Japan's fifth largest city and the prefectural capital of Hokkaido, Sapporo is a dynamic urban center that offers everything you'd want from a Japanese city: a thriving food scene, stylish cafes, neon-lit nightlife and more. While many travelers see the city as a transit hub from which to access Hokkaido's mountains and hot springs, there are enough worthwhile attractions to keep you here for days. Summer is the season for beer and food festivals. Winter brings lot's of snow and bitter cold, but also the famous Snow Festival that nearly doubles Sapporo's population in February.
北海道ドライブLive #10 大沼-駒ケ岳-礼文華-ニセコ-札幌 Drive in Hokkaido, Hakodate Onuma
北海道ドライブ 道南 大沼公園 駒ケ岳 礼文華 ニセコ 札幌
下記の時間をクリックするとスキップします。 00:01:35 大沼駅ホームからSL見送り SL Onuma station 00:05:30 大沼公園内散歩 We walk the Onuma-Koen 00:17:00 大沼の畔 Lake Onuma 00:31:15 名物大沼だんご Onuma Dumpling 00:34:50 札幌に向けて車載移動開始 Drive start 00:42:10 国道5号線から駒ケ岳登山道へ To mountain Komagatake 00:56:00 五合目駐車場 Parking of 5th station 01:08:30 森のレストランで昼食 Lunch in the forest in restaurants 01:13:58 国道5号線へ復帰 headed to Sapporo on the Route 5 01:32:50 太平洋噴火湾沿岸 Seaside of Ocean Pacific 01:38:35 ドライブインやかた Delicious restaurant YAKATA 01:44:25 道央道落部インター Hokkaido Expway, Otoshibe i.c 02:40:10 豊浦インター Toyoura i.c 02:42:10 道々608号線 Hokkaido way 608 02:46:30 函館本線跡の絶景地を走る JR Hakodate line, Scenic spots 03:45:35 パラグライダーに遭遇 Paraglider 03:54:10 真狩村 Makkari town, Mountain Yotei 04:04:15 ニセコ町 Niseko town 04:10:20 ニセコチーズ工房 Niseko Cheese Factory 05:00:15 中山峠頂上(札幌市) Top of the Nakayama pass, Sapporo from here 05:18:20 定山渓温泉 Jyozankei spa town 05:42:49 Kimono Girl
[Memorial shooting point Toya Hokkaido] 洞爺湖 記念撮影を撮るのにいい場所
It is a very good point for commemorative photography, which can overlook Lake Toya and Toyako Onsen town. I am also in the immediate vicinity and I think that you can enjoy shooting in various angles because water is coming up to where you can touch the lake water directly. Before entering Toyako Onsen town, it is located at the end of Usu volcano memorial park.