ISSW 2013 - BROADWAY I LOVE, Celje 2013
Koncertna turneja Broadway I Love 2013, ki je spremljala Mednarodno poletno pevsko delavnico ISSW 2013 namenjeno Muzikalu, se je sinoči, v nedeljo 14.7.2013 ob 21. uri zaključila v polni dvorani Celjskega doma v Celju.
Ljudje, ki so dodobra napolnili dvorano so lahko uživali v dobro uro dolgi predstavi, ki je, sodeč po aplavzu in vzklikih navdušenja, resnično navdušila.
Turneja je potekala med 12.7.2013 in 14.7.2013, poleg Celja, pa je bilo mlade umetnike in njihove mentorje moč videti tudi na Ipavčevem vrtu v Šentjurju in v Vasi Lipa Term Olimia.
Naj spomnimo, da je Mednarodna poletna pevska delavnica ISSW 2013 potekala od sobote, 6. julija, do nedelje, 14. julija 2013. Delavnica, ki je namenjena muzikalu, je potekala v prostorih Vocal BK Studia na Vodnikovi 13 v Celju in v dvorani Mladinskega centra Celje.
S pomočjo predavateljev iz Slovenije in tujine so udeleženci delavnice spoznavali vse plati glasbenega gledališča, petje in ansambelsko petje (zbor), ples, igro in seveda tudi občutek kako je stati pred publiko in predstaviti svoje znanje na koncertu.
Plesni del delavnice je potekal pod vodstvom Anke Rener, za zbor je letos skrbela Marjeta Sojar, za dramski del mlada študentka dramaturgije Lea Kukovičič, za skupni glasbeni del Simon Dvoršak, za pevski del pa Željka Predojević in Boštjan Korošec, ki je že sedmo leto zapored v sodelovanju med Vocal BK Studiem in Hišo kulture Celje organiziral in vodil celotno delavnico.
119. Словения, Рогашка-Слатина
Отдых в Словении
Second hand shopping - hud PLAŠČ za 7€?! ???? Nika Ilić o svoji izkušnji | Najdi Svoj STIL Epizoda 6.
Z Niko Ilić sva debatirali o njenih najljubših kosih oblačil, ki jih je našla v second hand trgovinah, nato pa sva se odpravili v šoping v trgovino z rabljenimi oblačili! Poglej si kaj vse sva našli.
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Textile House Second Hand
Trubarjeva cesta 27
Moje Tvoje
Mestni Trg 8
Center Ponovne uporabe
Povšetova ulica 4
Imajo vse živo, ne samo oblačila. Posodo, pohištvo...
Šmartinska cesta 152 BTC, Dvorana 3
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Poljanska cesta 14
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Partizanska 12
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Zbirni center za odpadke Miklavž na Dravskem polju
Partizanska 19
Hahaha second hand (ja, res se tako imenuje xD)
Ulica Kneza Koclja 4
Textile House Second Hand
Stanetova 17
Center Ponovne uporabe
Celjska cesta 14
Center Ponovne uporabe
Cesta maršala Tita 49
Center Ponovne uporabe
Ljubljanska 5
Textile House Second Hand
Bleiweisova 10
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➡️Rogaška Slatina
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Tuncovec (Zbirni center OKP)
➡️Slovenske Konjice
Center Ponovne uporabe
Prežigal 9
Center Ponovne uporabe
Hudeje 40
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Posebna HVALA kavarni Nebotičnik, da sva lahko pri njih snemali. :D ❤️
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POVEM NA GLAS: V tem videu in opisu se lahko pojavijo t.i. affiliate links, to pomeni, da če kupiš nekaj preko tega linka, bom jaz v zameno dobila majhno provizijo. S tem podpiraš ta kanal in mi omogočaš, da še naprej ustvarjam videe kot je ta. Hvala ti za tvojo podporo!
#NajdiSvojStil #S01E06
Orkester harmonik GŠ Rogaška Slatina - 26. 12. 2011
Božični koncert GŠ Rogaška Slatina v Kristalni dvorani 26. 12. 2011.
Villa Flora is an ancient (year 1820) family home situated in the heart of Branik village. Right under magnificent Rihemberk castle, one of the most beautiful castles in Slovenia. Offers 6 rooms, sleeps 12. Rooms are decorated with art and antiques. Garden with lush vegetation. Gourmet breakfast.
Feel the difference between renting a non-descript hotel room, and staying in a stylish historic house of 320 m2 plus garden. With other interesting travellers looking for a more authentic lodging experience.
Mere minutes walk from vineyards, peach orchards, wineries and celebrated scenery.
Villa Flora is located only 10 min from Italian border!
CENTRAL: to most slovenian famous tourist destinations as Caves, Julian Alps, Slovenian Coast, Wine Country.....
..... and you can as well go to Venice on a day trip.
Slovenia | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written
language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through
audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio
while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using
a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
You can find other Wikipedia audio articles too at:
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This video uses Google TTS en-US-Standard-D voice.
Slovenia ( ( listen) sloh-VEE-nee-ə; Slovene: Slovenija [slɔˈʋèːnija]), officially the Republic of Slovenia (Slovene: Republika Slovenija , abbr.: RS), is a country located in southern Central Europe at the crossroads of the main European cultural and trade routes. It is bordered by Italy to the west, Austria to the north, Hungary to the northeast, Croatia to the southeast, and the Adriatic Sea to the southwest. It covers 20,273 square kilometers (7,827 sq mi) and has a population of 2.07 million. One of the successor states of the former Yugoslavia, Slovenia is a parliamentary republic and a member of the United Nations, European Union, and NATO. The capital and largest city is Ljubljana.Slovenia is mostly mountainous with a mainly continental climate, with the exception of the Slovene Littoral, which has a sub-Mediterranean climate, and the northwest, which has an Alpine climate. Additionally, the Dinaric Alps and the Pannonian Plain meet on the territory of Slovenia. The country, marked by a significant biological diversity, is one of the most water-rich in Europe, with a dense river network, a rich aquifer system, and significant karst underground watercourses. Over half of the territory is covered by forest. The human settlement of Slovenia is dispersed and uneven.Slovenia has historically been the crossroads of Slavic, Germanic, and Romance languages and cultures. Although the population is not homogeneous, the majority is Slovene. The South Slavic language Slovene is the official language throughout the country. Slovenia is a largely secularized country, but its culture and identity have been significantly influenced by Catholicism as well as Lutheranism. The economy of Slovenia is small, open and export-oriented and has been strongly influenced by international conditions. It has been severely hurt by the Eurozone crisis, started in the late 2000s. The main economic field is services, followed by industry and construction.Historically, the current territory of Slovenia was part of many different states, including the Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Carolingian Empire and the Holy Roman Empire, the Habsburg Monarchy, Republic of Venice, French-administered Illyrian Provinces of Napoleon I., Austrian Empire and Austria-Hungary. In October 1918, the Slovenes exercised self-determination for the first time by co-founding the State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs. In December 1918, they merged with the Kingdom of Serbia into the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (renamed Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1929).
During World War II, Slovenia was occupied and annexed by Germany, Italy, and Hungary, with a tiny area transferred to the Independent State of Croatia, a Nazi puppet state. Afterward, it was a founding member of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia, later renamed the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, a communist state which was initially allied with the Eastern Bloc, but later founded the Non-Aligned Movement. In June 1991, after the introduction of multi-party representative democracy, Slovenia split from Yugoslavia and became an independent country. In 2004, it entered NATO and the European Union; in 2007 became the first formerly communist country to join the Eurozone; and in 2010 joined the OECD, a global association of high-income developed countries.
Slovenia | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written
language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through
audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio
while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using
a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
You can find other Wikipedia audio articles too at:
In case you don't find one that you were looking for, put a comment.
This video uses Google TTS en-US-Standard-D voice.
Slovenia ( ( listen) sloh-VEE-nee-ə; Slovene: Slovenija [slɔˈʋèːnija]), officially the Republic of Slovenia (Slovene: Republika Slovenija , abbr.: RS), is a country located in southern Central Europe at the crossroads of the main European cultural and trade routes. It is bordered by Italy to the west, Austria to the north, Hungary to the northeast, Croatia to the southeast, and the Adriatic Sea to the southwest. It covers 20,273 square kilometers (7,827 sq mi) and has a population of 2.07 million. One of the successor states of the former Yugoslavia, Slovenia is a parliamentary republic and a member of the United Nations, European Union, and NATO. The capital and largest city is Ljubljana.Slovenia is mostly mountainous with a mainly continental climate, with the exception of the Slovene Littoral, which has a sub-Mediterranean climate, and the northwest, which has an Alpine climate. Additionally, the Dinaric Alps and the Pannonian Plain meet on the territory of Slovenia. The country, marked by a significant biological diversity, is one of the most water-rich in Europe, with a dense river network, a rich aquifer system, and significant karst underground watercourses. Over half of the territory is covered by forest. The human settlement of Slovenia is dispersed and uneven.Slovenia has historically been the crossroads of Slavic, Germanic, and Romance languages and cultures. Although the population is not homogeneous, the majority is Slovene. The South Slavic language Slovene is the official language throughout the country. Slovenia is a largely secularized country, but its culture and identity have been significantly influenced by Catholicism as well as Lutheranism. The economy of Slovenia is small, open and export-oriented and has been strongly influenced by international conditions. It has been severely hurt by the Eurozone crisis, started in the late 2000s. The main economic field is services, followed by industry and construction.Historically, the current territory of Slovenia was part of many different states, including the Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Carolingian Empire and the Holy Roman Empire, the Habsburg Monarchy, Republic of Venice, French-administered Illyrian Provinces of Napoleon I., Austrian Empire and Austria-Hungary. In October 1918, the Slovenes exercised self-determination for the first time by co-founding the State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs. In December 1918, they merged with the Kingdom of Serbia into the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (renamed Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1929).
During World War II, Slovenia was occupied and annexed by Germany, Italy, and Hungary, with a tiny area transferred to the Independent State of Croatia, a Nazi puppet state. Afterward, it was a founding member of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia, later renamed the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, a communist state which was initially allied with the Eastern Bloc, but later founded the Non-Aligned Movement. In June 1991, after the introduction of multi-party representative democracy, Slovenia split from Yugoslavia and became an independent country. In 2004, it entered NATO and the European Union; in 2007 became the first formerly communist country to join the Eurozone; and in 2010 joined the OECD, a global association of high-income developed countries.
2009 Inovacija inground hydraulic scenic elevator @ Jager Supermarket, Podčetrtek, Slovenia
Here we have Inovacija elevator.
Slovenian Elevators on Google+:
• Jager Supermarket ( Zdraviliška cesta 27b ), Podčetrtek, Slovenia
----------Elevator Information:---------
• Brand: Inovacija
• Year of built: 2009
• Serial Number: 22251
• Capacity: 630 kg or 8 Persons
• Floors Served: 2 ( 0,1 )
Time of Recording: 3. July 2017
Camera: Nikon 1 S1
Video Editor: Movie Maker 2012
© Matic Krevh, July 2017