Viru-Nigula Parish is a rural municipality of Estonia, in Lääne-Viru County. It has a population of 1,293 and an area of 234.05 km². Continue reading... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The Best Attractions In Viru-Nigula
1. Narva CastleNarva Narva is the third largest city in Estonia. It is located at the eastern extreme point of Estonia, at the Russian border, on the Narva River which drains Lake Peipus. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
2. Lahemaa rahvusparkVihula Lahemaa National Park is a park located in northern Estonia, 70 kilometers east from the capital Tallinn. The Gulf of Finland is to the north of the park and the Tallinn-Narva highway is to the south. Its area covers 725 km² . It was the first area to be designated a national park of the former Soviet Union. It is the largest park in Estonia and one of Europe's biggest national parks. Its charter calls for the preservation, research and promotion of North-Estonian landscapes, ecosystems, biodiversity and national heritage. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
3. Rakvere CastleRakvere Rakvere is a town in northern Estonia and the county seat of Lääne-Viru County, 20 km south of the Gulf of Finland. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
5. Narva JoesuuNarva Narva is the third largest city in Estonia. It is located at the eastern extreme point of Estonia, at the Russian border, on the Narva River which drains Lake Peipus. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
6. Oru ParkToila Oru Palace was a palace in the northeastern part of Toila in the Viru valley of Jõhvi Parish in Ida-Viru County, Estonia. The palace was originally the holiday home of a Russian merchant, Grigory Jelisejev, and later the summer residence of the Estonian head of state. It was built in the Italian renaissance style by Gavril Baranovski, with park designer Georg Kuphaldt. The 57-room three-story building was completed in 1899. The palacee descends towards the river terraces, and also contains riding stables and manege. Alleged construction of the palace and the park was the total cost of 5 million gold rubles. After the Bolshevik revolution of October, Jelissejev went to Paris. The land belonging to the palace was not sold as it was farmland. In 1934, Jelissejev was not willing to sell land ... From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
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