубров только 54 особи (29 самцов и 25 самок) выжили в европейских зоопарках. Сейчас зубры занесены в Красную книгу и охраняются законом тех стран, где они водятся (Беларусь, Литва, Польша, Россия, Украина).
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Suspected mass graves discovered dating from Stalinist era
St. Petersburg, Russia - 23 September 2002
1. Medium shot Memorial volunteers in office in St Petersburg.
2. Various looking through index cards
3. Cut away picture of Andrei Sakharov ( former Soviet dissident )
4. Wide of office with
5. Irina Flege looking through maps
6. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Irina Flege, head of the Department History of the Memorial Group:
This is the area that we already inspected. This point is the first mark (of a found grave). Right now I am looking at an area where we have to work today. The guys will have to check out this part of the forest.
Toksovo, Russia - 23 September 2002
7. Memorial volunteers walking through forest
8. Irina Flege looking at map in forest
9. Volunteers digging
10. Pan down from trees to up graves
11. Volunteers walking through forest
12. Volunteer pulling skull
13. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Mikhail Samon, volunteer:
We find most of the skulls to be in many different pieces. When the bullet exits the skull it usually destroys it.
File - black and white pictures from the 1930s
14. Various of Stalin
15. Various of train arriving at gulag
16. People walking into camp
St Petersburg 23 September 2002
17. Set up shot of Victor Masaitic, his father was oppressed during Stalin's times
18. Close up Soviet documents stating that his father was oppressed
19. SOUNDBITE (Russian) Victor Masaitic, son of victim:
When I woke up there were already strangers sitting in our room of a communal flat where we lived. There were our apartment building administrator, a military man and through the glass I could see a soldier with a rifle standing behind the door. There were searching our room, they even looked under my pillow saying that they were looking for weapons. Afterwards, he (my father) was taken away. I fell asleep. I was only 10 year of old.
20. Black and white photo
21. Close up Masaitic's mother pan to close up Masaitics' father
22. Photo of Masaitics' father
Volunteers working with the rights group Memorial spent five years searching a forest near St. Petersburg before finding the site of several suspected mass graves.
The graves provide evidence of what human rights activists believe is a vast burial ground for victims of Stalin's Great Terror.
So far, the volunteers from Memorial have sent nine sets of remains found in the forest in Toksovo, about 20 miles (12 kilometres) northwest of St. Petersburg, to a forensic laboratory for tests identifying features including age, sex, cause and time of death.
Memorial has come across other, indirect evidence - including official documents and aerial photos showing tire tracks in part of the Rzhevsk range, now overgrown with trees and shrubs - that indicates the approximately 30,000 missing victims were buried there.
They could not have been killed by the Nazis, Memorial says, because the German forces did not reach this area in World War II.
The only other known mass grave in the St. Petersburg area, near the village of Levashyovo, is believed to contain the remains of up to 8,500 people, according to drivers who brought the victims to the execution place in 1937-38, the height of the Terror.
The drivers were questioned by the KGB in 1965, during a period when the Soviet authorities were beginning to admit to the scale of Stalin's crimes.
Yet there was no trace of tens of thousands of other victims who were rounded up in and around Leningrad, as St. Petersburg was known in Soviet times, for alleged crimes against the state.
According to official Soviet-era data, 39,488 people from the region were executed between Aug. 5, 1937 and Nov. 16, 1938. Almost 7,000 people vanished in 1930-1936.
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Ключ без права передачи (советский фильм мелодрама)
В школу пришел новый директор, бывший военный, Кирилл Алексеевич. Ему, привыкшему к строгому, размеренному распорядку, нелегко поначалу в пестрой сумятице школьных будней...
Нелегко с ребятами, нелегко с педагогами, особенно с любимицей школьников учительницей литературы Мариной Максимовной. И велико же было удивление Марины, когда она увидела в солдафоне Назарове
человека чуткого и деликатного, опытного воспитателя.
Приз «За лучшую кинорежиссуру» Д.Асановой на 10-м ВКФ (1977).
Приз «За лучшее исполнение мужской роли» Петренко на 10-м ВКФ (1977).
Приз ЦК ЛКСМ Латвии фильму на 10-м ВКФ (1977).
Приз детского жюри зрителей фильму на 10-м ВКФ (1977)
Призы Ленинского Комсомола режиссеру Д.Асановой и актрисе Е.Прокловой (1977).
Специальный приз жюри конкурса фильмов для детей фильму на X МКФ в Москве (1977).
Звание Лауреата В.Светозарову на 3-м смотре творческой молодежи Ленинграда (1978).
Приз «Янтарь» за лучший сценарий Г.Полонскому на VI Международных Кошалинских встречах, Польша (1978).
Почетный диплом «Кекец» фильму на VIII МКФ лучших фильмов мира «Фест» в Белграде, Югославия (1978).
Особый диплом на VIII МКФ для детей в Джифони, Италия (1978).
Radar in World War II | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:03:10 1 United Kingdom
00:04:38 1.1 Air Ministry
00:06:35 1.1.1 Chain Home
00:11:08 1.1.2 Ground-Controlled Intercept
00:12:35 1.1.3 Airborne Intercept
00:14:36 1.1.4 Air-Surface Vessel
00:15:41 1.1.5 Centimetric
00:19:11 1.2 British Army
00:20:34 1.2.1 Transportable Radio Unit
00:22:25 1.2.2 Coastal Defence
00:24:05 1.2.3 Centimetric gun-laying
00:25:21 1.3 Royal Navy
00:26:24 1.3.1 Surface Warning/Gun Control
00:27:40 1.3.2 Air Search/Gunnery Director
00:29:02 1.3.3 Microwave Warning/Fire Control
00:31:56 2 United States of America
00:36:54 2.1 Metric-Wavelength
00:42:32 2.2 Centimeter
00:45:54 2.2.1 P-Band fire-control
00:46:37 2.2.2 S-Band airborne
00:47:49 2.2.3 S-Band Army Gun-Laying
00:49:11 2.2.4 S-Band Navy Search
00:51:09 2.2.5 L-Band Airborne Early-Warning
00:52:24 2.2.6 X-Band
00:55:00 3 Soviet Union
00:55:48 3.1 Pre-War Radio-Location Research
00:57:06 3.1.1 Leningrad
01:03:59 3.1.2 Kharkov
01:07:51 3.2 Wartime
01:08:51 3.2.1 Ground-Based
01:24:05 3.2.2 Airborne
01:27:49 3.2.3 Naval
01:30:22 4 Germany
01:35:54 4.1 Ground and ship-based
01:45:36 4.2 Airborne
01:54:11 5 Japan
01:57:58 5.1 Imperial Army
02:04:45 5.2 Imperial Navy
02:16:35 6 Commonwealth Nations
02:17:22 6.1 Australia
02:19:47 6.2 Canada
02:28:28 6.3 New Zealand
02:33:44 6.4 South Africa
02:37:46 7 See also
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Radar in World War II greatly influenced many important aspects of the conflict. This revolutionary new technology of radio-based detection and tracking was used by both the Allies and Axis powers in World War II, which had evolved independently in a number of nations during the mid 1930s. At the outbreak of war in September 1939, both Great Britain and Germany had functioning radar systems. In Great Britain, it was called RDF, Range and Direction Finding, while in Germany the name Funkmeß (radio-measuring) was used – whereas given apparatuses were called Funkmessgerät (radio measuring device).
By the time of the Battle of Britain in mid-1940, the Royal Air Force (RAF) had fully integrated RDF as part of the national air defence.
In the United States, the technology was demonstrated during December 1934, although it was only when war became likely that the U.S. recognized the potential of the new technology, and began development of ship- and land-based systems. The first of these were fielded by the U.S. Navy in early 1940, and a year later by the U.S. Army. The acronym RADAR (for RAdio Detection And Ranging) was coined by the U.S. Navy in 1940, and the term radar became widely used.
While the benefits of operating in the microwave portion of the radio spectrum were known, transmitters for generating microwave signals of sufficient power were unavailable; thus, all early radar systems operated at lower frequencies (e.g., HF or VHF). In February 1940, Great Britain developed the resonant-cavity magnetron, capable of producing microwave power in the kilowatt range, opening the path to second-generation radar systems.After the Fall of France, it was realised in Great Britain that the manufacturing capabilities of the United States were vital to success in the war; thus, although America was not yet a belligerent, Prime Minister Winston Churchill directed that the technological secrets of Great Britain be shared in exchange for the needed capabilities. In the summer of 1940, the Tizard Mission visited the United States. The cavity magnetron was demonstrated to Americans at RCA, Bell Labs, etc. It was 100 times more powerful than anything they had seen. Bell Labs was able to duplicate the performance, and the Radiation Laboratory at MIT was established to develop microwave radars. It was later described as The most valuable cargo ever brought to our shores.In addition to Great Br ...
Pavel Florensky | Wikipedia audio article
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Pavel Florensky
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Pavel Alexandrovich Florensky (also P. A. Florenskiĭ, Florenskii, Florenskij; Russian: Па́вел Алекса́ндрович Флоре́нский; January 21 [O.S. January 9] 1882 – December 1937) was a Russian Orthodox theologian, priest, philosopher, mathematician, physicist, electrical engineer, inventor, polymath and neomartyr.