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Best places to visit - Tarquinia (Italy) Best places to visit - Slideshows from all over the world - City trips, nature pictures, etc.
Villa Farnese, Caprarola, Viterbo, Lazio, Italy, Europe
The Villa Farnese, also known as Villa Caprarola, is a mansion in the town of Caprarola in the province of Viterbo, Northern Lazio, Italy, approximately 50 kilometres north-west of Rome. This villa should not be confused with the Palazzo Farnese and the Villa Farnesina, both in Rome. A property of the Republic of Italy, Villa Farnese is run by the Polo Museale del Lazio. The Villa Farnese is situated directly above the town of Caprarola and dominates its surroundings. It is a massive Renaissance and Mannerist construction, opening to the Monte Cimini, a range of densely wooded volcanic hills. It is built on a five-sided plan in reddish gold stone; buttresses support the upper floors. As a centerpiece of the vast Farnese holdings, Caprarola has always been an expression of Farnese power, rather than a villa in the more usual agricultural or pleasure senses. In 1504, Cardinal Alessandro Farnese, the future Pope Paul III, acquired the estate at Caprarola. He had designs made for a fortified castle or rocca by the architects Antonio da Sangallo the Younger and Baldassare Peruzzi. Surviving plan drawings by Peruzzi show a pentagonal arrangement with each face of the pentagon canted inwards towards its center, to permit raking fire upon a would-be scaling force, both from the center and from the projecting bastions that advance from each corner angle of the fortress. Peruzzi's plan also shows a central pentagonal courtyard and it is likely that the later development of the circular central court was also determined by the necessities of the pentagonal plan. The pentagonal fortress foundations, constructed probably between 1515 and 1530, became the base upon which the present villa sits; so the overall form of the villa was predetermined by the rocca foundations. Subsequently, Cardinal Alessandro Farnese, a grandson of Pope Paul III, and a man who was known for promoting his family's interests, planned to turn this partly constructed fortified edifice into a villa or country house. In 1556, he commissioned Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola as his architect, building work commenced in 1559 and Vignola continued to work on the villa at Caprarola until his death in 1573. Farnese was a courteous man of letters; however, the Farnese family as a whole became unpopular with the following pope, Julius III, and, accordingly, Alessandro Farnese decided it would be politic to retire from the Vatican for a period. He therefore selected Caprarola on the family holding of Ronciglione, being both near and yet far enough from Rome as the ideal place to build a country house. The villa is one of the finest examples of Renaissance architecture. Ornament is used sparingly to achieve proportion and harmony. Thus while the villa dominates the surroundings, its severe design also complements the site. This particular style, known today as Mannerism, was a reaction to the ornate earlier High Renaissance designs of twenty years earlier. Vignola, the architect chosen for this difficult and inhospitable site, had recently proved his mettle in designing Villa Giulia on the outskirts of Rome for the preceding pope, Julius III. Vignola in his youth had been heavily influenced by Michelangelo. For the villa at Caprarola, his plans as built were for a pentagon constructed around a circular colonnaded courtyard. In the galleried court, paired Ionic columns flank niches containing busts of the Roman Emperors, above a rusticated arcade, a reworking of Bramante's scheme for the House of Raphael, in the Borgo rione, Rome. A further Bramantesque detail is the entablature that breaks forward over the columns, linking them above, while they stand on separate bases. The interior loggia formed by the arcade is frescoed with Raphaelesque grotesques, in the manner of the Vatican Logge. The gallery and upper floors were reached by five spiral staircases around the courtyard: the most important of these is the Scala Regia (Royal Stairs) rising through the principal floors.
Top 10 cosa vedere in Campania
Ecco cosa vedere in Campania, alcuni tra i posti più belli della Campania
Cosa fare in Campania (tour e attrazioni):
1) Costiera Amalfitana
Uno dei luoghi più belli d'Italia, dichiarato patrimonio dell'umanità dall'UNESCO
2) Napoli
Scorci, panorami, storia e buon cibo, Napoli è questo e molto di più
3) Isole
Capri, Ischia e Procida, famose in tutto il mondo per la loro bellezza
4) Pompei e Ercolano
Il tempo si è fermato al 79 d.c a causa di un eruzione del Vesuvio
5) Parco Nazionale Del Cilento e Del Vallo Di Diano
Si estende dal mare fino all'Appennino, secondo in Italia per dimensioni
6) Reggia Di Caserta
Fatta costruire da Carlo di Borbone è la residenza reale più grande del mondo
7) Sorrento
Oltre la bellissima Sorrento vale la pena visitare anche la penisola Sorrentina
8) Positano
Elegante borgo marino costruito in verticale sul mare
9) Sentiero Degli Dei
Sentiero escursionistico che si sviluppa tra la Costiera Amalfitana e quella Sorrentina
10) Parco Nazionale Del Vesuvio
Concedetevi un'esperienza unica con un escursione sul Vesuvio
Ringraziamo Claudio Pisicchio per il Voice-over
Come si viaggia
Places to see in ( Bracciano - Italy )
Places to see in ( Bracciano - Italy )
Bracciano is a small town in the Italian region of Lazio, 30 kilometres northwest of Rome. The town is famous for its volcanic lake and for a particularly well-preserved medieval castle Castello Orsini-Odescalchi. The lake is widely used for sailing and is popular with tourists; the castle has hosted a number of events, especially weddings of actors and singers. The town is served by an urban railway (Line FR3) which connects it with Rome (stations of Ostiense and Valle Aurelia) in about 55 minutes. Close to it lie the two medieval towns of Anguillara Sabazia and Trevignano Romano.
There is no certain information about the origins of Bracciano, on the Via Cassia overlooking the lake. It probably rose from one of the numerous towers built in the tenth century as a defence against the Saracen attacks, as implied by the ancient name of Castrum Brachiani. In the eleventh century the neighbouring territory was acquired by the Prefetti di Vico family, who turned the tower into a castle. Ferdinand Gregorovius dated the possession of Bracciano by the Orsini to 1234. The area was later acquired by the Roman hospital of Santo Spirito in Sassia and, from 1375, was a Papal possession.
In 1419 the Colonna Pope Martin V confirmed the fief of Bracciano in the Orsini family branch of Tagliacozzo. Under this powerful family the city developed into a flourishing town, famous in the whole of Italy for its castle, which was enlarged, starting from 1470, by Napoleone Orsini and his son Virginio. In 1481 it housed Pope Sixtus IV, who had fled from the plague in Rome; the Sala Papalina in one of the corner towers commemorates the event. Four years later, however, the city and the castle were ravaged by Papal troops under Prospero Colonna, and subsequently a new line of walls was built.
The main monument of Bracciano is its castle, Castello Orsini-Odescalchi, one of the most noteworthy examples of Renaissance military architecture in Italy. 3 km (2 mi) outside the city, alongside the road leading to Trevignano Romano, is the ancient church of San Liberato (ninth century). It occupies what was once the Roman settlement of Forum Clodii, now surrounded by an herb garden, part of the complex of English-style gardens at the adjoining Villa San Librato, designed by Russell Page in 1965 for the art historian conte Donato Sanminatelli and his contessa, Maria Odescalchi, and carried out over the following decade.
On the same road are the ruins of the Aquae Apollinaris, a complex of baths famous in the Roman age. At Vigna di Valle, next to the lake, the former seaplane base today houses the Italian Air Force Museum. The museum's four hangars hold a number of historical military aircraft, including famous planes such as the MC. 202, the Supermarine Spitfire, the Savoia Marchetti S.79, the F-104 Starfighter, the Caproni Ca.100 and the Panavia Tornado. Also on view is a remarkable collection of three Schneider Cup racers, including the Macchi M.C.72. The museum stages an annual 'Giornata Azzura' airshow at Pratica di Mare airport.
( Bracciano - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Bracciano . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Bracciano - Italy
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Altafiumara Resort & Spa, Villa San Giovanni, Italy - 5 star hotel
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Altafiumara Resort & Spa, Villa San Giovanni, Italy - 5 star hotel
Localita Santa Trada Di Cannitello, 89010 Villa San Giovanni, Italy
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Abitata dagli Etruschi e dai Romani subì, come altri paesi, molteplici invasioni e saccheggi, favoriti dalla vicinanza con la via Cassia.
Per questo, a ridosso del Medioevo, venne innalzata un'imponente cinta muraria, proprio con lo scopo di scoraggiare eventuali attacchi.
L'immane opera non spaventò però la potente Viterbo, che voleva a tutti i costi impadronirsi di una vasta distesa boschiva donata a Vetralla da Innocenzo III nel 1206.
Tarquinia, Italy Island Princess Transatlantic Cruise April 2015
These photos were made in a visit to the ancient walled town of Tarquinia, Italy while on a transatlantic cruise on the Island Princess in April 2015. Tarquinia is a 20-minute bus ride from the port of Civitavecchia where the Island Princess was docked. We visited Tarquinia instead of taking the train to Rome.
Vicoli di Via Indipendenza Gaeta Italy - Fall 2016
Vicoli di Via Indipendenza Gaeta Italy - Fall 2016
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E' uno dei più piccoli comuni della Provincia di Frosinone, situato ad un'altitudine di 1075 metri, alle sorgenti del fiume Aniene, con alle spalle il massiccio del Monte Viglio (circa 2200 metri) ed i campi di sci di Campo Staffi (circa 2000 metri).
Esso costituisce uno dei comprensori montani e naturalistici più interessanti dell'intera Regione Lazio, assieme a Trevi nel Lazio ed agli Altipiani di Arcinazzo. Probabilmente Filettino fu fondata nel VI° secolo dalle popolazioni del basso Lazio in fuga dalle invasioni barbariche...
Visit Bellagio
Video by Michela Scandinaro, winner of the Wonderful Lombardy contest sponsored by the Regione Lombardia
Il video di Michela Scandinaro, vincitore del contest Wonderful Lombardy promosso da Regione Lombardia [Categoria: Mini guida]