Gheddhâng Aghung - The Royal Banana
Gheddhâng Aghung tells of the ‘royal banana’ which grows near the royal cemetery in Arosbaya, north of Bangkalan. The banana plants lack any roots and appear sporadically without being cultivated. The appearance of the banana is believed to be the harbinger of important events, such as the overthrow of both Sukarno and Suharto.
as told by Pak Moh. Hasan Sasra
Rato Islam Onggu' - The Islamic King Nods
Rato Islam Onggu’ is a legend about the introduction of Islam to western Madura. After Prince Pratanu has a dream, the patih (chief minister), Empu Bageno is sent to Java to learn about this new religion. He returns a convert, and he and the prince spread Islam throughout the region. However, the king, Ki Pragolbo does not convert but only nods his assent.
as told by Pak Moh. Hasan Sasra
Decaying Flesh (INA) - Bloodshed Fatalities (Full Album) 2017
DECAYING FLESH - Bloodshed Fatalities
Country: Indonesia
Release date: 2017
Label: Swallow Vomit Productions
Genre: Brutal Death Metal
1. Bloodshed Fatalities 00:00
2. Sadistic Human Remains 03:19
3. Cakraningrat IV 07:45
4. Belenggu Tahta Leluhur 11:04
5. Troops of Bangkalan 14:30
6. Ruthlessly Brutal Tortured 16:44
7. Tangis Darah Air Mata 19:52
8. Throaty Suffering Infection 23:43
9. Revenge Inherited of Culture 26:52
Digital Copy:
Physical Copy:
1. Bloodshed Fatalities 00:01
2. Sadistic Human Remains 03:18
3. Cakraningrat IV 07:44
4. Belenggu Tahta Leluhur 11:03
5. Troops of bangkalan (Instrumental) 14:30
6. Ruthlessly Brutal Tortured 16:44
7. Tangis Darah Aer Mata 19:51
8. Throaty Suffering Infection 23:41
9. Revenge Inherited of Culture 26:51
Tolang Lengngen sè Èghâbây Tatengnger - The Arm Bone That Was a Sign
Tolang Lengngen sè Èghâbây Tatengnger is the story of the how Pangeran Cakraningrat IV is double-crossed by the King of Mataram and his Dutch allies and exiled to Madagascar. Years later his son, Pangeran Cakraningrat V, is given permission to retrieve the body and bring it to Bangkalan. The skeleton is identified by a unique feature of the king’s arm.
as told by Pak Moh. Hasan Sasra
Cerita Rakyat madura,Legenda KI MOKO amat lekat di hati Masyarakat.KI MOKO merupakan Sosok yg Taat beribadah,Sakti,Kegemarannya memancing Ikan yang hasil Tangkapan Ikannya Bukan Untuk Dirinya.Melainkan untuk dibagi bagika kepada Fakir Miskin dan Masyarakat Sekitar yg membutuhkan.
Tonton juga :
Video Keraton Sumenep dan Asta Tinggi :
Video Sejarah Menara kembar Masjid Agung Asy Syuhada Bentuk Peluru ::
Video Mengenal Sejarah Ronggosukowati Raja Pamekasan :
Dengan kesaktiannya KI MOKO menancapkan Pancingnya (Gagang Pancing) ke Tanah,...terciptalah Api yang menyala terus Menerus.Api Abadi,yg tersohor dengan nama API TAK KUNJUNG PADAM.
Kini Api Tak Kunjung Padam yg ada di DHANGKAH,Larangan Tokol,kecamatan Tlanakan,Kabupaten Pamekasan,madura,Indonesia menjadi Tujuan Wisata Alam yg banyak dikunjungi Wisatawan Lokal maupun Manca Negara.
Sejarah,legenda,asal usul Ki Moko dan Tak Kunjung Padam atau Api Abadi,semoga dapat memperkaya Pengetahuan Kita semuanya Tentang kekayaan Budaya,Alam indonesia.
Makam Ki Moko terletak di Dusun PALANGGARAN Desa BRANTA TINGGI Kabupaten Pamekasan.
Penggunakan kata kata / Kalimat / Ucapan / gambar dalam video sesuai dengan konteks video legenda,cerita Rakyat tentang KI MOKO dan Api Tak Kunjung Padam bernilai Budaya dan pendidikan.
Bagaimana Kisah Kesaktian KI MOKO,silahkan Tonton Video Legenda Ki Moko dan Api Tak Kunjung Padam, atau api abadi.
Kamera - SmartPhone Camera
Tripot - Solo Tripot
Digital Audio Recorder
Media Editor : Dekstop
Dubber / Voice : langit Biru Pamekasan
Narasumber Wawancara :
A. SULAIMAN SADIK - Pemerhati Budaya
MOHAMAD ALIH - Jupel / Juru Kunci Makam KI MOKO
Serta dari berbagai sumber literatur lainnya.
Musik :
DESERT CARAVAN - Youtube Audio Library
JOURNEYMAN - Youtube Audio Library
LOST IN THE FOREST - Youtube Audio Library
Madura folklore, Legend of KI MOKO is very close to the hearts of the people .KI MOKO is a devout figure, magic, his hobby is fishing for fish whose catches are not for himself.
With his magic KI MOKO drove his fishing rod (fishing rod) into the ground, ... created a fire that kept burning continuously. Eternal Fire, famous by the name of the API NOT VISIT THE PADAM.
Now the fire never goes out in DHANGKAH, Prohibition Tokol, Tlanakan sub-district, Pamekasan Regency, Madura, Indonesia is a natural tourist destination that is visited by many local and foreign tourists.
History, legends, the origin of Ki Moko and Never Going Out or Eternal Fire, hopefully can enrich our Knowledge all about the richness of Culture, Nature Indonesia.
How about KI MOKO's magic story, please watch the video of the legend of Ki Moko and the Fire that never goes out, or the eternal fire.
Ki Moko's Tomb is located in PALANGGARAN Hamlet, BRANTA TINGGI Village, Pamekasan Regency.
How about KI MOKO's magic story, please watch the video of the legend of Ki Moko and the Fire that never goes out, or the eternal fire.
Use of words / sentences / sayings / images in the video in accordance with the context of the video legend, Folklore about KI MOKO and the Fire that never goes out Cultural and educational value.
Camera - SmartPhone Camera
Tripot - Solo Tripot
Digital Audio Recorder
Media Editor: Desktop
Dubber / Voice: Blue sky Pamekasan
A. SULAIMAN SADIK - Cultural Observer
MOHAMAD ALIH - Jupel / Key Guard of the Tomb of KI MOKO
As well as from various other literature sources.
DESERT CARAVAN - Youtube Audio Library
JOURNEYMAN - Youtube Audio Library
LOST IN THE FOREST - Youtube Audio Library
#LangitBiruPamekasan #LegendaKiMoko #EducationAndHistory