CNN: Alhambra Palace Program - Alhambra Tour
Yasin Maymir, Travel Organizer of Ilimtour Muslim Travel Agency, located in Granada, Andalusia (Spain) is the host of CNN team for this program.
With him as a tour guide inside The Alhambra Palaces, you travel back to Islamic times of Granada. He gives all his knowledge and passion during its Alhambra Muslim Tour.
Join him! and learn a lot of interesting facts about the Islamic History of Alhambra Complex, an UNESCO World Heritage.
And there is more, during the Alhambra Muslim Tour you will get a transcription of the Arab inscriptions on the walls, a very enriching experience, reading texts like: The one who speaks well should be respected.
Alhambra Muslim Tour is definitely an unforgetable tour!
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Travel Granada, Spain - Alhambra Palace in Granada
Take a tour of Alhambra Palace, Granada - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, I am Naomi and I am very excited to show you the world's greatest attractions.
Atop a hill in Granada, Spain sits a charming castle and fortress complex.
Intricate lace-like archways, typical of classic Moorish architecture, are the centerpieces of this shimmering structure.
The Alhambra Fortress was constructed in the mid 14th century by Moorish rulers.
The serenity of Alhambra's reflecting pool is a perfect scenic break.
Every view of the complex seems almost poetic and inspirational.
The dazzling arrays of ancient columns were built through bearing masonry.
Its exquisite location integrates natural beauty with superb design. Alhambra Palace is a Mediterranean must see.
Thank you for watching our travel video series. See you next time.
RINCONES DE LORCA (MURCIA) SPAIN: 6. Nevada en Lorca (Full 1080p HD)
Vídeo sobre Lorca (Murcia) para descubrir en menos de seis minutos los rincones más característicos de la ciudad. Permite conocer los monumentos de Lorca para una visita turística y cultural.
Rincones de Lorca es una serie de vídeos de no más de seis minutos de duración que pretende mostrar los lugares más carismáticos de Lorca, ciudad mediterránea de 93.000 habitantes situada en la Región de Murcia (Sureste de España), a sólo 35 kilómetros del mar y con un clima excepcional, invitando a todos los internautas a que disfruten de nuestra ciudad desde cualquier parte del mundo. ¡Os invitamos a descubrir Lorca a través de nuestra pequeña aportación particular!
Música tema principal: Carefree, compuesto por KEVIN MACLEOD
Spain - Barcelona
Barcelona in Catalonia, Spain is the perfect destination for a short vacation. This video shows some of what there is to see. Read more on this travel blog:
Audio: Narciso Yepes - Leyenda from Suite espanola: No. 5 Asturias by Albeniz
Les plus belles destinations touristiques
film Daphnée
Lorca es un municipio español de la Región de Murcia situado en el sureste de la Península Ibérica. Es la tercera población en importancia de la Región, con 92.694 habitantes, después de Murcia y Cartagena. La gran extensión de su territorio, 1.676 km², hacen de Lorca el término municipal más amplio de España, sólo superado por Cáceres.
Más de dos mil años de historia junto con un rico patrimonio arquitectónico y artístico, la convierten en una ciudad para descubrir. Lorca es conocida por su Castillo, su arquitectura barroca y sus procesiones de Semana Santa, declaradas como Fiesta de Interés Turístico Internacional. Destacan por su importancia monumental:
- El Castillo de Lorca, s. X-XVI.
- El Palacio de Guevara, s. XVII-XVIII.
- La Plaza de España, s. XVI-XVIII.
- Ayuntamiento de Lorca, s. XVI-XVII.
- Colegiata de San Patricio, s. XVI-XVIII.
- Etc. etc...
Casi paradisíacas, las playas y las calas lorquinas las conservan con un aspecto virgen, intacto y armonioso con el espacio natural que las rodea. El clima cálido y la temperatura de sus aguas (18ºC en invierno y 24ºC en verano), las convierten en un lugar idóneo para la pesca, submarinismo y deportes náuticos todo el año.
Lorca le ofrece innumerables posibilidades para disfrutar de un turismo rural diverso y de calidad, gracias a los contrastes que conforman su inmenso territorio de 1.676 km2:
• Tierras Altas de Lorca. Espacio rural con pequeñas aldeas de aspecto tranquilo y sosegado, antiguas tradiciones y un patrimonio arquitectónico, cultural, gastronómico y natural único.
• Valle del Guadalentín. A los pies de la ciudad se localiza la huerta de Lorca, en el llano del río Guadalentín, un vergel de hortalizas, verduras y frutales que inundan de color y olor este espacio.
La huerta de Lorca es uno de los grandes vergeles del sureste peninsular. Cada primavera se puebla de infinidad de hortalizas, frutas y verduras que junto al cerdo, son la base gastronómica de esta rica zona del municipio. Destacan los guisos, como la olla fresca, la olla podrida y el potaje. En primavera suele cocinarse la olla gitana. Si cae alguna lluvia inmediatamente aparecen los caracoles y se cocinan con tomate, con salsa picante, y con los arroces. Ensaladas: remojón, pipirrana y la ensalada campesina. Destacan también la fritá, el pisto y las empanadillas lorquinas, el gazpacho lorquino; la torta de pimiento molío con sardinas y los crespillos, aperitivo único y exclusivo de Lorca.
Gozan de reconocida fama los arroces de Lorca, en especial el arroz y pavo, así como las pelotas (albóndigas), exquisito plato plenamente huertano, y fundamental en las bodas y otras celebraciones.
Numerosas fiestas tienen lugar a lo largo del año en Lorca, desde carnaval, fiestas en honor a la patrona de la ciudad Santa María La Real de las Huertas el 8 de septiembre, moros y cristianos el 23 de noviembre con motivo de la celebración de San Clemente, patrón de la ciudad, y un largo etcétera. Destaca de manera singular la Semana Santa de Lorca, declarada Fiesta de Interés Turístico Internacional. Durante la Semana Santa se celebran las procesiones y los desfiles bíblico-pasionales, donde personajes del Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento desfilan a pie, a caballo o sobre carros y carrozas alegóricas, ataviados con ropajes y túnicas bordados en seda y oro, algunas de ellas declaradas Bien de Interés Cultural (BIC), máxima distinción que puede recibir una obra de arte, siendo los únicos textiles con este galardón en todo el mundo.
No lo dude, venga a visitarnos. Pasee por sus calles y sumérjase en su pasado, visite sus talleres artesanos, déjese guiar por los olores y colores de su gastronomía, deténgase ante los escaparates de sus comercios... Venga a disfrutar del arte del buen vivir de Lorca, a visitar su rico patrimonio, a sentir el calor de su sol, a descubrir su artesanía, a disfrutar de sus paisajes insólitos, a vivir la libertad de sus playas todavía vírgenes.
Le esperamos por Lorca, un municipio para vivir, sentir y descubrir.
Más información:
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Cristo Rey Pilgrimage Mass (English/Spanish Sermon-Fr. Michael Rodriguez)
+J.M.J.+ **Special thanks to Mr. Michael James Slay for the partial use of his sermon video.** On the great traditional feast of Christ the King which takes place on the last Sunday of October, Fr. Rodriguez with a group of 55 people processed up Mount Cristo Rey located in Sunland Park, New Mexico near El Paso, Texas.
Some of these pilgrims came as far away as Deming, Las Cruces, and Presidio. The well-tended path which winds around the mountain was designed to make walking up the mountain possible even for the elderly. During the pilgrimage, they sang hymns, prayed the Rosary, & made numerous devotional stops for prayer at various shrines located on the path. At the base of the Cristo Rey statue atop the mountain, Father offered the Mass of Ages, which may have been the first time in nearly fifty years that the Immemorial Mass of the Roman Catholic Church had been offered there on that site on the Feast of Christ the King.
Once the altar had been prepared, Fr. donned the vestments which his Uncle Humberto had been carrying: the amice, which represents the helmet of salvation; the white alb, which symbolizes the purity of the Christian soul, having been washed in the blood of the Lamb; the cincture, a cord that is a symbol of chastity; the maniple, sign of servitude & which represents Our Lord’s Passion; the stole, which represents immortality, & finally, a beautiful chasuble with the Face of Christ the King at the center of the Cross, which symbolizes the yoke of Christ.
Father’s sermon: He recounted how Pope Pius XI had instituted the Feast of Christ the King in 1925. Christ is King over ALL creation, reigns over individuals, families, societies & nations. He has kingship & dominion over all. We must let Him rule over our minds, bodies, hearts & souls. We must will what He wills, use our bodies to bring about in us His will, which is our salvation. We must desire what He desires, for us to love Him without reserve. We acknowledge Him as our King when we pray the Our Father & the Apostles’ Creed, “Thy Kingdom come” & “His kingdom will have no end.” He zeroed in on some of the sins which are contrary to His will: adultery, fornication, abortion, homosexuality. Christ’s laws cannot be changed, regardless of what some priests, bishops, cardinals or even popes might say, for the task of the pope & the hierarchy is to transmit, teach & explain all that God has revealed.
Shorter video:
Highlights of 2018 Christ the King Pilgrimage
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Click to view photos & video footage on the El Paso TImes' website:
El Paso is located on the US-Mexico border & is the most frequently crossed international boundary in the world. Near El Paso at the point where the borders of Texas, New Mexico, & the nation of Mexico meet, is the small mountain, Cristo Rey Mount, named for the statue of Christ the King at its summit which overlooks the tri-state area. It reminds many of the much better known, Christ the Redeemer”, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, though not nearly as large. In 1933, Fr. Lourdes Costa, a local priest, spearheaded the effort to honor Christ the King with a monument upon this site. Pope Pius XI had mandated, in his encyclical, Quas Primas of 1925, that the Kingship of Christ be celebrated throughout the Catholic world on the last Sunday of October. Following this, as well as the prominence of Cristo Rey in the Cristero Movement, it seemed fitting to choose this theme for the statue. Since then, thousands of Catholics have made the annual pilgrimage in honor of Christ the King on the last Sunday in October. This traditional trek by the faithful has remained unbroken, in spite of the change made after Vatican II, which transferred the feast to the Sunday before the beginning of Advent. Read more about Mount Cristo Rey History here:
Monthly Tridentine Masses are offered for all our benefactors who are also remembered in our daily prayers. Deo grátias! Thank you!
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The Best of Spain - Granada
Granada, the last city reconquered in 1492 by Catholic monarchs, Queen Isabel of Castille and her husband Ferdinand of Aragon, is the Moorish jewel of Spain. Staying at an impressive resort hotel near the Alhambra Palace, I took a morning walk to explore the awe-inspiring Alhambra Palace and Generalife Gardens. The Alhambra (meaning the red or crimson castle) complex was begun in the 9th cent., modified by Mohammad III in the 13th cent., and much later by Charles V. It was abandoned by the last Moorish ruler, Boabdil, who was castigated by his mother for weeping in shame for losing beautiful Alhambra, Now weep like a woman for what you cannot defend like a man. One of Granada's oldest districts, the Albaicín, was declared a World Heritage Site, together with the Alhambra and the Generalife. At the city center stands the Gothic Cathedral of Santa María de la Encarnación (1523-1703), which contains La Capilla Real (The Royal Chapel), and the Royal mausoleum of Isabel and Ferdinand, who chose to be buried in Granada because they saw its conquest as the crowning achievement of their reign.
LA ALHAMBRA - الْقَلْعَةُ ٱلْحَمْرَاءُ
This emblematic monument declared as World heritage by the UNESCO is the most visited (2 million + per year) touristic Palace in the World. The Alhambra is a reflection of the culture of the last days of the Nasrid emirate of Granada. The literal translation of Alhambra red fortress derives from the color of the red clay of the surroundings of which the Palace is made.
It was largely ignored until the eleventh century, when its ruins were renovated and rebuilt by Samuel ibn Naghralla, vizier to the King Bādīs of the Zirid Dynasty, in an attempt to preserve the small Jewish settlement also located on the Sabikah hill. However, evidence from Arab texts indicates that the fortress was easily penetrated and that the actual Alhambra that survives today was built during the Nasrid Dynasty.
During the reign of the Nasrid Dynasty, the Alhambra was transformed into a palatine city complete with an irrigation system composed of acequias for the gardens of the Generalife located outside the fortress. Previously, the old Alhambra structure had been dependent upon rainwater collected from a cistern and from what could be brought up from the Albaicín. The creation of the Sultan's Canal solidified the identity of the Alhambra as a palace-city rather than a defensive and ascetic structure.
In 1492, the same year when America was discovered by Columbus, the Muslim lost Granada , the Alhambra and Al-Andalus (Spain) forever when the Catholic Kings of Spain, Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella of Castile reconquered that Muslim region, with an overwhelming army. It was the beginning of the Spanish Empire in which the sun never hid.