A Visit to Corinth
2015.02.08 - David Whiting - A Visit to Corinth
The book of 1 Corinthians is best understood if you know about the history, geography, culture and archaeology of the 1st century city of Corinth. This introductory sermon to the book explores what made the city so significant and we will explore some archaeological discoveries in and about this city.
Corinth Canal & Archaeological Museum
Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth, Greece 05.2018 / Музей древнего Коринфа
Family trip to Greece, May 2018 pt.8
Семейное путешествие по Греции, май 2018 ч.8
Greece: Ancient Corinth
Ancient Corinth lay at the foothills of Acrocorinth hill on the narrow stretch of land that joins the Peloponnese to the mainland of Greece, roughly halfway between Athens and Sparta.
In 550 B.C. Corinth allied themselves with Sparta and also built: The Temple of Apollo.
The Museum of Ancient Corinth contains art from The Geometric period up to The Hellenistic period.
Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Αρχαίας Κορίνθου / Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth, Greece
Στις συλλογές του Αρχαιολογικού Μουσείου περιλαμβάνονται:
Ευρήματα προϊστορικών χρόνων από την ευρύτερη περιοχή της Αρχαίας Κορίνθου, τον λόφο Κοράκου, καθώς και τις Ζυγουριές (Προϊστορική Αίθουσα)
Ευρήματα γεωμετρικών- αρχαϊκών - κλασικών - ελληνιστικών χρόνων από την περιοχή της Αρχαίας Κορίνθου (Κλασική Αίθουσα - υπό επανέκθεση έως τις αρχές του 2016)
Ευρήματα ρωμαϊκών - βυζαντινών χρόνων από την ρωμαϊκή και την μετέπειτα βυζαντινή πόλη, καθώς και από την εποχή Φραγκοκρατίας. Επιπλέον υπάρχει εμβόλιμη με τις κλαπείσες αρχαιότητες που επεστράφησαν στο Μουσείο το 2001 (Ρωμαϊκή Αίθουσα)
Ευρήματα από το Ιερό του Ασκληπιού και το παρακείμενο πρωτοχριστιανικό νεκροταφείο της πόλης (Αίθουσα Ασκληπιείου)
Συλλογή ρωμαϊκών γλυπτών, ελληνικών και λατινικών επιγραφών στο Αίθριο του Μουσείου, καθώς και τεκμήρια της παρουσίας της κοινότητας των Ιουδαίων στην ρωμαϊκή πόλη.
Από τις αρχές του 2016 θα προστεθεί στους επισκέψιμους χώρους
και η Ανατολική Αίθουσα όπου θα εκτεθούν ευρήματα από τις κορινθιακές κώμες και τα ιερά, καθώς και οι δίδυμοι Κούροι του νεκροταφείου της αρχαίας Τενέας.
The History of Ancient Corinth
Corinth was one of the great city-states of ancient Greece. It has been remembered chiefly as a place of great luxury, but also played an important roll in many wars. In this video, we take a look at the city's history from its mythical founding until its complete destruction by the Romans in 146 B.C.
Lucid Dreaming with Ancient Lyre Music by Michael Levy
Ancient Lyre Music for Meditation by Michael Levy
Asteriai (Nymphs of the Stars) by Michael Levy
Ancient Lyre Music for Meditation by Michael Levy
Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Αρχαίας Κορίνθου - Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth
Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Αρχαίας Κορίνθου
Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth
Στις συλλογές του Αρχαιολογικού Μουσείου περιλαμβάνονται:
Ευρήματα προϊστορικών χρόνων από την ευρύτερη περιοχή της Αρχαίας Κορίνθου, τον λόφο Κοράκου, καθώς και τις Ζυγουριές (Προϊστορική Αίθουσα)
Ευρήματα γεωμετρικών- αρχαϊκών - κλασικών - ελληνιστικών χρόνων από την περιοχή της Αρχαίας Κορίνθου (Κλασική Αίθουσα - υπό επανέκθεση έως τις αρχές του 2016)
Ευρήματα ρωμαϊκών - βυζαντινών χρόνων από την ρωμαϊκή και την μετέπειτα βυζαντινή πόλη, καθώς και από την εποχή Φραγκοκρατίας. Επιπλέον υπάρχει εμβόλιμη με τις κλαπείσες αρχαιότητες που επεστράφησαν στο Μουσείο το 2001 (Ρωμαϊκή Αίθουσα)
Ευρήματα από το Ιερό του Ασκληπιού και το παρακείμενο πρωτοχριστιανικό νεκροταφείο της πόλης (Αίθουσα Ασκληπιείου)
Συλλογή ρωμαϊκών γλυπτών, ελληνικών και λατινικών επιγραφών στο Αίθριο του Μουσείου, καθώς και τεκμήρια της παρουσίας της κοινότητας των Ιουδαίων στην ρωμαϊκή πόλη.
Από τις αρχές του 2016 θα προστεθεί στους επισκέψιμους χώρους
και η Ανατολική Αίθουσα όπου θα εκτεθούν ευρήματα από τις κορινθιακές κώμες και τα ιερά, καθώς και οι δίδυμοι Κούροι του νεκροταφείου της αρχαίας Τενέας.
그리스 고린도박물관 Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth
코린트(Corinth)라고도 한다. 그리스 남북육상교통의 요지인 동시에 이오니아해(海)와 에게해를 잇는 해상교통의 요지였다. 호메로스의 시(詩)에는 중요한 도시로 되어 있지 않으나, 시(市)의 유적에서 미케네 시대 전기의 도기(陶器)가 발견된 것으로 보아 먼 옛날부터 번영해 온 도시임을 알 수 있다. 시는 지리적으로 유리한 위치에 있었기 때문에 상업 ·무역으로 크게 번영을 누려 왔으며, 그리스의 여러 폴리스가 쇠퇴한 헬레니즘시대에도 상업도시로서 번성하여 '헬라스의 별'이라고 일컬어졌다.
일찍부터 그리스 제일의 도기제조 중심지가 되어 코린트식 도기를 생산하였으나, 나중에는 그 지위를 아테네에 빼앗겼다. 교통의 요지였기 때문에 고대에는 여러 차례 국제회의의 개최지가 되었다. BC 146년 로마가 이를 철저히 파괴해버렸는데, BC 44년에 재건되어 다시 번영하였으며, 신약성서에도 그 이름이 나온다(고린도書). 그러나 521년에 지진으로 큰 타격을 입어 중세 이후 쇠퇴하다가 1858년 지진으로 다시 파괴되었다.
[네이버 지식백과] 코린토스 [Corinth] (두산백과)
[여행] 2005 그리스 코린트: 고고학 박물관 2 (Corinth, Greece: Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth)
Η Αρχαία Κορινθία από ψηλά
Εναέρια λήψη όλων των σημαντικών τοποθεσιών της Αρχαίας Κορίνθου, όπως Ακροκόρινθος, Ιερό Ασκληπιού, Ναός Απόλλωνα, Ιερό Ήρας Περαχώρας, Ισθμία, Ιερό Ποσειδώνα, Ιερό Δήμητρας και Κόρης, Διολκός, Λεχαίον, Τενέα, Σολυγεία, Κεχρεές, Εξαμίλια.
Aerial video of all significant locations of Ancient Corinth, such as Acrocorinth, Sanctuary of Asklepios, Temple of Apollo, Sanctuary of Hera, Isthmia, Sanctuary of Poseidon, Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore, Diolkos, Lechaion, Tenea, Solygeia, Kenchreai, Examilia.
Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth 2016
The Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth is a museum in Ancient Corinth, Greece.
The museum houses a large collection of artifacts of the local archaeological site and smaller sites in the neighboring area, such as Korakou, Gonia, and Acrocorinth. The artifacts, which were systematically recovered beginning in 1896 by the Corinth Excavations, illustrate much about Ancient Corinth through Greek, Roman and Byzantine rule. Exhibits include statues, mosaics, pottery and sarcophagi. The museum consists of four rooms. In room one are finds from the prehistoric installations in the area and includes pottery, figurines, and tools. Room two contains objects from the Geometric, Archaic, and Classical periods. Room three houses statues of Roman rulers, floor mosaics, wall paintings and Roman and Byzantine pottery. The Asklepieion room contains mainly votives from the Asklepieion at Ancient Corinth. With the generous donations of Mrs. William H. Moore, the American School of Classical Studies at Athens built the museum in 1931 and its expansion in 1950.
[여행] 2005 그리스 코린트: 고고학 박물관 4 (Corinth, Greece: Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth)
Relocation of Tomb 313 - Ancient Corinth
Corinth Promo
November 2006
[여행] 2005 그리스 코린트: 고고학 박물관 3 (Corinth, Greece: Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth)
Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth 2016
he Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth is a museum in Ancient Corinth, Greece.The museum houses a large collection of artifacts of the local archaeological site and smaller sites in the neighboring area, such as Korakou, Gonia, and Acrocorinth.
GREECE: EXPLORING the fascinating MUSEUM of ANCIENT MYCENAE (Μυκήνες) ????️
SUBSCRIBE: - A tour of the museum in Mycenae (Μυκήνες), Greece. Vic Stefanu, vstefanu@yahoo.com. Mycenae (Greek: Μυκῆναι Mykēnai or Μυκήνη Mykēnē) is an archaeological site in Greece, located about 90 kilometres (56 miles) southwest of Athens, in the north-eastern Peloponnese. Argos is 11 kilometres (7 miles) to the south; Corinth, 48 kilometres (30 miles) to the north. From the hill on which the palace was located, one can see across the Argolid to the Saronic Gulf.
Greece is a country in southeastern Europe with thousands of islands throughout the Aegean and Ionian seas. Influential in ancient times, it's often called the cradle of Western civilization. Athens, its capital, retains landmarks including the 5th-century B.C. Acropolis citadel with the Parthenon temple. Greece is also known for its beaches, from the black sands of Santorini to the party resorts of Mykonos.
Greece is a country in southeastern Europe with thousands of islands throughout the Aegean and Ionian seas. Influential in ancient times, it's often called the cradle of Western civilization. Athens, its capital, retains landmarks including the 5th-century B.C. Acropolis citadel with the Parthenon temple. Greece is also known for its beaches, from the black sands of Santorini to the party resorts of Mykonos.
Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth 2016
The Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth is a museum in Ancient Corinth, Greece.
The museum houses a large collection of artifacts of the local archaeological site and smaller sites in the neighboring area, such as Korakou, Gonia, and Acrocorinth. The artifacts, which were systematically recovered beginning in 1896 by the Corinth Excavations, illustrate much about Ancient Corinth through Greek, Roman and Byzantine rule. Exhibits include statues, mosaics, pottery and sarcophagi. The museum consists of four rooms. In room one are finds from the prehistoric installations in the area and includes pottery, figurines, and tools. Room two contains objects from the Geometric, Archaic, and Classical periods. Room three houses statues of Roman rulers, floor mosaics, wall paintings and Roman and Byzantine pottery. The Asklepieion room contains mainly votives from the Asklepieion at Ancient Corinth. With the generous donations of Mrs. William H. Moore, the American School of Classical Studies at Athens built the museum in 1931 and its expansion in 1950.
Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth 2016
The Archaeological Museum of Ancient Corinth is a museum in Ancient Corinth, Greece.
The museum houses a large collection of artifacts of the local archaeological site and smaller sites in the neighboring area, such as Korakou, Gonia, and Acrocorinth. The artifacts, which were systematically recovered beginning in 1896 by the Corinth Excavations, illustrate much about Ancient Corinth through Greek, Roman and Byzantine rule. Exhibits include statues, mosaics, pottery and sarcophagi. The museum consists of four rooms. In room one are finds from the prehistoric installations in the area and includes pottery, figurines, and tools. Room two contains objects from the Geometric, Archaic, and Classical periods. Room three houses statues of Roman rulers, floor mosaics, wall paintings and Roman and Byzantine pottery. The Asklepieion room contains mainly votives from the Asklepieion at Ancient Corinth. With the generous donations of Mrs. William H. Moore, the American School of Classical Studies at Athens built the museum in 1931 and its expansion in 1950.
Ancient Corinth - Peloponnese, Greece
If you're interested in visiting Greece, join David's Been Here as it tours through all the must-see natural and manmade sites of the country. Here David is visiting the remains of the city of Corinth, one of the greatest powers in all of ancient Greece. Due to its pottery exports and strategic trade route location, Corinth became one of the wealthiest and most prosperous city-states during its time. Drive an hour west from Athens to reach Corinth, with its stunning 540 BC Temple of Apollo, sprawling ruins and on-site Archaeological Museum, displaying all the artifacts excavated in Corinth over the years.
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My name is David Hoffmann and for the last decade I have been traveling around the world in search of unique culture, food and history! Since starting Davidsbeenhere in 2008, I have traveled to 71 countries and over 1,000 destinations, which I welcome you to check out on my YouTube Channel, blog and social medias.
I focus a great deal on food and historic sites, as you probably have seen! I love to experience the different flavors that each destination has to offer, whether it’s casual Street food or gourmet restaurant dining. I’m also passionate about learning the local history and culture.
Ancient Corinth - Peloponnese, Greece