Arles - the Roman Amphitheatre (Arènes d'Arles), Provence, France [HD] (videoturysta)
[EN] The Roman amphitheatre in Arles is a beautiful reminder of great scope and scale of the Roman Empire and its contribution throughout the Europe. The amphitheatre is very well preserved and still used today. Additionally, no big crowds cause that it's a good place to learn and feel the history.
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[FR] L'amphithéâtre romain d'Arles est un beau rappel de grande portée et l'ampleur de l'Empire romain et sa contribution à travers le Europe. L'amphithéâtre est très bien conservé et encore utilisé aujourd'hui. En outre, pas de grandes foules font que ce est un bon endroit pour apprendre et sentir l'histoire.
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Les Arènes d'Arles - Visites privées
Véritables monument dans le sud de la France, les Arènes d'Arles sont le fleuron des vestiges romains de la ville. Elles pouvaient recevoir jusqu'à 25 000 personnes et peuvent maintenant accueillir des reconstitutions.
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Travel Arles, France - Visit Arles Amphitheatre
Take a tour of the Roman built Arles Amphitheatre in Arles, France -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, I'm Naomi and I'm very excited to show you the world's greatest attractions.
In the midst of the small town of Arles, France is an unexpected taste of Rome.
The Amphitheatre has been a central part of the town for over 2,000 years.
In Roman times, it was the scene of gladiator battles, races and other sporting events.
In the medieval ages, the Amphitheatre became a fortress, and a small town grew within it.
In the early 1800's, this amazing and ancient structure was restored to its former state.
The Amphitheatre is a marvel of antiquity, well worth the trip.
Thank you for watching our travel video series. See you next time.
In the midst of the small town of Arles, France is an unexpected taste of Rome.
The amphitheater has been a central part of the town for over 2000 years.
In Roman times it was the scene of gladiator battles, races, and other sporting events.
In the Medieval Ages, the amphitheater became a fortress and a small town grew within it.
In the early 1800s, this amazing and ancient structure was restored to its former state.
The amphitheater is a marvel of antiquity well worth the trip.
Places to see in ( Arles - France ) les Arenes
Places to see in ( Arles - France ) les Arenes
The Arles Amphitheatre is a Roman amphitheatre in the southern French town of Arles. This two-tiered Roman amphitheatre is probably the most prominent tourist attraction in the city of Arles, which thrived in Roman times. The pronounced towers jutting out from the top are medieval add-ons.
Built in 90 AD, the amphitheatre was capable of seating over 20,000 spectators, and was built to provide entertainment in the form of chariot races and bloody hand-to-hand battles. Today, it draws large crowds for bullfighting during the Feria d'Arles as well as plays and concerts in summer.
The building measures 136 m (446 ft) in length and 109 m (358 ft) wide, and features 120 arches. It has an oval arena surrounded by terraces, arcades on two levels (60 in all), bleachers, a system of galleries, drainage system in many corridors of access and staircases for a quick exit from the crowd. It was obviously inspired by the Colosseum in Rome (in 72-80), being built slightly later (in 90). The amphitheatre was not expected to receive 25,000 spectators, the architect was therefore forced to reduce the size and replace the dual system of galleries outside the Colosseum by a single annular gallery. This difference is explained by the conformation of the land. This temple of the games housed gladiators and hunting scenes for more than four centuries.
With the fall of the Empire in the 5th century, the amphitheatre became a shelter for the population and was transformed into a fortress with four towers (the southern tower is not restored). The structure encircled more than 200 houses, becoming a real town, with its public square built in the centre of the arena and two chapels, one in the centre of the building, and another one at the base of the west tower.
This new residential role continued until the late 18th century, and in 1825 through the initiative of the writer Prosper Mérimée, the change to national historical monument began. In 1826, expropriation began of the houses built within the building, which ended by 1830 when the first event was organized in the arena – a race of the bulls to celebrate the taking of Algiers.
( Arles - France ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Arles . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Arles - France
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La Cocarde d'Or - Arènes d'Arles, France
La Cocarde d'Or est une épreuve de course camarguaise qui a lieu chaque année, le premier lundi de juillet, à Arles, en France. Il s'agit de la course «phare» de la saison taurine, la grande et belle fête de la bouvine et la plus prestigieuse des courses camarguaises.
The Cocarde d'Or is a test of Camargue race which takes place every year on the first Monday of July in Arles, in France. It is the main event of the bull season, and the most prestigious of the Camargue races.
Les Arenes, Roman Amphitheater, Arles, Fr
Created on April 24, 2009. Taken at the Les Arenes, Roman Amphitheater in Arles France.
Arles Arena, Arles, Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France, Europe
The Arles Amphitheatre is a Roman amphitheatre in the southern French town of Arles. This two-tiered Roman amphitheatre is probably the most prominent tourist attraction in the city of Arles, which thrived in Roman times. The pronounced towers jutting out from the top are medieval add-ons. Built in 90 AD, the amphitheatre was capable of seating over 20,000 spectators, and was built to provide entertainment in the form of chariot races and bloody hand-to-hand battles. Today, it draws large crowds for bullfighting during the Feria d'Arles as well as plays and concerts in summer. The building measures 136 m (446 ft) in length and 109 m (358 ft) wide, and features 120 arches. It has an oval arena surrounded by terraces, arcades on two levels (60 in all), bleachers, a system of galleries, drainage system in many corridors of access and staircases for a quick exit from the crowd. It was obviously inspired by the Colosseum in Rome (in 72-80), being built slightly later (in 90). The amphitheatre was not expected to receive 25,000 spectators, the architect was therefore forced to reduce the size and replace the dual system of galleries outside the Colosseum by a single annular gallery. This difference is explained by the conformation of the land. This temple of the games housed gladiators and hunting scenes for more than four centuries. Arles Amphitheatre is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, together with other Roman buildings of the city, as part of the Arles, Roman and Romanesque Monuments group.
Arles (Bouches-du-Rhône) - Les arènes - le Théâtre antique
Tourisme à Arles (Bouches-du-Rhône) - Visite des arènes et du théâtre antique -
Les Arènes construction romaine construites vers 80 ap. J.-C. / 90 ap. J.-C., -L'amphithéâtre d'Arles est le monument le plus important de l'ancienne colonie romaine qu'il nous est permis d'admirer, quelque 2 millénaires après son édification. Son architecture est entièrement conçue en rapport avec sa vocation de lieu à grands spectacles, accueillant un nombreux public. Les arènes s'inspirent du Colisée de Rome avec un système d'évacuation par de nombreux couloirs d'accès, une scène centrale de forme elliptique entourée de gradins, des arcades, ici sur deux niveaux, le tout pour une longueur totale de 136 m..Cet amphithéâtre romain est classé monument historique dès 1840 sur l'initiative de l'écrivain Prosper Mérimée et en 1981, inscrit au Patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO.
Le théâtre antique d'Arles a été construit à la fin du Ier S. av. J.-C., sous le règne de l'empereur Auguste, juste après la fondation de la colonie romaine. Commencé vers 40/30 av. J.-C., il fut achevé vers l'an 12 av. J.-C. devenant ainsi l'un des tout premiers théâtres en pierre du monde romain. Le théâtre antique d'Arles fait partie des monuments inscrits à la liste de 1840 dressée par Prosper Mérimée. Depuis 1981, il figure sur la liste du patrimoine mondial de l'humanité établie par l'UNESCO.
Lien site :
Arles Arena en Amphitheater
Arles Amphitheatre
Arènes d' Arles, France
Arles: Theatre Antique and Amphitheatre. Nimes: Place des Arenes.
Arles: Theatre Antique and Amphitheatre.
Nimes: Place des Arenes.
Photography and presentation by David Stoeckel.
Arles ancient theatre -Le théâtre antique d'Arles
Film animation 3D de restitution du théâtre antique d'Arles.
Réalisation : Art Graphique & Patrimoine (2007).
3D restitution and story of the ancient theatre of Arles
Arles Amphitheatre and Theatre Provence
The Roman Amphitheatre was constructed in 90 AD and the Theatre in the first century BC.
Les arènes d'Arles ! Bienvenue au coeur de l'époque romaine et de ses spectacles de gladiateur ! Les arènes, magnifiquement conservées, ont été construites vers 80/90 après JC !
Les #arènes d'Arles groupes folklorique de la #Pégoulade
( merci de noter la vidéo ) Les traditions font partie de la culture d’Arles au même titre que la photo et les spectacles vivants. Le comité des fêtes et les associations folkloriques s’efforcent de les maintenir toute l’année. Les fêtes offrent au public un programme varié d’animations où se côtoient Arlésiennes, gardians et groupes folkloriques traditionnels au cœur des arènes d'Arles
Course Camarguaise dans les arènes de l'Amphithéâtre d'Arles - MYPROVENCE
Découvrez les festivités d’Arles au travers l’amphithéâtre de la ville, lieu mythique ou s’entremêlent courses camarguaises hautes en couleurs et corrida. Laissez-vous emporter par l’ambiance de fête des arènes.
Arles arena
Vista del arena arles
Gimeaux : tienta dans les arènes de la ville avant la Feria d'Arles
Des animations avant la Feria de Pâques à Arles, lundi 17 avril les arènes de Gimeaux ont accueilli une Tienta, épreuve destinée à tester le caractère et le potentiel des vaches qui sont consacré à la reproduction de taureaux de combat. Des jeunes novilleros de plusieurs écoles taurine de la région sont venus les faire travailler.
Intervenants : Lucas Minana, jeune toréro de l'école taurine de Beziers, Marc Jalabert, éleveur de taureaux et Yves Lebas, président de l'école taurine d'Arles.
Un reportage de : Philippe Fabrègues, Malik Karouche et Claude Parès.
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Arles Amphitheatre / Roman Colosseum in France
A Roman amphitheatre Colosseum in the southern French town of Arles. Arles was also noted as home for Van Gogh. And now you know... **Please make sure to hit the subscribe button for more videos - it's free goodness**