NEVER RETURNING TO THIS COUNTRY AGAIN!!! | #MaryJanesWorldTour | Country 23, 24, 25
I thought I’d never get out of there !!!!!
I’m in country 25!!!!
1. China
Katowice, Poland - Cinematic Travel Video
Katowice is located in Upper Silesia, which means it's changed hands many times in its long history. The city of Katowice was founded in the 19th century, gaining city status in 1865. The city has a long history of being a multi-ethnic city, and its inhabitants consisted mainly of Poles, Germans, Jews, and Silesians. After the Industrial Revolution, the city became one of the largest centers of coal and steel production, and to this day is known as an industrial center of Poland.
Welcome to our video series on youtube where we travel around the world and make a new cinematic travel video every month!
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Filmed and Edited by Dylan Siebelink and Wouter de Bever using Sony a7s Cameras & DJI Mavic pro drone.
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Znin Narrow Gauge Train Ride -Things To Do In Poland
Visit for narrow gauge train information, models of trains and buildings.
The Znin narrow gauge railroad, which was built to serve the sugar industry, now provides recreational rides to visitors to the Biskupin Archaeological Museum, Wenecja train Museum, and Znin itself.
For the most part, people board the train after visiting theBiskupin archaeological Museum The museum is a life-size model of an iron age settlement. It is discussed in another of our videos.
The train ride is very pleasant and scenic. The rails run alongside the road from Biskupin Wwnecja where there is a narrow gauge train Museum. People who have visited Biskupin by car often leave there and take the train to the museum, Znin and back.
And that is probably a wise thing to do because there is plenty of parking at Biskupin and very little at Wenecja.
Actually the entire train ride is quite long if one goes from the begining to the end. But for the most part traffic is between the Venezia museum and the Biscoe been Museum. Complete information about the Znin narrow gauge train line is in our site at
Across the road there are the remains of a castle which played a part in the town taking the name Wenecja - Venice. The castle was built between the three local lakes and was very important in controlling the area.
The engines on this train line used to be steam powered but now the line uses diesel engines designated Lyd2.
Places To Visit Poland Malta Park Poznan Poland Narrow Gauge Train Ride Maltanka Railroad Borsig
Visit for more information about the Narrow Gauge Steam engines and Malta Park.
This video gives a brief overview of the train ride that you can take at the Malta Park which is just outside Poznan, Poland. It is a very attractive place to visit in Poland.
The Malta Park is both a very popular tourist attraction and a weekend spot for local people. It has a campground and many things to do that makes it continually popular to the local people.
The park surrounds a 2.2 kilometer long manmade lake which was made in 1952 in order to develop the park into a tourist attraction.
At the Malta Park is the Maltanka train line which train line is a narrow gauge line built specifically to attract tourists. And it has done that successfully. Over 200,000 people per year ride the train.
A Borsig Bn2T steam engine is the highlight of the train line. It is backed up by WLS 40 and WLS 50 industrial engines,
The Malta Park is a place to visit and a things to do in the Poland tourism categories.
Poland Poznań sightseeing - Polen Sehenswürdigkeiten Posen die Altstadt Познань
Poland Poznań attractions: Poznań Old Town, City Hall, Old Market Square, Royal Castle, Freedom Square. Puolan nähtävyydet - Poznań vanha kaupunki. Польша красивые места - Познань достопримечательности. Polonia Poznan citta vecchia
POZNAŃ i okolice - atrakcje turystyczne
Przy okazji targów turystycznych Tour Salon postanowiliśmy zostać na dwa dni w Poznaniu i zobaczyć kilka nowych atrakcji turystycznych. Odwiedzimy Bramę Poznania, zwiedzimy Ostrów Tumski pieszo i multimedialne. Łysy Młym to ośrodek edukacji przyrodniczej, a w Morasko zobaczymy największe polskie meteoryty i kratery jakie pozostawiły. Będziemy się bawić w Owińskach w Parku Orientacji Przestrzennej, strzelać z machin Oblężniczych w Grodzie Pobiedziska i poznawać w 3D początki państwa polskiego w Gnieźnie!
Zwiedzali, fotogafowali i zachwycali się:
Ania, Krzysztof, Michał i Staś Kobusowie - i portal Małego Podróżnika -
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Shopping In Poland (Day 2 In Wroclaw Poland)
- In today's video we go explore around Poland. we walk to a couple of stores (to get supplies) and then taking a short, but beautiful, route back home.
- If you would like to see my vlogs of exploring Poland and Europe, you can go check it out here:
- If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment about them and I will reply back to them ASAP.
-Please don't forget to Subscribe, comment and or leave a like for more fun videos coming soon.
****** Camera equipment that I used *******
- Canon Powershot G7X mark II
- Panasonic Lumix G7 + kit lens
- Rode VideoMicro microphone
- Sandisk 32/64 Extreme SD card(s)
- Manfrotto mini tripod
- Urban Beatz power bank
- Seagate 2TB Portable External Hard Drive
2015 Summer Trip (36b): Steam Train Ride, Poland
4K. Wroclaw tour. Visit poland
My photography about Wroclaw
Video 2016-3-180 (3276) **BUCHAŁÓW-LEŚNIÓW WLK-NIETKÓW Bike Trip SLIDE SHOW May 29-th 2016
My next biking in May to Nietków nearby the Odra river.Really interesting route,distance about 54 km at nice,sunny and warm weather,very good conditions for biking.WILKANOWO was a first village I went through.After crossing ringroad behind Wilkanowo I was biking along the local road to SŁONE,another small village on the way.10 km from Zielona Góra there was next village called BUCHAŁÓW.There also started a new (after renovation) forestry road.Then a stopped at the carpark in the forest for a while to rest.After that i went through DRZONÓW where Military Museum is located.From that place i was biking through forest areas again and reached LEŚNIÓW WLK,a village where is an old historical church and an old wooden windmill as well.There i had some time to show the countryside and tell something about the windmill history!After a short rest there was interesting biking down the hill to NIETKÓW that is located nearby the Odra,the second largest river in Poland.Of course I visited the odra after going through Nietków and showed the railway bridge as well.My biking back was through CZERWIEŃSK where i stopped at the local water reservoir.Finally I went back through PŁOTY and PRZYLEP!Hope u will enjoy my new bike trip!Have a nice watching!Amnas2011
Here are all parts below:
-part 1-Wilkanowo-Słone
-part 2-Słone Buchałów
-part 3-New forestry road and car-park
-part 4-Drzonów-Military Museum
-part 5-Drzonów-Leśniów Wlk
-part 6-Leśniów Wlk
-part 7-Leśmiów Wlk-The church and the windmill
-part 8-Leśniów Wlk-Nietków
-part 9-Nietków
-part 10-The Odra river
-part 11-The raiway bridge over the Odra
-part 12-Czerwieńsk
-part 13-Czerwieńsk-Płoty
Moja kolejna wycieczka rowerowa do Nietkowa i nad Odrę pod koniec maja.Wspaniała interesująca trasa o długości 54 km przy pięknej słonecznej pogodzie,świetne warunki jazdy.Mój start w Wilkanowie,małej wsi 5 km na zachód od Zielonej Góry.Po przekroczeniu głównej obwodnicy znalazłem się w Słonym,i z kolei minąłem wieś Buchałów i znalazłem się na zupełnie nowej odremontowanej drodze w kierunku na Drzonów.Po krótkim odpoczynku na leśnym parkingu dojechałem do Drzonowa gdzie znajduje się znane Muzeum Wojskowe.A z tamtąd udałem się lokalną drogą do Leśniowa Wlk,przy czym dalsza trasa wiodła przez tereny leśne.W Leśniowie Wlk zatrzymałem się w pobliżu starego,zabytkowego kościoła oraz przy wiatraku na wzgórzu gdzie była okazja trochę wypocząć.Po chwili relaksu udałem się w dalszą podróż do Nietkowa do której to wsi prowadzi droga ostro w dół.Po minięciu wsi dojechałem do wałów nad Odrą i wkrótce znalazłem się nad samą rzeką.Zwiedziłem również miejscowy most kolejowy w Nietkowicach i z tamtąd udałem się w drogę powrotną przez Czerwieńsk zatrzymując się przy miejscowym zbiorniku wodnym.Powrót do Zielonej Góry przez Płoty i Przylep.Zapraszam na wycieczkę i życzę przyjemnego odbioru!Amnas2011