Videographer: Fikar Lataba
Editor: Ginanjar Muhamad
SE7EN SUMMIT BANDUNG #2 - Gunung Bukit Tunggul Lembang Bandung | Travel Cinematic Look Video
Gunung Bukit Tunggul atau Bukittunggul merupakan sebuah gunung yang terdapat di pulau Jawa, Indonesia. Gunung Bukit Tunggul mempunyai ketinggian setinggi 2209 meter. Gunung ini merupakan salah-satu sisa dari hasil letusan besar Gunung Sunda Purba di Zaman Prasejarah. *Wikipedia
Ada 2 Basecamp (tidak resmi) untuk Ke bukit Tunggul ini, yang pertama ada di Kebun Kina dan yg kedua terletak di Desa Suntenjaya Pasir Angling. Basecamp yang kami gunakan adalah Basecamp Pasir Angling, untuk kesana bisa lewat Ujung Berung ataupun Dago (Lebih baik lewat Dago, karena ketika kami kesana lewat Ujung berung ada jalan yang rusak sebelum mencampai desa suntenjaya). Setelah sampai Desa Suntenjaya tinggal tanya2 saja ke warga sekitar, Tempat Pak RW (bangunan nya terletak di akhir Jalan, ada warung nya juga) disitu kita bisa menyimpan kendaraan kita.
Untuk mencapai puncak diperlukan waktu kurang lebih 3 jam perjalanan, hati2 karena banyak percabangan, kami pun sempat tersesat hingga harus menerobos semak2, namun kami berhasil bertemu jalur utama kembali. ????
Note: use headphone for the best experience
Camera :
Go Pro 7 Black
Oneplus 5T
The Sigit - Detourn
#1 - Gunung Artapela
#2 - Gunung Bukit Tunggul
#3 - Gunung Puntang
#4 - Gunung Burangrang
#bukittunggul#7summit #bandung #dipala
The Women of Indonesia's Seven Summits Expedition Mahitala Unpar
Profile of three climber of WISSEMU team.
We are all creatures that will perish some point in time. But does the same happen to our hopes and dreams? They live on, even when we ourselves dont.
Earth's darling, thus was the meaning of the name given to Dimitri by her father, according to Greek Mythology.
Born on the 4th of October 21 years ago in Jakarta, Indonesia, Dimitri would have never in her wildest dreams thought that she would be one of three Indonesian women about to climb one of the highest peaks in the world
Didi's adolescence was colored with plenty of activities that wouldn't seem befitting of a girl her age.
Aside from her outdoor activities, Didi claims to have enormous appreciation of the arts. The quote above was extracted from one of her favorite novels, Solitaire Mystery a handcrafted masterpiece by a Norwegian mystery writer, Jostein Gaarder. She is such a big fan that she decided to dedicate a small section on her back for Joker, a character from the book she was clearly very fond of.
Pramoedya Antara Toer quickly became one of her many inspirations for her to make her country proud. Her older, calmer, and caring siblings were always by her side, motivating her every step of the way
Her mother, who also deserves to be highly regarded, never stopped cheering for her. But for Didi, her main source of strength and determination has always been her father, who was also a mountaneering enthusiast in his voracious youth.
Mathilda Dwi Lestari is a petite 156 cm high of a young woman who was born in a big family. Hilda - short for Mathilda - shared that though is the first child of 2 siblings, she is not the first born in the family. Hilda said she had a twin sister who passed away when she was only 4 days old to hydrocephalus. That is why Hilda's parents gave her a middle name 'Dwi' - it means second in Javanesse - in remembrance of her twin sister.
Although she has a liberal personality; as she goes and does whatever she desires, she still have some boundaries as her favorite actress Sarah Jessica Parker who played in the Sex and The City.
As a senior in her college, she is pursuing her dreams and working very hard to graduate in the near future. Hilda said she have accomplished some of her childhood dreams. Accepted and studying at UNPAR, joining MAHITALA, has a foreigner boyfriend are to name a few of them. As she quoted the book of The Secret, she believes that the universe will help her achieve her other dreams. She knows there are more doors awaiting for her to open them and joining WISSEMU Team is one of them which open more new dreams for her. By doing so, she achieved her wishes to go far and distance once a year, also traveling around the world and at the same time make Indonesia proud.
According to the personality test MBTI (Myers-Briggs Test Indicators) in the internet, Dian Indah Carolina has a personality similar to many world leaders such as Steve Jobs and Roosevelt. With her strong leader-like personality and confident, it is not impossible that Caro – short for Carolina - is the most choleric person in her family as well as in the WISSEMU team. Caro was born in 1995, that made her the youngest team member; and thanks to her choleric nature she is not afraid to speak up. Caro often gives her recommendation and opinion that matters as much as the other two team members who are older.
Caro was a very active kid with the list of activities more than any other kids in general. From going to school, violin lessons, Wu-Shu classes, tennis practices, English classes, she did all of that from dawn ‘till dusk. She was able to do everything, and of course with the support of her parents. Caro’s childhood was very colorful with many things that formed her personality. With her disciplines, Caro is known to have had won many competitions in various levels of Wu-Shu. When I play tennis, I always remember the name of Vannesa from back then. She was great, to the point that I couldn’t relay the ball back, said Caro remembering her most tough opponent.
Being very active in her childhood, made Caro wants to be a reporter and working in the travelers’ arena. As she is growing up to be a very talented young women, the list of her activities is also grow with her. Joining MAHITALA and its WISSEMU team is only one of many addition to her current activities. Caro said that her dream to be able to travel around the world will come true by joining WISSEMU team. She doesn’t think that anyone would’ve thought that this very young women will summit the seven summits in seven continents, including the Antarctica. One by one, her dream will come true...
Mount Maunganui | Mauao Summit Walk | Most famous landmark
Climbing Mount Maunganui | Mauao Summit Track
MT MAUNGANUI is the most famous landmark in the Bay Of Plenty region. It stands 232m above sea level and its summit tracks are not a casual stroll. You’ll need a reasonably good level of fitness and mobility to climb to the top.
The information below is from the website
Venture to the top of our most famous landmark. This walk takes about 40 minutes and requires a good level of fitness. Choose from two scenic tracks to reach the 232m-high summit. The view at the top is worth the effort.
You can see Mount Maunganui’s iconic mountain, Mauao, for miles around – and when you’re standing at its summit, the view is even more impressive.
Mauao stands 232m above sea level and its summit tracks are not a casual stroll. You’ll need a reasonably good level of fitness and mobility to climb to the top but it’s certainly worth the effort.
You can survey the entire Western Bay of Plenty from this vantage point – right down the white sand coastline to Papamoa and beyond, over the harbour and Tauranga’s city suburbs, and north across Matakana Island towards Bowentown and Waihi Beach.
The background music
PV_Emotional by PeriTune |
Music promoted by
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Gentle_Theme2 (Piano Version) by PeriTune |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
This video was filmed by the camera Canon EOS M100
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6 Rekomendasi Gunung DI BANDUNG | Cocok Untuk Pendaki Pemula
Kalo bicara soal naik gunung, sepertinya akhir—akhir ini sedang trend-trend nya. Alasannya mungkin setiap orang berbeda-beda, ada yang ingin lebih mendekatkan diri dengan alam, ada yang ingin menenangkan diri dan mencari inspirasi, bahkan tak jarang juga yang Cuma sekedar mencari eksistensi. Apalagi sekarang dengan adanya media sosial seperti instagram contohnya, gunung itu bak seperti sebuah foto studio. Yang dimana bisa memenuhi hasrat penikmat sosial media, yaitu foto-foto yang bisa mereka pamerkan. Memang kegiatan naik gunung itu cukup mengasyikan bagi sebagian orang, tapi jangan lupa kita juga harus mengukur kemampuan diri kita apakah cukup kuat atau tidak. Jangan sampe karena hasrat ingin mengikuti tren, faktor keselamatan jadi diabaikan. Karena sebenarnya naik gunung itu tidak mudah, banyak hal-hal yang harus dipersiapkan. Mulai dari fisik, mental, belum lagi cuaca digunung yang sering ekstrim. Nah sebelum kita naik gunung yang digolongkan ekstrim, alangkah lebih baiknya kita latihan dulu mulai dari gunung-gunung yang dekat dulu, mulai dari gunung-gunung yang pendek dulu. Agar tubuh kita itu bertahap untuk bisa menyesuaikan dengan kondisi alam digunung yang digolongkan lumayan ekstrim. Dan ngomong-ngomong soal gunung yang cocok untuk latihan, berikut ini saya akan ngasih rekomendasi 6 Gunung yang ada disekitaran bandung yang cocok buat kalian latihan. Atau kalau bahasa simple nya gunung yang cocok untuk pendaki pemula. Tapi sebelum ke pembahasan sekali lagi saya mohon supportnya dari teman-teman untuk subscribe chanel ini, dan silahkan share video ini disosial media kalian. Agar saya bisa terus bikin konten-konten seperti ini, yang mudah-mudahan bisa bermanfaat untuk kita semua. Dan sekarang ayo kita mulai pembahasannya
. ===============Tonton juga videoo lainnya=================
Gunung Kerenceng:
Gunung Bendera Part 1:
Gunung Bendera Part 2:
Gunung Artapela:
Gunung Puntang:
============== Ikutin saya di media sosial==================
7SUMMITSVLOG #2 Mau ke Macau, nyasar ke Paris!
Ini travel vlog kedua dari 7summits. Kesempatan kali ini, kami bersama Astindo menghadiri invitation dari MGTO (Macao Government Tourism Office) untuk mengexplore Macau dalam 5 hari. Trip yang sungguh mengesankan!
Macao memang Eropanya Asia, penasaran? Tonton video lengkapnya, dan ayo SUBSCRIBE CHANNEL kita untuk keep up to date video-video kita selanjutnya, cheers!
SE7EN SUMMIT BANDUNG #4 - Gunung Burangrang Lembang Bandung | Travel Cinematic Look Video
Gunung Burangrang merupakan sebuah gunung api mati yang terdapat di pulau Jawa, Indonesia. Gunung Burangrang mempunyai ketinggian setinggi 2.064 meter. Gunung ini merupakan salah-satu sisa dari hasil letusan besar Gunung Sunda di Zaman Prasejarah. Gunung Burangrang bersebelahan dengan Gunung Sunda.
Basecamp yang kami gunakan untuk naik Gunung Burangrang adalah Basecamp Legok haji , basecamp ini terletak di Cisarua, karena untuk pertama kali nya kesana kami sempat tersesat, jadi usahakan untuk bertanya ke warga apabila ingin sampai ke basecamp tanpa tersesat.. ????
Untuk Biaya nya sendiri cukup murah yaitu:
10rb untuk parkir motor
Sedangkan untuk tiket masuk nya cukup unik, yaitu seikhlasnya ????????
Jika ada yang ingin ditanyakan terkait Naik Gunung Burangrang via legokhaji ini, bisa DM saya lewat IG ahmad.sopian.aso ????
Note: use headphone for the best experience
Camera :
Go Pro 7 Black
Oneplus 5T
The Sigit - Let It Go
#1 - Gunung Artapela
#2 - Gunung Bukit Tunggul
#3 - Gunung Puntang
#4 - Gunung Burangrang
#burangrang #7summit #bandung #dipala #independenthikers #independerhikerjabar
7 Gunung Tertinggi di Jawa Barat || (Seven Summit Jawa Barat)
itulah 7 Gunung Tertinggi di Jawa Barat atau Seven Summit Jawa Barat yang tentunya berada di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Dari daftar 7 Gunung Tertinggi di Jawa Barat diatas, gunung mana saja yang sudah kamu daki? atau mungkin akan kamu daki esok? silahkan komentar dikolom komentar, dan jangan lupa untuk like dan share ke teman-teman kalian terimakasih ????
#7gunungtertinggidijawabarat #Explorjawabarat
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Hey I’m Jackson Groves, I’ve been backpacking around the world since 2016. I graduated with a degree in journalism after I studied in Australia, Oregon and Hawaii in the USA while on a soccer scholarship.
Now I travel the world creating videos, photos and stories. I also started the Adventure Bag Movement, which you can find on Instagram @adventurebagcrew. My goal is to adventure, share guides about travel so you can enjoy these places also and educate and create awareness on how we can keep these natural places clean.
Iearn a living from the content I create on my Instagram and travel blog, which is in the top 30 blogs in the world.
To see all of my creative work in one place visit my website/blog
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Business enquiries: thejourneyera@gmail.com
apa itu seven summit | saya akan melakukan seven summit | seven summit gunung bandung
sorry for low quality video.
seven summits gunung bandung ini Unik dan belum banyak orang yang melakukan nya karena Gunung di Bandung itu ada Kurang lebih 700 gunung.
jadi perlu banget nih buat di coba
7 Puncak tertinggi di Jawabarat | Seven Summit Jawabarat
7 puncak tertinggi di jawabarat, tidak hanya di jawatengah atau jawatimur yang terkenal dengan gunung gununung nya, jawabarat pun mempunyai gunung gunung tinggi yang sangat indah.
Simak videonya.
Sumber informasi :
Badrul Mozila
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Terimakasih kasih sudah menonton.
Jangan lupa like, share and subscribe ????
Bandung Open Data Summit and Challenge
Hosted by Code for Bandung, The City of Bandung Government, and West Java Branch of Indonesian Bank, Bandung Open Data Summit and Challenge is a two-part event that consist of a one-day conference, Bandung Open Data Summit, and an app competition, Bandung Open Data Challenge.
Bandung Open Data Summit is a conference that gathers 250 leaders from various background ranging from government, scholars, business practicioners, communities, developer, and general public in a one-day conference focusing in collaboration and innovation in Bandung Open Data ecosystem.
Bandung Open Data Challenge, an app development competition to push innovation in information technology to help The City of Bandung both in internal management of the government and public service.
Sunrises Gunung Guntur | Dekat Dimata - Lemas Dikaki
Guys, kalian pernah gak punya pengalaman meremehkan sebuah gunung, maksudnya menganggap enteng sebuah gunung namun ketika didaki gunung tersebut ternyata lumayan berat.
Nah kalau pernah berarti sama kayak gue kemarin waktu naik gunung Guntur. Semula gue dengan PD nya bilang ahhhh gunung guntur mah gampang, wong ketinggianya juga gak lebih dari 2250 mdpl. secara gue pernah daki gunung yang lebih tinggi dari gunung guntur.
Namun apa yang terjadi guys, tingginya mdpl itu bukan sebuah patokan berat atau tidaknya sebuah gunung. dari pengalaman ini gue bisa ngambil pelajaran, kalau setiap gunung itu punya karakteristik masing-masing. jadi kita tidak boleh menyama ratakan gunung meskipun gunung tersebut ketinggiannya tidak seberapa.
Mau tau gimana perjuangan kita untuk mencapai puncak gunung guntur, mau tau bagaimana indahnya sunrises dari ketinggian 2249 mdpl. tonton aja videonya sampai beres, jangan lupa tinggalkan like dan komen kalian. agar gue semakin semangat untuk terus mengeksplore alam indonesia, karena masih banyak tempat yang belum dan akan kita eksplore.
------ See you on the next trip, salam indonesia -------
#bodink artventure
Bandung: Urban Tourism
Sorry for any mistakes and thank you for watching!
Stevie Immanuel R. T (1644010010)
Mohammad Wira Aditya M. (1644010011)
Rahmad Alan Bimasena (1644010033)
Fika Awwalia Permatasari (1644010060)
Seven Summits
My dream may sound impossible but I won't rest until I have made it come true.
After a near-tragedy during the Uttarakhand floods, her family made her stop pursuing her passion. Here’s how her dreams found their wings again! #DreamsOfProgress with Stayfree India
Please watch: ???????? Is HONG KONG SAFE for TOURISTS? | 2019 HONG KONG PROTESTS | MY EXPERIENCE (with subtitles)
Are you planning an Indonesia trip or looking for things to do in Indonesia or Java? Getting Around Indonesia, particularly by train in Java, can be a challenge! In this video I head from Yogyakarta in Central Java to Bandung in West Java on a night train, arriving in Bandung after 10 long hours in economy class!
Once there I visit Jalan Braga (or Braga Street), which is often described as 'The Paris of Java. Indonesia was previously a Dutch Colony (part of the Dutch East Indies) until 1942. Due to this, Bandung was often seen as a holiday destination or resort town for Europeans. In Braga Street today you can find numerous places to eat (not just Indonesian food), antique shops, awesome bakeries and local artwork.
Not only that, but you can also visit the location of the Asia Africa Summit (or Bandung Conference) which was held in April 1955, ten years after Indonesia's independence after the Japanese surrendered to Allies in August 1945. This summit was instrumental in a further 34 countries across Asia and Africa becoming independent over the following 10 years.
Thanks for Watching!
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Samsung S6
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Gone till November courtesy of Wyclef Jean
Relaxing Music - Traditional Music West Java
Gamelan Indonesian Wanderers of Nusanta
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7SUMMITSVLOG #4 in ASPPI Pelangi Travel Mart Belitung!
Kali ini 7SUMMITSVLOG berkesempatan untuk berkunjung ke Belitung, berkumpul dengan teman2 travel agent di ASPPI Pelangi Travel Mart.
Ga cuma wisata luar negri aja yang perlu di explore, masih banyak wisata dalam negri yang bisa memanjakan mata. Gimana aja sih keseruan di pulau Laskar Pelangi ini?
Enjoy the video and don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like and comment. Have a nice day!
7 summit indonesia in 100 days || pendaki tertua anton aprianto
Dr. ir Anton aprianton MS adalah mantan menteri pertanian dalam kabinet indonesia bersatu. ia adalah staf pengajar di institut pertanian bogor sejak tahun 1982 hingga 2011. sekarang ia adalah salah satu pendaki tertua indonesia yang akan memecahkan rekor mendaki gunung tercepat dalam 100 hari 7 gunung ia akan labui.
How China is helping Indonesia relieve its crazy traffic jams
Indonesia's traffic congestion is a real headache for urbanites, but the Southeast Asian country has looked to China for solutions – and relief. The railway, currently under construction by the China Railway Engineering Group (CREC), stretches 142.3 kilometers. Once completed, trains running at 350km/h will ease pressure on Indonesia's roads and cut travel time significantly.
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